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FBI expresses 'grave concerns' over Republican memo's accuracy


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18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

One year is nothing for an investigation of this complexity, and Page is just one part of it.

Parts of the dossier have been confirmed by other intelligence sources.  These parts were used to justify the warrant, along with other information.

Mueller's investigation is based on more than just Page.

The question was 


18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

If after a year of Mueller's investigation Page hasn't been indicted for something, it would seem that there was nothing to the accusation.

The only indictments have been for nothing to do with Russia, and if they haven't found anything on Page after a year, what the h_ll have they been doing? Far as Strzok and his GF go, we know they spent all their time texting each other, so no wonder sod all being produced for the money it's costing.

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7 hours ago, jackh said:

Naturally the FBI and DOJ don't want it released. They will be exposed for the crimes they did and other ones they turned a blind eye to. Soon many people within these agencies will be resigning and try to get amnesty for their testimony which will put Comey, Rosenstein, Clinton, Rice, Huma and many others up on charges. 


Grab some popcorn and get ready to watch the biggest shakeup in the US govt in history. Over the next 2 years the Trump admin will lay waste the the Democratic deep state NWO agenda. The swamp is getting smaller by the day. MAGA


Now I know for sure the past landing on the moon by the U.S. was real and not a fake, as some have alleged.


Because based on what you wrote above, you've clearly landed on the moon and long ago left the planet earth Earth.


You want to talk about draining the swamp... meaning the Trump and cronies swamp. Try this for starters:




Or this...




He's not draining the swamp. He's FILLING the swamp.





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56 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The question was 


The only indictments have been for nothing to do with Russia, and if they haven't found anything on Page after a year, what the h_ll have they been doing? Far as Strzok and his GF go, we know they spent all their time texting each other, so no wonder sod all being produced for the money it's costing.

The indictments have had nothing  to do with Russia?  Better check again.


The Whitewater investigation had found nothing on the Clinton's after a year, so the Republicans told Kenneth Starr to press on, take and much time as he needed, and find any dirt he could on Clinton.  Imagine what such an approach would find on Trump.


Regarding people spending too much time texting; you do know the President is Donald Trump, don't you?

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8 hours ago, jackh said:

Naturally the FBI and DOJ don't want it released. They will be exposed for the crimes they did and other ones they turned a blind eye to. Soon many people within these agencies will be resigning and try to get amnesty for their testimony which will put Comey, Rosenstein, Clinton, Rice, Huma and many others up on charges. 


Grab some popcorn and get ready to watch the biggest shakeup in the US govt in history. Over the next 2 years the Trump admin will lay waste the the Democratic deep state NWO agenda. The swamp is getting smaller by the day. MAGA

Climb back into your bunker Mr. Conspiracy Theorist. The DOJ is run by a Trump appointee and the current FBI director has his job because Trump fired the last one. The FBI is Republican heavy as Comey is a Republican as is Mueller as were the FBI agents in NYC who were leaking anti Hillary Clinton information prior to the election. As for the deep state, if there is a deep state it must be run by Republicans.

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57 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The indictments have had nothing  to do with Russia?  Better check again.


The Whitewater investigation had found nothing on the Clinton's after a year, so the Republicans told Kenneth Starr to press on, take and much time as he needed, and find any dirt he could on Clinton.  Imagine what such an approach would find on Trump.


Regarding people spending too much time texting; you do know the President is Donald Trump, don't you?

OK, related to Russians, but nothing to do with Russian collusion in the election, which is what the investigation is supposed to be about.


I was against Starr's investigation at the time and 2 wrongs do not make a right etc.

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3 hours ago, Srikcir said:

If the Nunes memo is released in full, FBI Director Christopher Wray should resign to protect the integrity of the FBI going forward. He has already threatened to resign if Deputy FBI Director McCabe was removed.

I wonder what actions Mr. Comey would of taken.Can you provide the source that quotes  CW that  he would resign in reference to McCabe.I can't find that on google

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29 minutes ago, kamahele said:

Climb back into your bunker Mr. Conspiracy Theorist. The DOJ is run by a Trump appointee and the current FBI director has his job because Trump fired the last one. The FBI is Republican heavy as Comey is a Republican as is Mueller as were the FBI agents in NYC who were leaking anti Hillary Clinton information prior to the election. As for the deep state, if there is a deep state it must be run by Republicans.

Given we were told that Trump isn't a real Republican, it's rather ironic that he is one when it's convenient to use that against him.

Anyway, most of the GOP hate him as much as the Dems do. Both are swamp parties. Watching McConnell's face during the State of the Union speech was priceless.

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Just now, riclag said:

I wonder what actions Mr. Comey would of taken.Can you provide the source that quotes  CW that  he would resign in reference to McCabe.I can't find that on google

I have heard that too, but I doubt it was more than an unnamed "source" like most anti Trump stuff nowadays. It was denied by the W H.


I don't know that google finds everything, as I often get no hits on things I try to research.

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3 hours ago, jcsmith said:

If they are deserving of that then they should be. However nothing that has been said seems to indicate anything at all other than surveillance on Carter Page (who was already a known intelligence asset by Russia in a previous case) and the FISA warrant for that including reference to the democrat funded Dossier. Of course republicans also funded it originally and the FISA warrant has to be approved. 

 Who is it that is so profound to be a libertarian for justice "The power to arrest - to deprive a citizen of liberty - must be used fairly, responsibly, and without bias". Loretta Lynch-Obama AG

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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I have heard that too, but I doubt it was more than an unnamed "source" like most anti Trump stuff nowadays. It was denied by the W H.


I don't know that google finds everything, as I often get no hits on things I try to research.

Yup .I even went as far as trying Snopes .

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

I wonder what actions Mr. Comey would of taken.Can you provide the source that quotes  CW that  he would resign in reference to McCabe.I can't find that on google

Try again

It's tricky - search under "Wray threatens to resign"


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11 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


Unfortunately for the FBI, the issues are protection of Trump and partisan politics rather than accuracy and/or national security, and they overrule everything.


It is truly a sad thing to see a great nation built on the concepts of 'rule of law' and 'all men were created equal' fall so badly. 


I feel a deep sadness for my American friends and can only pray their troubles and travails end soon.



There are so many Congressional hearings some open some closed. The closed are for obvious reasons. The open are for public display .What information have the American people derived from the open door meetings ,very little ,mostly deflection and praise for the interviewee service and thanks for participating  .America has been patient long enough . We want to know who, what and where without naming intel sources and locations.


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55 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Try again

It's tricky - search under "Wray threatens to resign"


 Yes it is ,I even tried factchecking ,I still can't find a unequivocal quote from Wray. Oh well,I suppose it will have to do for now.On your first post ,I agree he(Wray) should resign under protest,If he feels so strong about the FBI integrity .Take one for the team

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9 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

A country devided will fall, the USA have become so devided that no one can heal the devide. For the first time I see among Americans a hate for each other that surpass that what I saw in apartheid South Africa. Unless Americans learn to tollerate different opinions and allow one another to express their views without being called names you have no future. 

The USA has a President who disagrees with you about the name-calling.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given we were told that Trump isn't a real Republican, it's rather ironic that he is one when it's convenient to use that against him.

Anyway, most of the GOP hate him as much as the Dems do. Both are swamp parties. Watching McConnell's face during the State of the Union speech was priceless.

Is anyone still clinging to the hope that a New York real estate developer with a long history of bankruptcies and legal problems will drain the swamp?  Neither party knew what a real swamp critter was until Trump entered the White House.

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35 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Is anyone still clinging to the hope that a New York real estate developer with a long history of bankruptcies and legal problems will drain the swamp?  Neither party knew what a real swamp critter was until Trump entered the White House.

If the establishment(The swamp)  wants to impeach a President they better have a 99.9 % clear cut case of obstruction of justice in their articles of impeachment. It all comes down to truth and liberty, the DOJ and FBI haven't been givin much of that  .There was a whole lot of illegal spyin goin on to undermine the  candidate and sitting President. The truth is once the FISA Abuse Memo comes out,it will give substance to the Insurance  Policy(Steele document) tied into the FBI agents texting,and thats when everything will unravel. A special investigator will be appointed , a grand jury convened  then indictments of senior DOJ and FBI officials past and present by a grand jury.All of this(which is just the beginning of exposing the ...) will destroy the integrity of  the Mueller investigation.No integrity no investigation.  New people will be appointed with a clear scope of what to investigate,  such as Russian collusion ! 


"The power to arrest - to deprive a citizen of liberty - must be used fairly, responsibly, and without bias". Loretta Lynch-Obama AG

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48 minutes ago, riclag said:

If the establishment(The swamp)  wants to impeach a President they better have a 99.9 % clear cut case of obstruction of justice in their articles of impeachment. It all comes down to truth and liberty, the DOJ and FBI haven't been givin much of that  .There was a whole lot of illegal spyin goin on to undermine the  candidate and sitting President. The truth is once the FISA Abuse Memo comes out,it will give substance to the Insurance  Policy(Steele document) tied into the FBI agents texting,and thats when everything will unravel. A special investigator will be appointed , a grand jury convened  then indictments of senior DOJ and FBI officials past and present by a grand jury.All of this(which is just the beginning of exposing the ...) will destroy the integrity of  the Mueller investigation.No integrity no investigation.  New people will be appointed with a clear scope of what to investigate,  such as Russian collusion ! 


"The power to arrest - to deprive a citizen of liberty - must be used fairly, responsibly, and without bias". Loretta Lynch-Obama AG

Two points:


Grounds for impeachment are whatever the House decides they are.  If two-thirds of the Senate agrees, the President will be impeached.


You have speculated a wild conspiracy theory based on a memo that has yet to come out.  I seriously doubt that reality will match your conspiracy theory.


In spite of  the fact that Comey's investigations--the very secret one of the Trump campaign's possible Russia ties and the very public one of HRC's email server--threw the election to Trump, I still have greater faith in the FBI and the DOJ than in a real estate developer with a  history of bankruptcies, law suits settled out of court, and hiring of people who can't seem to stay out of trouble with the law.


Face it, Trump with his administration full of Wall Street bankers, K-street lobbyists, and blatantly unqualified cabinet officers (Rick Perry literally didn't know what the Department of Energy did when he accepted the job as its head) is creating the biggest, deepest, darkest swamp ever.

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3 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Two points:


Grounds for impeachment are whatever the House decides they are.  If two-thirds of the Senate agrees, the President will be impeached.


You have speculated a wild conspiracy theory based on a memo that has yet to come out.  I seriously doubt that reality will match your conspiracy theory.


In spite of  the fact that Comey's investigations--the very secret one of the Trump campaign's possible Russia ties and the very public one of HRC's email server--threw the election to Trump, I still have greater faith in the FBI and the DOJ than in a real estate developer with a  history of bankruptcies, law suits settled out of court, and hiring of people who can't seem to stay out of trouble with the law.


Face it, Trump with his administration full of Wall Street bankers, K-street lobbyists, and blatantly unqualified cabinet officers (Rick Perry literally didn't know what the Department of Energy did when he accepted the job as its head) is creating the biggest, deepest, darkest swamp ever.

It will show the abuse of the system,This is swamp 101,it's not rocket science. The Mueller Investigation days are numbered.A new fresh investigation with guide lines and scope limits will come forward as a result of the abuse of the FBI and DOJ.

I think once the truth comes out it  could also boost the expectations of the GOP controlling the house and senate again in  the 2018 midterms. Unfortunately,it won't stop the hatred by the opposition .  

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37 minutes ago, riclag said:

It will show the abuse of the system,This is swamp 101,it's not rocket science. The Mueller Investigation days are numbered.A new fresh investigation with guide lines and scope limits will come forward as a result of the abuse of the FBI and DOJ.

I think once the truth comes out it  could also boost the expectations of the GOP controlling the house and senate again in  the 2018 midterms. Unfortunately,it won't stop the hatred by the opposition .  

You mean the abuse you imagined, or abuse Faux News and Alt-Right websites are telling you about?

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Democrats are in panic mode. That's obvious. They never thought trump would win the election. And then the Dems messed up everything....they lost their mind. We are living in a great time.


Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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24 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

Democrats are in panic mode. That's obvious. They never thought trump would win the election. And then the Dems messed up everything....they lost their mind. We are living in a great time.


Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

Democrats are anticipating a great 2018 election, the only question is how great. 


BTW, it was the FBI that messed up the election, but Trump and Trumpies are turning on it.  Regarding living in a great time, it's great for Russia and China.  Trump has America's global influence in high speed retreat.

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Naturally the FBI and DOJ don't want it released. They will be exposed for the crimes they did and other ones they turned a blind eye to. Soon many people within these agencies will be resigning and try to get amnesty for their testimony which will put Comey, Rosenstein, Clinton, Rice, Huma and many others up on charges. 
Grab some popcorn and get ready to watch the biggest shakeup in the US govt in history. Over the next 2 years the Trump admin will lay waste the the Democratic deep state NWO agenda. The swamp is getting smaller by the day. MAGA

I agree that the swamp will get smaller by the day. Even the career swamp dwellers are finding this new swamp far too dirty for them to stay in.
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16 hours ago, jcsmith said:

Adam Schiff isn't a credible source? First I've heard of that. He don't want the memo released for two reasons. First it contains classified information which the FBI and Trump's own justice department have warned against releasing. It is also compiled in a way that democrats claim is not including all of the facts. They drew up a counter-memo to illustrate just what that is, but of course the republican congress voted it down. Do you think that really is them trying to get the truth out there? They are muting the other side who will not release classified information to support their argument. 


...And Devin Nunes is? Devin Nunes has already had to recuse himself from Russia, but has been sitting in, requesting information, and being involved despite that. And the reason he was supposed to be recused was because he cooked up a conspiracy with the white house and it turned out he got the information from the white house. He's done it once already.

First time you have heard Adam Schiff isn't a credible source? That shows where your political leaning are. A very short review of his history would clearly show he parrots Democratic talking points at every opportunity. Credible source, no, political hack, definitely.

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15 hours ago, heybruce said:

 Is anyone still clinging to the hope that a New York real estate developer with a long history of bankruptcies and legal problems will drain the swamp?  Neither party knew what a real swamp critter was until Trump entered the White House.

I had great hopes that Trump would indeed do some damage to the swamp creatures in Washington, but I think it's just too corrupt and everyone that goes there becomes seduced by the power and becomes just another politician.

Trump is now in danger of becoming just another politician, IMO, and while I hope his base can hold him to stay the course. I think the swamp is winning this one.

I'll know in 3 years if it did, but I'm losing hope.

A few good men hold out, but I am sad to see that one of them has said this is his last term. He will be missed by some of us.

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10 hours ago, Ahab said:

First time you have heard Adam Schiff isn't a credible source? That shows where your political leaning are. A very short review of his history would clearly show he parrots Democratic talking points at every opportunity. Credible source, no, political hack, definitely.

Political hack with presidential ambitions, apparently.

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Go ahead trump. You pick a fight with the FBI. See how that works out.




Trump has picked a fight with the FBI. He’ll be sorry.


The Trumpists were so proud of themselves when they found evidence that Peter Strzok, an FBI agent originally on Mueller’s team, thought Trump would be a bad president. Now, however, someone has leaked to CNN that Strzok drafted the “October surprise” Comey letter that reopened the bureau’s investigation into Clinton’s emails — without which Trump probably would have lost the election.Trump and his minions seem to think they can out-leak the FBI. Obviously they haven’t been paying attention.





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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I had great hopes that Trump would indeed do some damage to the swamp creatures in Washington, but I think it's just too corrupt and everyone that goes there becomes seduced by the power and becomes just another politician.

Trump is now in danger of becoming just another politician, IMO, and while I hope his base can hold him to stay the course. I think the swamp is winning this one.

I'll know in 3 years if it did, but I'm losing hope.

A few good men hold out, but I am sad to see that one of them has said this is his last term. He will be missed by some of us.

Are you still in denial of the obvious?  Trump was thoroughly corrupt before he entered politics.  That's why he refuses to disclose his tax returns or put his businesses in a blind trust.  He saw his run for the Presidency as a money making opportunity, and a boost to his ego, and he's treating his time in office the same.

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