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Nutty Thai Neighbor


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After living in Thailand for over four years, the Thais are still a mystery to me...

Long story short, for the past three years, I've lived in a condo building with about 60% Thais and 40% farang and other asian nationalities. Last October I changed rooms and that's when the troubles began.

The day after I changed rooms, "Lek" the resident pool princess, stomped ever to my poolside table, and in front of three other people, started complaining about me making noise. It seems that my room is directly about hers and the racket is unbearable. She stomped off before I could ask her some questions, such as "what exactly am I doing to annoy you Lek?" Since I was moving in, maybe I did make some noise, but I certainly was not trying to annoy her in any way.

Anyway my Thai gf and I tried to be more quiet but we don't have parties, play loud music or wear shoes in the room so other than breathing, we were not sure how to accommodate Lek.

Lek is 28, doesn't work and just lounges at the pool all day; my gf is 33 and works at a bank. Maybe Lek's family is rich; if she's on the game, she is discreet about it.

In the past, my gf and I have known Lek well enough to say hi and even loan each other DVDs to watch. Never a cross word. Man, how things can change...

Sometimes when we are just relaxing (reading) in the room Lek has screamed F*** you! or ######!, but we've just ignored her. A few nights ago, some one was pounding on our door (we were wathing tv) I opened the door and Lek starts complaiing. She won't tell me what the specific problem is, so I politely closed the door on her. She stood outside and screamd F*** YOU! for about 5 minutes, then stomped off.

After that I spoke to the apartment owner alone and together with my gf. The owner was attentive, empathetic and said many "soothing" words, but didn't offer any real solution, just a real Oprah moment.

For a while I thought Lek was bi polar and off her medication, but now I think she is just a spoiled brat and used to intimidating/bullying people. I don't need this crap and I think I'll vote with my feet and switch buildings.

I've asked my gf how a Thai guy would respond to Lek's outbursts and she says most Thai men would only argue with Lek. I say most Thai guys would tell her to F*** off and slap her silly is she persisted.

So what do you think? How would a Thai guy respond to Lek? Anyone else ever have a nutty neighbor like Lek?


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I doubt a Thai man would hit her. She is, after all, just a neighbor and hardly worth getting into trouble for.

I also doubt she would behave this way with a Thai man, and probably assumes she can behave this way because you are a farang and won't say or do anything.

Best option, sic your girlfriend on her.

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I've got a feeling that Lek isn't getting any 'hot dog', if she was she wouldn't be so bothered about what you're getting up to.

Yeah, she's pretty in the outside, but not much inner beauty in that gal. She's easy to talk to, just say hi, then sit back and listen for 45minutes. As in "I did, I went, I think....) Leks 99% self absorbed.

Even with her good looks, she manages to scare away the guys...

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Why don't you try to 'scare' her away in a similar manner? ie - act like a nutter! Next time she comes knocking on the door, open it with a scream and start licking the doorframe. No-one wants to stay near a real nutter...


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Try changing your own behavior and make lots of noise one night and see what happens! If nothing happens you'll know she's barking. If she comes round and complains tell her that's what she's going to get every time she complains for no reason.

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Why don't you try to 'scare' her away in a similar manner? ie - act like a nutter! Next time she comes knocking on the door, open it with a scream and start licking the doorframe. No-one wants to stay near a real nutter...


Or just open the door butt naked, pretty sure she will have 2nd thoughts about doing that again (crazy farang syndrome). :o

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May be she has been watching too many thai soaps and thought for some weird way this is one way of making herself noticeable to you. I think she might got some “hot” for you but afraid to be hmm…too direct. You know how most asian drama go, many leading couples do not get along at first, but after much of the yelling & screaming at each other thoughout the story, at the end he finally found his true love with her and ended up dumping his ex. Ahh...happy ending isn't it?

Unless you got some “hot” for her too and don't mind chasing another chick,.......Otherwise best just ignore the bitch!...or give her Prozac!

Opinion of just another thai girl ka :o

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had a simillar situation in vienna.

Once I got a big discussion about beeing noisy every night after I was't in the flat for 3 month and they catched me on the way going up.

So 3 month it was empty but to noisy.

Later I found out that lady was on drugs or finishing taking drugs or something like that.

Bad situation.....

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Try changing your own behavior and make lots of noise one night and see what happens! If nothing happens you'll know she's barking. If she comes round and complains tell her that's what she's going to get every time she complains for no reason.

I'd turn up the volume a coulple of notches too. Not loud enough to disturb your other neighbors, only her!

If you're taking the blame, you might as well be guilty as charged!

Make a video of her ranting and screaming- post it on youtube!

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I agree with SBK, I doubt she would pull this crap on a thai man & as she likes to abuse you in english in very low english words suggests she is doing it becuase you are a farang. If my husband is pissed with me he bitches about me in thai, thinking I don't understand :D My point it, why does she shout abuse in English, it isn't her first language so is doing it to make effect IMO.

I agree with making a shit load of noise route & start stomping around the flat & scraping furniture accross the floor. The when she comes knocking just open the door & shout at her to piss of & stop stalking you. :o If need be get your gf to call the police with a harrassment complaint. That'll shit her up.

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If you start to make alot of noise she will document it and then the authorities will be on her side. If you can't just ignore her then you should try to document her abuse....keep a recorder (audio or cam) near the door and when she comes calling have the recorder already running and clearly recording her so that she will immediately know that will have a record of her actions....let her do her act and leave.

Edited by chownah
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This is Thailand. Complain through the established channels of authority.

Call the security guard immediately. He will note what he sees or hears. Speak to the condo owner/manager at the first available time following the incident. He/She will appear to do nothing but do not let looks deceive you. All condos keep notes of complaints. They will know her personality and yours. Be persistent yet polite and involve the condo owners every time there is an incident. Do not have any conversation with this unstable "Lek".

Do not pay attention to those who advise you to escalate the situation.

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Why don't you try to 'scare' her away in a similar manner? ie - act like a nutter! Next time she comes knocking on the door, open it with a scream and start licking the doorframe. No-one wants to stay near a real nutter...


Or just open the door butt naked, pretty sure she will have 2nd thoughts about doing that again (crazy farang syndrome). :o

Good recommendation :D :D :D Will our friend be charge for indecency if she reported to police.

Edited by Thaising
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May be she has been watching too many thai soaps and thought for some weird way this is one way of making herself noticeable to you. I think she might got some “hot” for you but afraid to be hmm…too direct. You know how most asian drama go, many leading couples do not get along at first, but after much of the yelling & screaming at each other thoughout the story, at the end he finally found his true love with her and ended up dumping his ex. Ahh...happy ending isn't it?

Unless you got some “hot” for her too and don't mind chasing another chick,.......Otherwise best just ignore the bitch!...or give her Prozac!

Opinion of just another thai girl ka :D

Thanks Teacup, but I really don't think that she has the hots for me even if she did, after her outbursts I could never think of her romantically :o

But I agree that ignoring the bitch is good advise :D


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I agree with SBK, I doubt she would pull this crap on a thai man & as she likes to abuse you in english in very low english words suggests she is doing it becuase you are a farang. If my husband is pissed with me he bitches about me in thai, thinking I don't understand :D My point it, why does she shout abuse in English, it isn't her first language so is doing it to make effect IMO.

I agree with making a shit load of noise route & start stomping around the flat & scraping furniture accross the floor. The when she comes knocking just open the door & shout at her to piss of & stop stalking you. :o If need be get your gf to call the police with a harrassment complaint. That'll shit her up.

She abuses us in Thai too, screaming out Ee dok tong! so my gf would hear. I was hoping my gf would slap her, but she (gf) isn't the violent type.

The building owner mentioned filing a police report too. Maybe that is the best way to go...


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Perhaps, next time she comes banging on your door you open up with a video camera. This you then tell her you plan on showing to the police when you file a formal complaint against her.

Since your girlfriend is unwilling to deal with her then police is probably the best answer.

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Perhaps, next time she comes banging on your door you open up with a video camera. This you then tell her you plan on showing to the police when you file a formal complaint against her.

Since your girlfriend is unwilling to deal with her then police is probably the best answer.

Too all,

Thanks for your ideas, I think video documentation is the best strategy. Lek isn't stupid and videoing her behavior would probably make her back off a bit. The first time she knocked on our door we were caught off guard with her behaviour. The next time we will be prepared.


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Why dont you just ask your girlfriend to ask her what the problem is?

I can borrow my wife for that. She is from the deep south and half chinese, if she opens the mouth there is burned land.

Still remember when the thai airlines complained that she has to much handlaguages.......

First she told her that she is not in the position to start speaking with her.

the end was a wai like only doing for the oldest monk and she could have uploaded a tank and a submarine and noone would notice that it is overweight seems their is a kind of cast system.

Other way is to keep a speaking knocking CD in the player when you leave for holidays and let your gf telling stories about ghosts in the room.

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Can you/gf find out if the former occupant of your condo suffered the same problem?

...Although video of her outburst is wise to follow through with police etc. I offer some fun options:

If she is a pool bunnie, probably easy to get a nice photo of her add her cell or condo telephone number to compile and publish an advert selling her services around the area.

Too harsh? Advertise cheap clothes, mobile phones for sale using her number, or advertise for taxi drivers paying a high salary with no experiance required.

Answer the door wearing a blood splattered tee-shirt holding a long knife, important you have a wild look in your eye, helps if you twitch a bit, then develop an over-wide smile as you stare 5cm to the right of her left eye. (best to ensure it's her before opening the door)

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Why dont you just ask your girlfriend to ask her what the problem is?

I can borrow my wife for that. She is from the deep south and half chinese, if she opens the mouth there is burned land.

Still remember when the thai airlines complained that she has to much handlaguages.......

First she told her that she is not in the position to start speaking with her.

the end was a wai like only doing for the oldest monk and she could have uploaded a tank and a submarine and noone would notice that it is overweight seems their is a kind of cast system.

Other way is to keep a speaking knocking CD in the player when you leave for holidays and let your gf telling stories about ghosts in the room.

Can your wife be my advocate? LOL!

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