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Australian man killed in brutal Pattaya bar fight identified, American attacker in custody


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As  an American who has been living and travelling the world for the past 16 years, I found Australians in general to be the  nicest people  to speak and hang out with.

 I hope this animal and his slimy friends get  YEARS BEHIND BARS. POS!

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54 minutes ago, namatjira said:

The action that the young American was hoping for may wellt turn out to be not what he desired..........he had travelled all that way to experience a sex paradise......that was the dream.....now he has to contend with the nightmare.



sex paradise ???  there are some that could argue plugging one of the soi 6 chicks is akin to cruel and inhuman punishment

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4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

I didn't see a photo so I don't know if the American is ugly or not.   American law allows for holding Americans overseas liable for crimes that are committed there and that break USA laws.  So, depending on the circumstances, lawyers, politicians, etc.  many things could happen to this man.

Why are you quoting Amarican law. Who cares about American law, this is Thailand.

RIP fellow Aussie

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4 hours ago, hansnl said:

Whatever the US laws may say, this yank killed an Australian on Thai soil.  Hope he will rot in prison in Thailand and then burn in hell. Kicking a man's head when he is down is the most despicable act imaginable.  His bloody US friends should get a long time in prison also, for not stopping the idiot, for not helping the victim, leaving him and for making pictures.  Bastards of the lowest order, all of them.

We all know that nothing will happen to the onlookers. There's no law says one has to get involved.

I hope they really like that guy though, so they'll regret the ( hopefully ) long years he is in a Thai jail, and that they didn't stop him.

They all sound like the sort that enjoys seeing someone get smashed like happens in all those Hollywood films- it's American culture to smash people on the ground, apparently.


Nothing unusual about it though. In 1996 I saw a group of English thugs cheer as a guy was smashed in Soi Yamato.

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4 hours ago, dddave said:

So many times, we never learn the outcome of such deadly encounters.  There is always a suspicion that deals are done.

For instance, 6 or 7 years ago,  a Finnish man was walking his dog on Soi Diana. Some girl in a beer bar ran out and picked up the dog.  Words were exchanged between the girls BF and the Finn...the Finn ended up stabbed to death.  It was big news at the time but then disappeared.  Never learned what happened to the killer.


I can think of at least 4 or 5 similar high profile killings, farang on farang or farang on Thai GF that faded away...outcome never known.

It would not surprise me if it happens in this instance as well.

With the level of violence probable the killer and his friends have a criminal record elsewhere. Possible the murderer can pay his way and not face Court. Hope the Oz Embassy monitors the situation to minimise corruption.

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Farang on farang. Cops will only be interested in cash. When aren't they, you ask. The unnamed American is unlikely to serve more than 3 years provided he plays ball with the Thai judicial system.


If he is really canny, he will be out and home soon.


For a comparison, I give you the case of William Douglas. He served just over 2 years. Bizarrely that was an Australian killing an American in a Thai bar.

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40 minutes ago, rickjza said:

Why are you quoting Amarican law. Who cares about American law, this is Thailand.

RIP fellow Aussie

Read:- " American law allows for holding Americans overseas liable for crimes that are committed there and that break USA laws. 


Just to clarify - the American Embassy is not likely to jump in and demand the release of this thug.

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It was all over the news tonight on TV back in Australia. Showed the bar and some footage of the soi. The Aussie guy looked like a nice guy too. I can't understand why this violence comes about. Most Americans I've met in Pattaya seem to be good blokes. RIP Aussie fellow.

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It takes two to Tango and reading about the Australians actions which started it off and drink being involved 

led to  the out come 

still over the top if a guy is down and the other is stamping on his head 

Looking at the time it took proberaly  to late for people  getting involved to stop 


if people were taking pictures of the guy down pathetic hope they are proud of themselves

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4 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yeah, don´t we all agree. Such a nice and morally right environment, this little beautiful and pittoresque picture is showing of a landscape containing an overcommersialized street buildt to promote overdriven alcohol consumption and the sex industry.

Nothing nice and full with nasty drugs. Jaba and Co.-

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