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CM Airport Parking - How Difficult Now?


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Coming into town for an early morning Saturday flight, returning Tuesday.  Parking slots were few and far between the last time we were there and wondered if there was a real risk of not getting the car parked, and/or if there was an overflow park in the vicinity.  Many thanks for any advice.

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Last Sunday I nabbed what seemed like the last spot, on my second or third lap, and felt very lucky. Because it wasn't a mere day trip I needed a proper spot, rather than a rollaway. I recommend that you only seek a spot if you have plenty of time to cruise the lot looking for one.


It seems that nearly all the spots are taken by employees of the airport or related offices. No way do day trippers, pickups, and drop-offs park that many cars. Several taxi drivers and one airport employee have told me the same over the years.


The calculus on park vs taxi/Uber depends on many factors. Since I live 20km out of town, parking up to a week is still cheaper and much, much more convenient. Dicey as it can be, I'd rather be at the airport trolling for a spot then sitting in the village wondering if my ride will ever show up. (Usually my wife drops me, but she's out of town.)

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The small northern-extension of the exisiting car-park,completed a few months ago, appears to have made little difference to the existing problems parking at CNX. :saai:


There certainly does seem to be an urgent need for seperate staff-parking, and a longer-term off-site car-park with connecting shuttles, to free-up existing space for genuine short-termers dropping-off/picking-up passengers.  And the completion of a fully-public road through the military land, would also help with access ?


More parking was included in the longer-term development-plans which I saw a year-or-two back, but I haven't heard anything about short-term timings, has anybody else ?




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2 hours ago, Ricardo said:

The small northern-extension of the exisiting car-park,completed a few months ago, appears to have made little difference to the existing problems parking at CNX. :saai:


There certainly does seem to be an urgent need for seperate staff-parking, and a longer-term off-site car-park with connecting shuttles, to free-up existing space for genuine short-termers dropping-off/picking-up passengers.  And the completion of a fully-public road through the military land, would also help with access ?


More parking was included in the longer-term development-plans which I saw a year-or-two back, but I haven't heard anything about short-term timings, has anybody else ?




That sounds too sensible to be considered. 


There's a whole heap of open land opposite the airport entrance that could be used, even if they had to relocate the aircraft. Be nice if they were put somewhere that people could actually see them properly.

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