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It's a crime: Foreigners marrying Thais now subject to fingerprints taken for criminal background


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6 hours ago, ajarnmarc said:

I could certainly recommend a personality profile check for the Thai spouse,

to make sure she's of sane mind, and isn't just marrying for money or to control & destroy her husbands life.

What a poor sod the husband must be, to be so desperate to find a wife that needs the 3rd degree!


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On 2/27/2018 at 4:33 AM, gk10002000 said:
On 2/24/2018 at 11:29 AM, Maverell said:

It is a good idea for farang wanting to marry to have a background check, but it should also happen in reverse ?

yeah. I have read some people try to hire a Private Eye to check on the wife to be.  Not so sure how good the databases, reports, etc. would be, especially as many provinces don't seem to centralize records, and births, marriages, arrests, etc.. seem to not necessarily be centralized

Agree, but there is some stuff that will not appear in a background check.  I will see if I know how to start a new story because it is interesting.

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On 2/24/2018 at 4:29 AM, Maverell said:

It is a good idea for farang wanting to marry to have a background check, but it should also happen in reverse ?

Don't be silly, Thais do no wrong especially in Thailand and if they do it is not wrong, but a misunderstanding and mostly due to a foreigner.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have no problem with this at all.  My wife was scanned and her fingerprints checked by immigration when we did biometrics for her U.S. green card.   I'd be happy to submit mine to the Thai government if required.  It makes everyone safe to eliminate the bad players.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The REAL problem is IO internal corruption that steals random women's ID, sets some hapless Indian, Pakistan, etc up with a visa and renews it annually under the table $$$


I have argued for years, it is virtually impossible to maintain a fake marriage beyond even a few years. There are so many loose ends, some part of the process of marriage between say farang and hooker or upcountry girl (both) will break. That is unless they really are living together and if that is the case it's fairly impossible to prove its not a de facto marriage. But if they don't...I give it till second renewal at best.


You want to find fake marriages? Investigate yourselves.


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This is a blessing in disguise and actually totally in-keeping with modern relationship thinking. You shouldn't need to marry anyone nowadays, they should just display their love for you in ways that don't tie you into some form of contract. This will free up many Thai women from all the worries and concerns that could keep them awake at night about what they will do with all that loot when their aged farang throws off his mortal veil and passes on to become a frog or something. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/24/2018 at 4:25 AM, richard_smith237 said:

Can't see what the big deal is here.... 


Non-EU Nationals have their fingerprints scanned when entering the UK.


The criminal history check is also a good idea given the recent news and reputation Thailand has as a place for criminals to live. Thailand has every right to protect its citizens for marrying those who may have criminal records or at least ensure that this information is known to the marrying party. 

I don’t mind nothing to hide. Apart from Mrs W who would kill me if I marry someone else!

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On 2/24/2018 at 4:32 AM, cornishcarlos said:


The Thai authorities can't even track their own high profile criminals, so what makes them think they will be able to find any info about the average geezer wanting to get married !!!

We're missing the point concentration on the practical side of things is the wrong direction.


Instead think of a income generatr of an angle it might be considered that some sort of fee will be investigated and instigated.



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On 10/17/2018 at 7:15 AM, Shackleton123 said:

I married a Kiribati national. The Kiribati Government did a criminal record check (no fingerprints) to determine whether they would allow the marriage! So it's not as draconian as many seem to think.


That's interesting Kiribati looks very nice?

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On 11/8/2018 at 8:03 PM, Denim said:

Took wifey to the UK in September.


Arriving at Heathrow terminal 4 the immigration officer asked a few pertinent questions then asked my wife to supply a thumbprint. I was surprised at this new requirement and told wifey to take off her shoe and sock and give a big toe print for good measure. The immigration officer was not amused and like a good jobsworth kept a dead pan face. 


Immigration. The twilight zone of humour.

When these IO's have to deal with 1000's of passengers, not surprising such humour not been appreciated.

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On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 5:40 AM, Patriot1066 said:
On ‎10‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 1:15 PM, Shackleton123 said:


That's interesting Kiribati looks very nice?

Some of the islands are beautiful - Kiritimati due south of Hawaii is one of them. But it's very third world. All the islands are Coral Attols, Tarawa (of Pacific War with the Japanese fame) is the capitol. Very overcrowded.


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5 minutes ago, Petchou said:

They should check the criminal records of Thai wives and give a copy to potential husband before marriage.  Just to be fair. 

They should introduce the lie detector, and invite the prospective husband to ask anything he wishes. Would have helped me!

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