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Thank goodness we got a narrow win out of Soton on Saturday. Two more dropped points would have put us psychologically well out of touch at an early stage of the season and rather coloured expectations for tonight.


Not surprising really that we were unable to dominate the opposition on Saturday (which I had to watch with half an eye on my beers, dinner and totty on a hash house harriers night*. Alexis and Giroud held back for tonight (and Xhaka?); blooding two new players in one match (neither of which were particularly impressive but early days) and playing two from the last chance season saloon - and seemingly failing to take their last chances (Theo and Ox).


Ozil looked uncharacteristically out of touch but Cazorla and Coquelin played two of their best games in the shirt. Defence was generally OK and Kos's goal was special.


So have some reasonable expectation of getting something out of PSG tonight. Having seen their loss to Monaco last weekend they are beatable without the big Swede-Slav up front although they can still move the ball around well from the back and through the mid.


Hopefully the team will be something like:


Bellerin, Mustafi, Koscielney, Monreal

Xhaka, Coquelin

Ozil Cazorla

Giroud, Alexis

Haven't seen anything about post-Saturday injuries though.


On reflection, if that team could survive as the A team (without significant injuries) for much of the season for UCL and EPL top half games we might do a lot better than most people seem to think we will do. We do have pretty good strength in depth on the bench and for the lesser matches - much better than I can recall.


If and if. Yours optimistically for once.


*Try to avoid the stereotypical cr@p about hashers Chic - or I'll start discussing the good company merits of IT pros:P!



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Why are you sitting on the bench Giroud? Are you sick .... or is the boss having a senior moment?


Whirlwind first 10 minutes and a 30 second goal down - good to have avoided being totally over-run and now competing. We need to score the next goal.


Why no English commentary BeIn/True?

Edited by SantiSuk
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Ozil off - was he playing tonight? Kos way unfit too and Santi knacked. Iwobi has looked the part and Coq had an immense game again. Unlikely to remain a draw, though obviously I'd snap yer hand off for it.

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Forgot to mention that Ospina played a blinder too. He stopped (the far too many, courtesy of Kos playing when not fit for this game) one-on-ones. That, combined with Cavani returning to his 'King of Fluffs' status after the first minute, enabled us to nick a barely deserved point.


Brave (code for questionable) of Wenger to drop Cech given that he screwed up our UCL season last year by making an identical decision - typical of the man; you almost question whether he did it just to show he doesn't care what people think.

<deleted> is wrong with Ozil? Looked like the love-of-his-life had dumped him and his dog had died.


Basil and Ludicrous also drew which makes it an even better Gooner night in Europe for once.


True seem to be showing 4 recasts on the 4 main BeIn channels starting at 7:00am or 8:00am following morning (now), which is good news (since I have to get up early for young un to go to school on only 4 hours sleep and can't go back to bed due to house cleaner/gardener (in-laws) arriving. Hope BeIn will also show the 2 hour highlights programme that was shown last season - 10 to 15 mins a game is far better viewing than just snippets of the goals and close misses

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^ Giroud red card ^


Was given a tough time by French fans a few days earlier (failure to beat Belarus in a World Cup qualifying group with Sweden and Netherlands yet to breathe down their necks). Then not brought on until late. Probably frustration at not playing to his self-estimated worth/ability. Just a guess - he looked wound-up as soon as he came on pitch - but just another footballer not quite hitting the full ego trail to his satisfaction and hitting the Mr Stupid button. 

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Giroud and Walcott doubtful for today. Ramsey still a few games away. Paulista back in training.


Suspect we will see something of Perez, Iwobi and Xhaka today - Arsene should save the excellent in-yer-face Coqelin for the Chelsea game (since the rest of our defensive squad have hitherto been shown to be pussies against the likes of The Beast).

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Footnote: Cavani and PSG put 4 past Caen in the first half last night. Reminder that our home UCL game will still be a challenge (though it's true that some La Liga teams play with English lower half Champions League quality)

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Well in control of this match but should be 2 or 3 up. Terrible pen by Alexis - leave the next few to Cazorla please. Our midfield is carving them up and the game is being played at a surprisingly fast pace.


Theo is still cr&p - I do wish Arsene would stop trying to prove a point. Ozil still a bit sleepy too. Alexis and Iwobi are too hot for the Hull defence though.


I reckon Cazorla will get a red card in the second half to even up the players - he's far too clumsy a tackler these days, so we had better get that extra margin while we can (or lets see what Xhaka can do). Dunno why Monreal needs to get so far forward that there is an open invitational route down the right wing.

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Yes - you are right - must be the ThaiV effect!


I'm not always so negative. I wrote thus to my sister after the match in response to her e-mail - she lives in Bonn, supports Dortmund (and Liverpool since Klopp went there) and watches EPL games


'Yes - we came out of the traps with unusually aggressive intent and were all over them even when playing their full eleven.

'Looking quite good for this season - particularly if we can get Ozil working like he did last season. It'll be tough against Guardiola and Klopp, but Chelsea and Man U do not look the real deal  ... yet!

Xhaka looks cultured and very promising; longer term a young centre back we bought from Bolton in Summer (Rob Holding) looks very good too. Per will struggle to get more than the odd cup game going forward, barring injuries. Too early to say about our new German international CB Shkodran Mustafi until he adjusts to the pace of the EPL, but he looks reasonably solid.

Rumours are surfacing according to one of my Arsenal-loving acquaintances (a Norwegian who lived in London and now frequents the Khantaralak bar) that Wenger will be replaced at year end by Klopp Mk 2, Thomas Tuchel. We should have got Klopp already of course, but Wenger has earned the right to determine when he goes even though he has not really taken the club to where they should be in the last 5 years - probably as much or more due to a cautious private equity owner who cares not much about football.

I know you have mentioned him as potentially even better than Klopp but is he detachable form Dortmund would be my question - they are a well-heeled club that doesnt bend over easily! '

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:

Zipped out on the shirts. Apparently I am too statuesque *cough*


My brother got me the new City shirt from the City shop and a mate of mine brought it to Saudi. I ripped all the tags off and put it on for the match, it was like a dress. I messaged my brother and asked him why he got me an XL and he said he thought I'd put some timber on. Cheeky git, now I have to go and try to swap it when I'm over in the UK next week.

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