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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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4 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


We know what they are planning and also already doing because their plans all have to be submitted to the Prudential Regulation Authority. 


For the Deutsche bank, that plan was to move 20,000 client accounts to Frankfurt over 18 months starting last July.  They also stated that they would be looking at moving between 2000 and 4000 jobs to Europe.


Similar plans have been submitted by the other banks.  UBS stated that they are looking at moving 1500 jobs, Morgan Stanley 200, JP Morgan several hundred, HSBC 1000, Goldman Sachs 'hundreds', and Credit Suisse 3000, for example.


You may doubt that many Brexiteers care that bankers are going to lose their jobs, and perhaps you are right, but that would only say something about Brexiteers, their selfishness and thoughtlessness.

So why has UK industry given away UK jobs to China over the years before Brexit came along...?

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Apart from those who have no savings and Pensions matter greatly, why are Brits here bothered.All the retired old crumbly here i mix with are not. Admitted only only 1 richish Brit. Are you ranters all pups who shouldnt be here, or just Whinging Poms, enjoying a rant..?.

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22 minutes ago, transam said:

So why has UK industry given away UK jobs to China over the years before Brexit came along...?


For reasons other than their Brexit contingency plans.  No one is trying to argue that Brexit is the cause of all woes, but you should at least listen to the reasons the companies state for their moves, Brexit being a big cause at the moment.

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23 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


We know what they are planning and also already doing because their plans all have to be submitted to the Prudential Regulation Authority. 


For the Deutsche bank, that plan was to move 20,000 client accounts to Frankfurt over 18 months starting last July.  They also stated that they would be looking at moving between 2000 and 4000 jobs to Europe.


Similar plans have been submitted by the other banks.  UBS stated that they are looking at moving 1500 jobs, Morgan Stanley 200, JP Morgan several hundred, HSBC 1000, Goldman Sachs 'hundreds', and Credit Suisse 3000, for example.


You may doubt that many Brexiteers care that bankers are going to lose their jobs, and perhaps you are right, but that would only say something about Brexiteers, their selfishness and thoughtlessness.

And of course, in true remainer style.


Nothing to back up your claims.


Plans are nothing more than plans, until they are put into action.


And as we seen from tebee's sterling effort yesterday, those plans, despite the hysteria,, have not been put into action.



Despite the headline, not 1 job loss that can be attributed to Brexit.

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21 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

So you agree that its all planning/talking about - with no brit. jobs lost so far?  i.e. it's all 'talk'....


As for "that would only say something about Brexiteers, their selfishness and thoughtlessness" - presumably you don't feel the same way about those desperately trying to circumvent the referendum vote?


No, the move of 20,000 accounts to Frankfurt started 11 months ago, that is not 'all talk', obviously.


As for your other assumption, its funny but the people I hear trying to avoid, by any squirming method they can think of, the chance of a vote on the final deal, are all Brexiteers, every single one of them, and that is because they are selfish and thoughtless.



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11 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

We're (I suspect) bothered because some of us still care about the poorest in our home country - having seen the way the way the wages for those at the bottom of the hierarchy have been undercut.


Clearly you don't care - and are reliant on stereotypes....


The fact that you only know one "richist Brit." here - says more about you than anyone else.....

The Brit like many here can afford to be, dont care?. Well like most i say i do, and like You just give lip service and that amounts to sweet FA to the poor.

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2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

No, the move of 20,000 accounts to Frankfurt started 11 months ago, that is not 'all talk', obviously.

Well back it up with an independent source ?


Your banking skills are not entirely top notch.


1. ECB is not issuing QE.


2. Today feeble Deutsche Bank effort in trying to shoehorn it into Brexit.


In fact, it would be fair to say that banking knowledge is lying in a gutter somewhere.

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Just now, Kieran00001 said:


No, the move of 20,000 accounts to Frankfurt started 11 months ago, that is not 'all talk', obviously.


As for your other assumption, its funny but the people I hear trying to avoid, by any squirming method they can think of, the chance of a vote on the final deal, are all Brexiteers, every single one of them, and that is because they are selfish and thoughtless.





I'm 'sort of' a brexiteer, and have been saying for a long time that the brit. govt. is untrustworthy - and another referendum on the 'agreed deal' is probably necessary.


As long as it includes the option 'leave now under WTO trade conditions'.

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7 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

And of course, in true remainer style.


Nothing to back up your claims.


Plans are nothing more than plans, until they are put into action.


And as we seen from tebee's sterling effort yesterday, those plans, despite the hysteria,, have not been put into action.


Despite the headline, not 1 job loss that can be attributed to Brexit.


They have been busy shifting 20,000 accounts to Frankfurt having announced the plan to move their accounts to Frankfurt and then move the accounts managers there as well, and you are bleating about plans not being put into action, only a Brexiteer could be so blind.

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4 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Well back it up with an independent source ?


Your banking skills are not entirely top notch.


1. ECB is not issuing QE.


2. Today feeble Deutsche Bank effort in trying to shoehorn it into Brexit.


In fact, it would be fair to say that banking knowledge is lying in a gutter somewhere.


Your thinking skills are clearly far from top notch!  Why on earth would you want an independent source to give you the plans submitted to the Prudential Regulation Authority?  From which third party would you like to hear their statement and why?

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9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



I'm 'sort of' a brexiteer, and have been saying for a long time that the brit. govt. is untrustworthy - and another referendum on the 'agreed deal' is probably necessary.


As long as it includes the option 'leave now under WTO trade conditions'.


Try to improve your reading skills, I did not say that every single Brexiteer doesn't want a second referendum, I said every single person I hear who doesn't want a second referendum is a Brexiteer.  And by the way, any particular reason you want the worst deal possible for the UK?

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14 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


And those goddamn populists are still voting the wrong way ??



The success of the far-right League in this weekend’s municipal elections dominated Italian front pages. Il Messaggero reported on the “earthquake” in Italy’s “leftist regions,” writing that the Democratic Party’s “collapse” had resulted in a “change of skin” for most Italian cities. La Repubblica’s headline referred to the “sunset of the left.” Il Giornale’s headline welcomed the center-right’s return to power.



The left destroyed again.

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Well the FT has picked up on Boris's comment - I notice that even though there are those on here that would claim it was fake news, there is still no denial from the man himself or even any in his party.


How can any business ever consider post-brexit Britain as a sensible and safe place to invest ?



 This then is the state of British politics. A Labour party which has fallen to anti-capitalists and a Conservative party, infected by a strain of economic denialism and with a core — though not yet a majority — who place little store in business-friendly policies.


For the first time in 40 years business cannot be sure that either major party cares about its interests. The nation must hope that global businesses making investment decisions and hearing of Mr Johnson’s remark do not plump for the obvious reply.




The lunatics have taken over the asylum....


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2 minutes ago, tebee said:


How can any business ever consider post-brexit Britain as a sensible and safe place to invest ?








Drama queen...........



Of course they can....

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3 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


Drama queen...........

Of course they can....

Well the FT doesn't think they can and they are not exactly a left wing socialist rag.... 


But seriously, we seem prepared to sacrifice out manufacturing industry and the financial services sector on the altar of Brexit  in exchange for a cup of magic beans - does that inspre confidence in you ?

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 Long before this latest tirade from Johnson, this conservative government has been the most business hostile since....., well since we have been a democracy.


Your jobs don’t count in the Brexit scheme of things, being poorer doesn’t count, their not even going to control immigration, only European immigration (the rest which we have always had control is larger then European and we never managed to control that) we will have to sign up to sovereignty surrendering treaties (that, or have no international agreements whatsoever), we could always make our laws and we aren’t going to change then now unless there is advantage to doing so (not seen a single example of that yet).


The rich spoils of Brexit will be a blue passport (we could have had any time we wanted), being poorer, struggling to get doctors and nurses, a reduced manufacturing base (with no services free trade, that will take a hit as well) and less European immigration (which it turns out we actually need to function). And the one tangible benefit (for some) is lower house prices; that is a bonus of you haven’t got one, but a nasty shock if you do.

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 Deeply troubling of course, as both sides seem more anti-business than ever, with the Tories at the moment in the lead because at least Labour will stay in the customs union and could well end up with their ridiculous leader being dragged to single market membership at the party conference.
The Tories however are beyond the pale with a small gaggle of Brextremists seemingly call the shots because Maybot wanted them to trust her at the start of the tyranny that is her shocking and embarrassing premiership. Her completely reckless red lines, appointing some of the most ridiculous Brexiteers to key positions, offensive 'citizens of nowhere' bigotry, a big F YOU to the 48%, unwillingness to even meet business until the aftermath of that stupid election she called, lack of relationship building skills in European capitals, hostile environment policies aka incredibly cruel, inhumane approach to immigration that actively works against business too and so on.   



Perhaps when she is back running through wheat fields, there'll be a chance for the Tories to reclaim a semblance of credibility with business, but it's going to take a lot to do so. 

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 Brexit enthusiasts belong to a movement. There is the messianic fervour that denies all reason, which drives members to attack any opposition because anything that threatens the path of true belief is, regardless of how valid and reasoned the arguments are, an existential threat.


I regard this government with absolute despair. Complete and irredeemable shower of self centred incompetents. A plague on the lot of them.

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9 minutes ago, tebee said:

Well the FT has picked up on Boris's comment - I notice that even though there are those on here that would claim it was fake news, there is still no denial from the man himself or even any in his party.

His comment is still '' Alleged '' You do understand what that means ? If denials had to be issued every time something is '' Allegedly '' said, nothing in this world would ever get done.


12 minutes ago, tebee said:

This then is the state of British politics.

An absolute shambles, the rot started at least 30 years ago and has been going downhill ever since - But let me guess, you blame Brexit ?


13 minutes ago, tebee said:

For the first time in 40 years business cannot be sure that either major party cares about its interests.

What is the role of Government ?


'' Of the people, by the people, for the people '' Do you see any mention of business in there ? Business have a role in society, that role is not to interfere or try and influence Government.


16 minutes ago, tebee said:

The lunatics have taken over the asylum....

Well, they marched on Saturday - Not sure they have managed to take over the asylum though.

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2 hours ago, The Renegade said:


I have to back up their official statement?  What would you recommend I did that with?

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2 hours ago, Jip99 said:



They are called institutions.....



... and the top 20 had European bases long before Brexit.



Tell me 10 major financial institutions that have relocated their headquarters out of London since Brexit.


They are also called institutes, they mean the same thing, lol/


And I did not say anything about first moves abroad, I spoke of those which have committed to moving headquarters out of the UK post Brexit, 18 so far have committed, that is just a fact.  None of them have made the move yet, but they have committed to making it.


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