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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

Racist? Non-racist? Slimy political quietly-spoken non-racist? Pretend racist?  Make you mind up, Kieran!


I have made my mind up, he claimed to not be a racist before going on to use racism in a later campaign, I am demonstrating his lack of consistency, I have not attempted to guess which was his true opinion, just that he switched opinion depending on what he thought would benefit his career, thus he was nothing but a slimy politician who used fake opinion to garner votes


As for your previous claim that he was referring to future immigrants, a blind guess on your part, its strange then that at the time he was campaigning for repatriation!  If you're going to idolise someone then at least know who you are idolising.

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1 minute ago, Kieran00001 said:


LOL, "face like flint" is a biblical quote that Powell was using.  But yes, he was referring to current British citizens, just like he was in the second quote, except in that one he did not set his face like flint, instead he drew a clear distinction based on race.

The quote is one of his most famous, it is hardly difficult to find.  Here is another book referencing the same quote and I could post many.

https://books.google.co.th/books?id=JBKFCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA149&lpg=PA149&dq=face+like+flint+powell&source=bl&ots=ZJUhfPBv4E&sig=gp3NEuAJ_jLC5NSEKJOS689FLJ0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifmonOsPraAhVEKY8KHZ3FCBoQ6AEIYjAL#v=onepage&q=face like flint powell&f=false


Powell did say he wasn't a racist, that is the point, because later he went on to make racist remarks that were far from consistent with his earlier remarks, I have posted two remarks that no one in their right mind could claim demonstrate anything in the way of consistency.


When he said  ""The West Indian or Indian does not, by being born in England become an English man.  In law he becomes a United Kingdom citizen by birth: the fact is he is a West Indian or an Asian still."

He was not talking about future immigration, he was talking about British citizens of West Indian and Indian decent, obviously.  Not sure why you are trying to pretend otherwise, but I have not struggled with anything, that was you, you struggled to recognise a quote, you struggled to see that the two quotes show opposing views and you struggled to see that the second quote was about British citizens despite him saying British citizens in the quote, so do stop projecting your inabilities onto me, it wont stick

You fell at the first post. Enjoy your struggle with Google. 

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15 hours ago, nauseus said:

It was a quickie. I gave more reference info than was given in the first post. I said it was from Wiki anyway.

My comment wasn't aimed at you - I was saying it to Kieran00001.


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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

This off/sub-topic started when you said that as Minister of Health Powell oversaw recruitment drives in the West Indies that brought the NHS staff. That was wrong and I dealt with it. Since then you've been shifting the subject in each consecutive post (as you always do) to avoid your errors in the first. 


Don't let your imagination run away and assume that Powell is my idol either! 



My post contained a few comments that together demonstrated that Powell did not have much integrity, you hold on to one remark that was not exactly correct, I did not know that that responsibility of the program lay with the NHS and not with parliament but it not actually all that relavant, as I previously said, Powell had no problem with the movement to bring in Jamaicans, he said nothing against the NHS manning themselves with immigrants, and that is the point, because a few years later he was campaigning to repatriate those very same people, which is far from consistent.  I did not shift anything, every point I have made was made in my first post, so do stop lying as you always do when you realise you have no argument except from your blind imagination. I have made my points, Powell was not consistent, as you claimed, he did not refer to future immigrants as you claimed, he did distinguish by race despite what you claim and now you want to claim that it's me with the errors?  Your three that rubbish every point you made versus my one which doesn't detract from my argument at all.  Take a look at yourself man, you're a hypocrite.

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2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


My post contained a few comments that together demonstrated that Powell did not have much integrity, you hold on to one remark that was not exactly correct, I did not know that that responsibility of the program lay with the NHS and not with parliament but it not actually all that relavant, as I previously said, Powell had no problem with the movement to bring in Jamaicans, he said nothing against the NHS manning themselves with immigrants, and that is the point, because a few years later he was campaigning to repatriate those very same people, which is far from consistent.  I did not shift anything, every point I have made was made in my first post, so do stop lying as you always do when you realise you have no argument except from your blind imagination. I have made my points, Powell was not consistent, as you claimed, he did not refer to future immigrants as you claimed, he did distinguish by race despite what you claim and now you want to claim that it's me with the errors?  Your three that rubbish every point you made versus my one which doesn't detract from my argument at all.  Take a look at yourself man, you're a hypocrite.

Still adding in bits and pieces, aren't you? You are either baiting or time-wasting, or both. Go away.

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

Still adding in bits and pieces, aren't you? You are either baiting or time-wasting, or both. Go away.


Nope, haven't added a thing, it goes back to my first reply to you, you have reading comprehension problems, don't take that out on other people, it's your problem.

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5 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Nope, haven't added a thing, it goes back to my first reply to you, you have reading comprehension problems, don't take that out on other people, it's your problem.

I think everyone here can see who has the problem. Byeeee.

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Some brexiteers have seen the light.

"The MPs from the Northeast – which heavily backed Leave in the 2016 referendum – said a new vote is essential because the true nature of Brexit is only just emerging."


But the closet brexiteer has another agenda.

"Mr Corbyn’s spokesman explained that staying in the EEA could undermine a future Labour government’s ability “to intervene” in UK industries with particular issues around state aid and reversing privatisation."



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7 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I think everyone here can see who has the problem. Byeeee.


Yup, I'm pretty confident about that, everyone can read your blind guesses presented as if facts when you realised you had none, they can all read my rubbishing of every one of your guesses, they can all read your desperate worming away from the actual premise of my post and they can all read your repeated lying regarding my own consistency, it's all there for all to read, don't worry about that! 

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The UK wants to leave and at the same time thinks it can dictate the terms and call it negotiation.


"The UK negotiators said they want “continued UK participation in the development and operation of the open signal” of the system despite the UK leaving the bloc, as well as access to the private regulated signal for British armed forces."


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41 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Final sentence says it all.

The content of the article however remains true, the UK is sawing happily away at the branch they are sitting on, thankfully we have many MP's and a clever civil service who are aware of the dangers even if some of the flag waving street mob are not.

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In reality we have six months to come up with a workable plan if there is any chance of an agreement being reached by March 29th, 2019.  There has been virtually no progress except for the several concessions that the UK have agreed to.  As far as I can see the "negotiations" have consisted of Britain saying "this is what we want" and the EU saying "No, try again".  Then May and Davis sit down with the cabinet and then go back to the EU with exactly the same proposition.  In the real world these people would have been kicked out long ago but in the world of politics and politicians they just carry on getting nowhere.  

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


Try engaging with the topic instead of attempting to disparage other posters.

Says a bloke who has been furiously debating Enoch Powell on a Brexit thread, trying to disparage another poster's comments...

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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

The UK wants to leave and at the same time thinks it can dictate the terms and call it negotiation.


"The UK negotiators said they want “continued UK participation in the development and operation of the open signal” of the system despite the UK leaving the bloc, as well as access to the private regulated signal for British armed forces."


I don't want to disappoint you, but nobody apart from Remainers will be reading 'Independent' articles.

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26 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Says a bloke who has been furiously debating Enoch Powell on a Brexit thread, trying to disparage another poster's comments...


I replied to a post referencing Powell and countered the false claims made about my reply, there was some substance in all the posts, and obviously Powell is relevant to the Brexit debate as he was campaigning against it the first time round, so you should be able to see that it was actually quite unlike your own little passive aggressive nothing of a post., please do try to at least post things of substance instead of this inane attack reflex that is so common to your posts, it's really dull.

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13 minutes ago, HAKAPALITA said:

What you Brits bleating about.?. He was Right, immigrants are trying to take over Europe and Britain.


Then post some evidence of this "take over".  We remain in control despite immigration, there is nothing to suggest our immigrants are attempting any kind of takeover, they are just looking for work, thanks for your concern though.

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