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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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1 hour ago, StreetCowboy said:

Real men don’t ask for directions, and don’t turn back.

We should carry on boldly, or comically, until we are up to our axles in quagmire

May I point out that we're up to our axles because the wheels have all fallen off and the horses are not responding to flogging because they have expired?


The Brexit cabinet are trying to get things moving but they're pulling in opposite directions

Edited by Grouse
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18 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Do you have data that suggests a different picture because, in the absence of an alternative I can see no reason not to accept it.

It must be mentally exhausting being a Brexiteer - the UK government lied, the EU lied - who do you trust in all of this?



Are you suggesting the UK gov and the EU don't lie?

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

May I point out that we're up to our axles because the wheels have all fallen off and the horses are not responding to flogging because they have expired?


The Brexit cabinet are trying to get things moving but they're pulling in opposite directions

I think it is good to try all directions at once; one of them might be right.

Coherent rationale is out - a casualty of the War on Truth.  Nowadays it’s crowd-funded reality shows instead of think-tanks.  Slogans. Memes. Brexit means Brexit.  It is such a shame that George Orwell is not here to see it; although it would probably kill him with apoplexy “I <deleted> Told You!”

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4 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

Vast majority?

Like, >how much?

I will be delighted when the pantomime of Brexit is drawn to an end, hopefully with as little damage to our relationship with our neighbours as possible, and without bloodshed; it would be good if the UK survived intact as well.

We all have our dreams, and Mine are quite clear and eminently possible.

The only way possible for this is to remain in the customs union but then why bother with brexit at all. May is said to be considering dropping the customs union idea, smoke and mirrors, they will go for MaxFac knowing full well it will be turned down in June and then due to lack of time (we tried our best) will resort back to the customs union, cries of treachery and boo-hoo and its back to the daily grind, May will be thrown to the wolves after the smoke has cleared and the papers are signed and Rees-Mog or Bojo take the helm. 5 years later we are full members of the EU again, the conditions I think will be quite good but no pound sterling.

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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

The only way possible for this is to remain in the customs union but then why bother with brexit at all. May is said to be considering dropping the customs union idea, smoke and mirrors, they will go for MaxFac knowing full well it will be turned down in June and then due to lack of time (we tried our best) will resort back to the customs union, cries of treachery and boo-hoo and its back to the daily grind, May will be thrown to the wolves after the smoke has cleared and the papers are signed and Rees-Mog or Bojo take the helm. 5 years later we are full members of the EU again, the conditions I think will be quite good but no pound sterling.

And no rebate, I presume?

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33 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

The vast majority of Brits want Brexit to be done and dusted now.


Many reluctant remainers are now re-Leavers.


Many who voted remain (or failed to vote) have now seen the EU's true colours and want out.


Many who voted remain purely to keep the status quo have now realised the EU's plans are not to keep the status quo, so they want out too.


I think a 2nd referendum would waste valuable time.  But there is a part of me that would welcome it, just to put this issue to bed. A 65/35 for Leave vote (my prediction) would help strengthen our position in the negotiations.

No matter how much you may want this, if it's not something that can be achieved - and there is no way it can be achieved in the remaining timescale - you are not going to get it.  

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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

The only way possible for this is to remain in the customs union but then why bother with brexit at all. May is said to be considering dropping the customs union idea, smoke and mirrors, they will go for MaxFac knowing full well it will be turned down in June and then due to lack of time (we tried our best) will resort back to the customs union, cries of treachery and boo-hoo and its back to the daily grind, May will be thrown to the wolves after the smoke has cleared and the papers are signed and Rees-Mog or Bojo take the helm. 5 years later we are full members of the EU again, the conditions I think will be quite good but no pound sterling.

And Theresa will go down in history a hero who saved us from the idiocy put in place by her predecessors and colleagues

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4 hours ago, Jip99 said:



I think you fail to understand the meaning of “majority”.



Get over it, it’s done.

Well it's increasingly looking like it's not "done". Not by a long way!


Even the Brexit heavy NE now want a vote on the deal. All you Brexiteers know very well what another referendum would mean? Yep, that's right ?

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

Well it's increasingly looking like it's not "done". Not by a long way!


Even the Brexit heavy NE now want a vote on the deal. All you Brexiteers know very well what another referendum would mean? Yep, that's right ?



You are late on parade Grouse, I almost missed you....







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May is only still in power because the rabid Brexiters know that if the topple her the government might collapse and the delay will cause their precious Brexit to be abandoned due to lack of time.  But if she decides to stay in CU and SM will they still support her?


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4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

And no rebate, I presume?

Oh I think they will handle us with kid gloves, no salt rubbing, the loss of sterling and the subsequent rise in the strength of the Euro plus the dire warning example to others not to try and leave the fold will be sufficient satisfaction.

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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Oh I think they will handle us with kid gloves, no salt rubbing, the loss of sterling and the subsequent rise in the strength of the Euro plus the dire warning example to others not to try and leave the fold will be sufficient satisfaction.

I would suspect we will lose our veto over EU constitutional changes too...

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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

Still more than voted to remain. It’s called democracy.

And is precisely why we don't have a pure "Greek" style democracy. We have have a parliamentary representative democracy. I could tell you why, but you would get upset, so I will politely decline. ?

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Are you serious?  Did you do maths at school?  Have you never heard of extrapolation?  You read figures all day long that are created the same way, it was on a figure created this way that you got your Brexit referendum.

No! Please No! Don't mention statistics particularly distributions, probabilities or correlations to Brexiteers! You will regret it ?


Maybe linear regression or deviations? ?

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Cool stuff.  I believe the London School of Economics has a proficiency in English higher than your own as an entry requirement.

Joking apart IELTS is very tough! My elder Thai daughter needs a high grade (6.5) for her preferred UK university. I promise you that many natural English speakers' would fail! It's good that we keep standards up but we should let bright young people stay for a while after graduating. 5 years?

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

Do you have data that suggests a different picture because, in the absence of an alternative I can see no reason not to accept it.

It must be mentally exhausting being a Brexiteer - the UK government lied, the EU lied - who do you trust in all of this?



No, of course I don't have any comparable data. But I doubt that anyone has a full and true record. Why do you think the EU Commission feels the need to produce and publish this? If they can't get their own accounts fully signed off, why should anyone automatically accept their propaganda?


The recent massive Italian vote for Eurosceptic parties is enough cause for doubt in the validity of the data. Italy should be bright crimson on this map!  

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

No, of course I don't have any comparable data. But I doubt that anyone has a full and true record. Why do you think the EU Commission feels the need to produce and publish this? If they can't get their own accounts fully signed off, why should anyone automatically accept their propaganda?


The recent massive Italian vote for Eurosceptic parties is enough cause for doubt in the validity of the data. Italy should be bright crimson on this map!  

Eurosceptic yes, but neither wish to leave. And that's the point, we should stay and sort it out! Particularly with recent international events.

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18 minutes ago, billd766 said:

sorry Bill  wrong quote :smile:

24 minutes ago, Grouse said:

No! Please No! Don't mention statistics particularly distributions, probabilities or correlations to Brexiteers! You will regret it ?


Maybe linear regression or deviations? ?

You're just confusing him now.

Edited by nauseus
top quote in by sticky fingers
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24 minutes ago, Grouse said:

No! Please No! Don't mention statistics particularly distributions, probabilities or correlations to Brexiteers! You will regret it ?


Maybe linear regression or deviations? ?

Keep your deviations to yourself.

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Eurosceptic yes, but neither wish to leave. And that's the point, we should stay and sort it out! Particularly with recent international events.

So you trust the map? Of course!

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