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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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1 hour ago, Janner1 said:

One presumes that you do know!


I along with millions more have been forced to live through 43 years and more of the imposition of German and French corruption and rules and regulations that have been put upon us without rhyme or reason or discussion with the people who have to live with it, ALL OF US.


This once great country has gone to war at the behest of German arrogance and its wish to be the supreme leader in all things, 3 times.

Two that became world wars but started by Germany in which millions died fighting for the freedom to choose thier own path in life.


The third was the european union one between Germany and England wherein Germany having not been able to win the first two decided to war with us again, but this time it was financial.


Two polititions in the 70s who are now thankfully dead but did grave damage to our country, gave Germany with French collusion the opportunity it craved to defeat us.

England, this tiny little island that once ruled two thirds of the world and was not even defeated by the Roman armies.


 The Germans tried to undermine and take away the London money market and shutting down our financial institutions,

they even wanted to tax our private pension funds by 5 billion year on year to fund thier own pension shortfall.


BUT the referendum gave England  Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland the chance to fight back, everyone had an equal vote, everyone could choose the way they wanted to go with it, so you and all of those who could not be bothered to take the opportunity should stop bitching at the MAJORITY of good people who did get off thier rear ends and voted to take back our country from levels of corruption unprecedented in English history.


You “Get real” obviously think you know everything but did you know of the final documented coop de gra to be inflicted by Germany and France on our great country was to relegate us to nothing more than a Suberb of Brussels the smallest country in the European Union.


Therein is just one of the real reasons why we the people spoke up and fought back and we beat the Germans again,

We are English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish and we are all members of the finest nation on Earth and you and all the other remoaners should remember that, and while you are at it DON’T YOU DARE EVER TELL ME THAT I DID NOT KNOW WHAT I VOTED FOR



England is not a tiny little island, despite what so many people mistakenly believe. England is part of a tiny little island.


There are many Scots, Welsh and Irish who lent a hand in the empire - don't forget about them. And did the Roman not walk all over you? It certainly looked that way when I visited the Jorvik centre.


Edit: Please also do not forget that the Scots and the Norther Irish have also voted clearly - but their wishes are being ignored.

Edited by RuamRudy
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2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Sort what out? The only ones complaining are the Brexiteers, meanwhile rising support across the continent for the EU continues to confound them all. I appreciate that it upsets many Brexiters to see that their goal of the EU in tatters seems to be receding by the day, but the reality is that it is not only the UK where they are in the minority.

Rising support for the hated E.U.  I think not. You only have to notice the increase in votes for anti E.U. Parties. Be they in France, Holland, Austria,Italy etc.,

 Will other countries follow the U.K’s lead, I‘ve no idea, though I suspect it’s causing many sleepless nights in Brussels. That and the prospect of losing the U.K’s charitable contributions.




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4 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


What like the majority of British people who voted to remain in the EU. Is the the sort of majority you mean?

If you want to highlight a flaw in the data, be my guest. Lots of mud has been slung at it so far with none of it sticking - and nothing to suggest it is incorrect.


Was it 37% of British people that voted to leave the EU? I cannot quite recall...

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:

Note how in the original plan, Churchill said, "we" must build a United States of Europe, rather than "they" must build one.

"we" meaning the UK would help them build it. I don't know why you used this in your argument.

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1 hour ago, StreetCowboy said:

We should have referenda on every aspect of policy, and also government procurement and curriculum development in schools, and road traffic regulations.  And medical guidelines.


We know what's best for us.  

Do not the Swiss have many referendums, restricting those to important issues.?


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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

We can conclude that no matter what is presented to you, if it goes against your innate prejudice, you will rubbish it regardless of its merit.

You need to understand the difference between rubbish and question.

I think it is reasonable to question the ruIes and process of the poll in  light of, not innate prejudice, but recent election results. I  am very happy to accept the poll if someone can give it merit by showing me it was a professional independent audit, but not on the basis of your innate prejudice,  resulting in a blind faith which obviously satisfies your needs.

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10 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Edit: Please also do not forget that the Scots and the Norther Irish have also voted clearly - but their wishes are being ignored.

Their votes are not being on ignored, it was not 4 sperate Referendums, it was one combined Referendum.


1 million more voted to leave than to remain.


Parliament voted to enact Article 50. The aye's had it by 390 - 112.


Those who abstained, forgot or were just too lazy to vote do not come into the equation.

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4 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

When you have nothing else, you just got to use whatever you can get your hands on.

Show something similar that contradicts it and I will consider. So far, all you can offer are boos. Is there no similar poll that contradicts it?

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15 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

If you want to highlight a flaw in the data, be my guest. Lots of mud has been slung at it so far with none of it sticking - and nothing to suggest it is incorrect.


Was it 37% of British people that voted to leave the EU? I cannot quite recall...

 I believe that it was circa 37% of the British people that were eligible to vote that voted to leave, whereas it was circa 35% that voted to remain ....... keep spinning 

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7 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Their votes are not being on ignored, it was not 4 sperate Referendums, it was one combined Referendum.


1 million more voted to leave than to remain.


Parliament voted to enact Article 50. The aye's had it by 390 - 112.


Those who abstained, forgot or were just too lazy to vote do not come into the equation.

It is not as if we are crying out for reasons to scrap the union, but here is another massive one - 2 of the 4 member nations' wishes are pushed aside because 1 member nation has all the clout.

The only good thing to come from Brexit will be Scexit.

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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

It is not as if we are crying out for reasons to scrap the union, but here is another massive one - 2 of the 4 member nations' wishes are pushed aside because 1 member nation has all the clout.


Its even worse in the EU,  the wishes of 27 member states are pushed aside because 1 member nation has all the clout.

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6 minutes ago, aright said:

Its even worse in the EU,  the wishes of 27 member states are pushed aside because 1 member nation has all the clout.

Did the Walloons not put the kibosh on the EU-Canadian trade deal?

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15 minutes ago, aright said:

What do you think a fair divorce settlement should be? 

We would need to assess the credits and debits and apportion them fairly - I wouldn't want a penny more than was legally justifiable, nor would I wish us to walk away from outstanding obligations.

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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

In addition to writing off the vast amount of money that Germany should have paid to the U.K as war reparations after WW2.

And why did our government keep quite when they did wrote off this debt in 1990?

Though I do agree with those poster who keep on about, how there has been a economic miracle in Germany, but why did they not mention it was financed by the U.K and the U.S.A.



As I recall, the WWI war reparations were a contributor to the problems that Germany had that ultimately resulted in the subsequent war.  


Personally, I'd rather not dwell on the last war, but concentrate on making the next one less likely

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

There is just one flaw in your post, the Scots don't want to leave the Union.

Best we don't head off on this path on this thread - I find the topic has a tendency to take over...

There was another thread a couple of days back filled with Sturgeon based vitriol if you want to discuss it more.

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1 hour ago, aright said:

or the Deutsche Bank Debt to Equity ratio or their share price.

No mention by the remainers. That the fault of Deutsche Banks problems, including the recent news of the banks recent announcement of thousands of redundancies, is caused by Briexit.


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3 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

We may have changed our minds, with recent events.

What are recent events, the last general election where one third of the SNP lost their seats, including many big guns. The Scots are not going anywhere, they have more sense.

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2 hours ago, Janner1 said:

One presumes that you do know!


I along with millions more have been forced to live through 43 years and more of the imposition of German and French corruption and rules and regulations that have been put upon us without rhyme or reason or discussion with the people who have to live with it, ALL OF US.


This once great country has gone to war at the behest of German arrogance and its wish to be the supreme leader in all things, 3 times.

Two that became world wars but started by Germany in which millions died fighting for the freedom to choose thier own path in life.


The third was the european union one between Germany and England wherein Germany having not been able to win the first two decided to war with us again, but this time it was financial.


Two polititions in the 70s who are now thankfully dead but did grave damage to our country, gave Germany with French collusion the opportunity it craved to defeat us.

England, this tiny little island that once ruled two thirds of the world and was not even defeated by the Roman armies.


 The Germans tried to undermine and take away the London money market and shutting down our financial institutions,

they even wanted to tax our private pension funds by 5 billion year on year to fund thier own pension shortfall.


BUT the referendum gave England  Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland the chance to fight back, everyone had an equal vote, everyone could choose the way they wanted to go with it, so you and all of those who could not be bothered to take the opportunity should stop bitching at the MAJORITY of good people who did get off thier rear ends and voted to take back our country from levels of corruption unprecedented in English history.


You “Get real” obviously think you know everything but did you know of the final documented coop de gra to be inflicted by Germany and France on our great country was to relegate us to nothing more than a Suberb of Brussels the smallest country in the European Union.


Therein is just one of the real reasons why we the people spoke up and fought back and we beat the Germans again,

We are English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish and we are all members of the finest nation on Earth and you and all the other remoaners should remember that, and while you are at it DON’T YOU DARE EVER TELL ME THAT I DID NOT KNOW WHAT I VOTED FOR


Mr Angry forced to do this forced to that - sounds like you had a happy life. 

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It's all our fault, Dominic Cummings, former campaign director of Vote Leave explained when he wrote an open letter to Tory MPs and donors explaining why Brexit had turned into such a shambles. It’s not his fault, you’ll be unsurprised to learn, but that of a government of secret Remainers and a civil service which doesn’t believe in the policy.





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7 minutes ago, vogie said:

What are recent events, the last general election where one third of the SNP lost their seats, including many big guns. The Scots are not going anywhere, they have more sense.

And yet they still have more MPs than every other party combined.

What is nonsensical about independence? Why does it make more sense to be ruled from London?


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11 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Best we don't head off on this path on this thread - I find the topic has a tendency to take over...

There was another thread a couple of days back filled with Sturgeon based vitriol if you want to discuss it more.


42 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

It is not as if we are crying out for reasons to scrap the union, but here is another massive one - 2 of the 4 member nations' wishes are pushed aside because 1 member nation has all the clout.

The only good thing to come from Brexit will be Scexit.

You brought the subject up. 

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1 hour ago, The Renegade said:

Better is highly subjective.


How about a simple controlled from Brussels and by the ECJ was no longer acceptable.

Then, why all this complaining. You got like you wanted. Sort it out, without trying to complain and say that every other country is making it difficult for you.
Just get out of the mess you put yourself in, but of course, you didn´t know it would be so difficult. That basically also cement the theory that nobody knew what they voted for.

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