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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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6 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

There does not have to be a withdrawal treaty.


29 March 2019 it is game over.



Tell the EU tomorrow that WTO rules apply from 29 March 2019 and Trade talks will start in earnest next week.


Stop taking everything that the EU and Brussels utter as being gospel.

Yes but that is all cloud cuckoo land.  In the real world this will drag on for years.


"29th March 2019 it is game over".


And what score do you predict?


Try reading the transcript of what Johnson said yesterday.  Focus on the bit about Brexit. I quote


“So when we talk about moving to maximum facilitation for customs, I am of the view it will be fine. [Brexit] will happen and I think it will be irreversible. The risk is it will not be the one we want and the risk is that we will end up in a sort of anteroom of the EU, with an orbit around the EU, in a customs union and to a large extent in the single market. So not really having full freedom on our trade policy, our tariffs schedules, and not having freedom with our regulatory framework either.”


Then try reading the other post on TV.

Britain proposes one-year Brexit backstop plan to EU.


Then have a stiff drink and a re-think about the stuff you are posting!

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6 minutes ago, tebee said:

Comment from the Irish on the British negotiation style :

Comment from who tebee ? A guy in the pub ?


Who is Ireland biggest trading partner in terms of both imports and exports within the EU ?


Who is really going to get hurt if the EU & UK <deleted> up ?



 Ireland asked EU negotiators on Thursday to help it keep the border across the island “invisible” after Brussels reaches a Brexit deal with London that will take the British province of Northern Ireland out of the European Union.



For someone who has a lot to say, most of it comes across as hyperbolic nonsense.

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7 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

You may think that if you wish but that's just the kind of rhetoric that gets a country nowhere.

So you want to stay with the EU when it goes over the cliff edge.

Can't see we getting anywhere anyway, to be honest.


However Barnier has just said that the EU are prepared to step up the pace of the negotiations if Britain get's it's finger out!



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31 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

A mutually agreeable 2 way deal.


What is your point caller ?


Johnson is absolutely correct. This is the fudge that Treeza the Apeeza is trying to achieve. BRINO.


Take heed of your own advice would be my recommendation. 

My point is that you seem to think that on 29th March 2019 it will be all over.  when in reality it will be far from over.  


May has capped the extension (back stop) to (hopefully) December 2021 whereas Barnier has said that the no definitive date is acceptable.


Are you getting it yet?

Edited by dunroaming
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Another remainer Court case thrown out.



Scotland’s top court has rejected a bid by pro-EU campaigners to ask the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to rule on whether Britain alone can reverse its decision to leave the European Union.


Polls indicate there has been no major shift in the views of Britons since the referendum, when 52 percent voted to leave the EU.


Lawyer Jolyon Maugham, who headed the court challenge, said on Twitter the campaigners would seek to appeal the decision if it was affordable.




This is the fourth time this guy has lost Court cases.


Polls indicate that there has been no major shift in the views of Britons.


We know, most of the squealing and wailing is coming from non Brits.

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18 minutes ago, The Renegade said:


Are you starting to get it yet ? The EU will agree to anything that keeps the UK under the control of Brussels and the ECJ.


4 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



After being told by both the DUP and the British Government that that the UK / NI were one entity and would not be split, Barnier blows up the backstop.



Well that one didn’t last long.

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31 minutes ago, The Renegade said:


Are you denying that the UK Government are within their rights to say '' Up yours '' no more negotiations, we leave on 29 March 2019 and WTO rules apply ?


Do I need to post Article 50 for you ? Then you could pour over it and fail to point out this fictitious '' Withdrawal Treaty ''

Yes, that is exactly what we get if we do leave without an agreement.


But no sensible politician wants this as they know the chos it will cause will make their party unelectable for the next generation.


We might still get it.....


But if it's such a good option why   has the gove spent the last 2 years trying to negotiate something better ?

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3 minutes ago, Orac said:



Well that one didn’t last long.

For sure. It was A1 ok right up until yesterday. Then an end date was inserted and suddenly it is not A1 ok.


I am positive that this had nothing to do with it ??



Theresa May published her long-delayed blueprint for a fallback Brexit customs arrangement yesterday — a plan that could block free trade deals for years, might mean billions more for Brussels and which the prime minister herself admitted was unpalatable.



Anything is acceptable to the EU as long as it keeps the UK tied to Brussels and the ECJ and handing over £ billions to the EU.


Put an end date on that, surprise surprise, the EU do not like it.

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18 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Good, now quit talking shoite and tell the EU that the UK is done talking, WTO rules apply as of 29 March 2019.

And how many times has TM said "never " before?

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1 hour ago, The Renegade said:


Are you denying that the UK Government are within their rights to say '' Up yours '' no more negotiations, we leave on 29 March 2019 and WTO rules apply ?


Do I need to post Article 50 for you ? Then you could pour over it and fail to point out this fictitious '' Withdrawal Treaty ''

This is pointless, you are never going to get it.  You really think that, if leaving with no deal was a viable option, that we wouldn't have opted for that months ago?  Even Boris the idiot stopped saying that long ago.  You really think we would have committed the billions of pounds we are going to pay if there was a chance of walking away?   Best we go our own ways on this one my friend.  This has become a pointless exercise.


Maybe we should try again after 29th March 2019.  If it is "all over"  I will happily buy the drinks 

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10 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Maybe we should try again after 29th March 2019.  If it is "all over"  I will happily buy the drinks

And I will buy the Lay's tomato flavoured crisps. ?

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

Sorry, just before I leave this alone for now.


If May is a remainer and trying to scupper Brexit, why has her leadership not been challenged by Johnson or Rees Mogg before?  She has been weak and on the back foot for months.  Really easy pickings but all Johnson and RM do is praise and back her.  Are they really that lily livered and pathetic?

Rees Mogg should put up or shut up,if he's got enough MPs he should sort out a vote of confidence in TM.

As they say in Texas he's all hat and no horses or in the UK all mouth and trousers.

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9 hours ago, adammike said:

Rees Mogg should put up or shut up,if he's got enough MPs he should sort out a vote of confidence in TM.

As they say in Texas he's all hat and no horses or in the UK all mouth and trousers.

Rees Mogg’s latest ‘put up’ is the expectation of a 10 year interim period.


That doesn’t sound like telling the EU to go whistle.

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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11 hours ago, evadgib said:

WTO should have been UK's starting point within days of opting to leave; ie:

- Pull out

- Stop paying

- Negotiate from a much stronger position with funds withheld until satisfactory agreements materialise.

but those in government with all their experts at hand didn't go this way, there is a reason perhaps.

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11 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Sorry, just before I leave this alone for now.


If May is a remainer and trying to scupper Brexit, why has her leadership not been challenged by Johnson or Rees Mogg before?  She has been weak and on the back foot for months.  Really easy pickings but all Johnson and RM do is praise and back her.  Are they really that lily livered and pathetic?

Realistic as to their options of a good outcome.

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