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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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2 minutes ago, tebee said:

I hope the "hard brexit " supporters can  look all the people made redundant after the day in the eye and explain how we "did it for their benefit£ 

Yes, of course tebee, how remiss of me. No-one has ever experienced redundancy before in the UK and it will be Brexit's fault.


4 minutes ago, tebee said:

by making modern manufacturing impractical to conduct in the UK.   

Did you miss these that I posted earlier. I am hurt ? I posted them just for you and you appear to have missed them



Siemens to open train factory in east Yorkshire

German engineering company to invest £200m and create thousands of jobs at new plant in Goole




Siemens is to invest £27m into a new 3D printing factory for Worcester based Materials Solutions, a move that will create 55 new jobs.



7 minutes ago, tebee said:

Be interesting too to see how many international companies start investor state disputes with the UK for changing the rules  and causing them losses.

Get that crystal ball out and hunt for doom & gloom tebee.

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6 minutes ago, tebee said:




I hope the "hard brexit " supporters can  look all the people made redundant after the day in the eye and explain how we "did it for their benefit£ by making modern manufacturing impractical to conduct in the UK.   




4 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



Yep, no problem.


Just blame it on the intransigence of the EU.

I was addressing the comment to those that want a hard brexit. It is the their instance on having nothing to do with the EU that causes the problem. A soft brexit could avoid it

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52 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Well okay then, in that case, let's examine the stunningly informative tweet from the literary genius, James O’Brien, that you think puts it very succinctly


He tweeted

***Yup. If you stop paying £20 for your pitch at the car boot sale where you make a profit of £200 every week, then you are obviously £20 a week better off ***


So, to show how weak your position actually is, if you can't write something more edifying than this yourself, and have to resort to posting this drivel from somebody else, you really do have much more to worry about than Brexit

You really are struggling here - my suggestion is that you accept that you have nothing constructive to add, and simply drop it. On the other hand, of course, feel free to continue to dig.


Should you wish to do so, perhaps you can explain what is unedifying and uninformative about him making a pertinent, accessible analogy to demonstrate how ludicrous a position that Rees Mogg is taking?


And drivel? Why do you consider it drivel? The definition of drivel is 'silly nonsense'. What aspect of his tweet is silly nonsense?




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18 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

I suggest you google ‘outrage’ because you don’t appear to understand the meaning of the word.


I am not in the least bit outraged, you are the one displaying all the outrage. However, I agree that ‘faux’ is certainly the correct adjective to precede your outrage with.

I can assure you that there is nothing faux about my outrage when it comes to racists, fascists and xenophobes. 


If you weren't outraged, you did wade in somewhat quickly to defend a clearly fascist politician and try to airbrush out his overtly racist proposals by trying to suggest he was persecuting only those who are in Italy illegally, rather than the truth of the matter, which is his stated intent to single out Roma in general. 

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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

NOBODY wants the uk to leave the eu without a trade agreement that suits both parties in place - preferably a free trade agreement.  But the eu is insisting that a trade agreement is the last thing that needs to be discussed!


If they're not prepared to discuss a trade agreement until the uk accepts all their terms - then, sadly, it's necessary to leave under wto terms.  With of course, no payment to the eu.

And we have a winner ??


The Europhiles are so deaf, dumb and blind that they cannot see this.


The EU are insisting on the UK being tied to Brussels and the ECJ. It is just not going to happen.

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Just now, The Renegade said:

And we have a winner ??


The Europhiles are so deaf, dumb and blind that they cannot see this.


The EU are insisting on the UK being tied to Brussels and the ECJ. It is just not going to happen.

"The EU are insisting on the UK being tied to Brussels and the ECJ. It is just not going to happen."


Re. " It is just not going to happen." - I hope you're right, but wouldn't bet any money on it ☹️.

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Listen to Juncker Ireland, he really is your friend ??



Juncker piles pressure on Ireland to adopt Brussels’ corporate tax plans



Now make sure you listen carefully to the man who is under investigation for his part in setting up Corporate Tax avoidance when he was PM of Luxembourg. 


Fiat just being the latest 



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5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

NOBODY wants the uk to leave the eu without a trade agreement that suits both parties in place - preferably a free trade agreement.  But the eu is insisting that a trade agreement is the last thing that needs to be discussed!


If they're not prepared to discuss a trade agreement until the uk accepts all their terms - then, sadly, it's necessary to leave under wto terms.  With of course, no payment to the eu.

We have already agreed to the severance payment  and that NI will remain part of the CU and SM - we are still sorting out citizens rights though - the UK gov published a proposal today but it's still lacking in detail.


There has been discussion on a trade deal  - the EU has offered a offered a Canada or Ukraine type deal, with no ECJ strings attached - but this won't solve the problem for people like Airbus.


The problem is the 2 year art 50 notice is nowhere near long enough to arrange a comprehensive  a la carte  trade deal, my moneys still on an art 50 extesion. 



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52 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

But the question to be asked is, 'Is picking fruit more fun than building aircraft?'.

I suspect a high proportion of Brexiters are qualified for spud bashing but not aircraft manufacture ?

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29 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Listen to Juncker Ireland, he really is your friend ??




Now make sure you listen carefully to the man who is under investigation for his part in setting up Corporate Tax avoidance when he was PM of Luxembourg. 


Fiat just being the latest 



Ensuring a level playing field across the EU is sensible as is making sure that multinationals pay their fair share. A race to the bottom on corporation tax does not help with building stable societies with social justice. Ireland drew in particularly American multinationals in this way. The UK post Brexit will certainly do so.

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

Ensuring a level playing field across the EU is sensible as is making sure that multinationals pay their fair share. A race to the bottom on corporation tax does not help with building stable societies with social justice. Ireland drew in particularly American multinationals in this way. The UK post Brexit will certainly do so.

You do not understand hypocrisy or irony, do you ?



Now make sure you listen carefully to the man who is under investigation for his part in setting up Corporate Tax avoidance when he was PM of Luxembourg. 





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26 minutes ago, tebee said:

We have already agreed to the severance payment  and that NI will remain part of the CU and SM - we are still sorting out citizens rights though - the UK gov published a proposal today but it's still lacking in detail.




23 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



Who has ?




Did you attend a special school tebee ?

It's in the withdrawal bill that just been passed.

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9 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

I suspect that there is not many in the UK that are qualified for aircraft manufacture period, regardless of whether they are leavers or remainers.


I must congratulate you on posting yet another piece of garbage.


It appears you really are an expert in your field.

Well we certainly managed to lose much of our aerospace industry with little difficulty. Great result.


Many Brexiters moaning about competition for jobs are really concerned about spud bashing jobs rather than engineering or technology jobs or those that require significant education.


You are correct that we have insufficient people who are qualified for high tech jobs. No doubt you blame the EU for that rather than our burgeoning  underclass of anti elitists.


I am indeed in Stockholm to receive my Nobel prize for arrogance 



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16 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Why on earth are you so desperate to reduce the discussion to insulting brexiteers???

Only responding to what I read here. 


No complaints about foreigners stealing our robotics jobs or tooling jobs or bioengineering jobs. Only spud badgers being undercut

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13 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Of course I do. Just explaining the core issue for you

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31 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I suspect a high proportion of Brexiters are qualified for spud bashing but not aircraft manufacture ?

All the British who used to go fruit picking, now claim welfare while Poles and Romanians do the work.

There's probably more Brits suitable and available for 'spud bashing' than there are for 'aircraft manufacture'


Most natives of any country seek menial low paid work.

Once you take that away from them, their only choices are welfare, drugs and petty crime.



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