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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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11 hours ago, aright said:

Now this.


Minister warns Airbus it will lose huge defence contracts if it pulls out of UK over Brexit 

Ministers have warned the aircraft manufacturer Airbus that it risks losing vital defence contracts if it goes ahead with its threat to pull out of Britain in the event of a “no deal” Brexit.

Ben Wallace, the security minister, reminded the firm that without the support of Britain it would not have been able to cover its budget overruns on the A400m transporter aircraft, of which the RAF has 14.

Last year the MoD signed a £410m maintenance contract with Airbus Defence and Space for its A400m fleet, and the year before it agreed a £500m deal for 30 Airbus helicopters.

“Airbus have used these heavy handed tactics before. They threatened to leave the UK if we didn’t join the Euro...during the Referendum they tried to interfere in the democratic process by writing letters to their employees instructing them how to vote.



The UK has the largest commercial aircraft fleet in Europe which need to be replaced on a regular basis. Airbus need to think this through. Boeing make good aircraft as well.



Rolls Royce also told its employees how to vote in the referendum. These aviation people seem to think they know what is better for the business than the brexiteers.


Are we to assume from the article that government ministers will be telling airlines which aircraft they can use. Even BA is owned by a multinational registered in Spain, how will that pan out?


Even if the ministers did pull all contracts under their control, the UK would suffer the most, Airbus may hurt for a bit but they would soon get over it. It won't be long before other countries realise the UK is no longer the EU and may look to negotiating their military requirements with the EU.

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The brexit dividend - so far.


CER deputy director John Springford said: “Two years on from the referendum, we now know that the Brexit vote has seriously damaged the economy.

“And we know that the Government’s ‘Brexit dividend’ is a myth, the vote is costing the Treasury £440 million a week, far more than the UK ever contributed to the EU budget.”


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The brexit dividend - so far.

CER deputy director John Springford said: “Two years on from the referendum, we now know that the Brexit vote has seriously damaged the economy.

“And we know that the Government’s ‘Brexit dividend’ is a myth, the vote is costing the Treasury £440 million a week, far more than the UK ever contributed to the EU budget.”


£440m a week and we haven’t even left yet - makes me relieved I am able to sit this one out.

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2 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Indeed we did, but back then, the country wasn’t overrun with left wing liberal luvvies like the crisp salesman, who deem that signaling their own virtuosity is more righteous than getting behind their country

Or clowns like this



Ben Nevis rescue team refuses to pick up climber who complained he had been caught in a downpour



( Insert your own descriptive expletive )

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2 minutes ago, tebee said:

Boris Johnson's alleged comments were revealed 


after he was accused of using a four-letter word 


EU diplomats have claimed 



For sure tebee.


The words '' alleged '' '' accused '' and '' claimed '' have it all sewn up.


In your eyes he is as guilty as sin.


Grow up.

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5 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



For sure tebee.


The words '' alleged '' '' accused '' and '' claimed '' have it all sewn up.


In your eyes he is as guilty as sin.


Grow up.


I know, I shouldn't really believe anything I read in these biased left-wing rags should I ?


And that doesn't sound like anything Boris would ever say does it....

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1 minute ago, tebee said:


I know, I shouldn't really believe anything I read in these biased left-wing rags should I ?


And that doesn't sound like anything Boris would ever say does it....

There is one hell of a difference in reading something and then posting it to try and score points when it contains these words


10 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

For sure tebee.


The words '' alleged '' '' accused '' and '' claimed '' have it all sewn up.


In your eyes he is as guilty as sin.


Grow up.

That is what happens when desperation gets the better of you.


Just ask the BBC and the Met how much they paid out to Cliff Richard.


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2 hours ago, The Renegade said:

Can you not open your eyes and see that there might not be an EU to rejoin ?


Perhaps those specs you are wearing come with special filters that only allows you to see certain news. Mostly of Project Fear variety  and filter out articles of reality over the EU.


Brexit, is currently the least of the EU's worries.

Ah so that is why you and yours hope for a collapse of the EU. Such generosity of spirit. Have you done so badly over all these years? Do tell?

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

"But don't you realize that having an economically disastrous hard brexit will only result in people wanting to rejoin the EU ?"


It was mostly (?) those on low wages that voted for brexit - and hard to see how any govt. would dare reduce the minimum wage.


The 'bad part' ALWAYS arrives on the doorstep of the poor....


The rest is just typical fear factor - unless one is fortunate enough to not only have a crystal ball, but also be able to read it.


To be fair, if there is another referendum a few years later that resulted in a 're-join' vote, I'd accept it.

Don't worry; Reese Mogg will take care of the poor! 

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2 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

This is typical of your continued hatred for the UK, and once again exposes you as having no concern whatsoever, for the British people or the UK. Your only selfish interest in this is your own personal status as a UK citizen living in France post-Brexit; shame on you tebee

What codswallop! 


Please learn to use the quote function so that you don't change the context.


I won't live in post Brexit England either. I might send food parcels to you?

Edited by Grouse
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Just now, Grouse said:

Have you done so badly over all these years? Do tell?

Yes, I am struggling badly. I need help to reduce my UK tax bill which was £18,021 last year. 


My non UK, tax free earning are over $150,000 and I only work 6 months a year.


It is sh!te being a leaver of low education ??


If you were a Skydiving, life saving paramedic like me, you too could earn $900 a day.

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1 minute ago, The Renegade said:

Yes, I am struggling badly. I need help to reduce my UK tax bill which was £18,021 last year. 


My non UK, tax free earning are over $150,000 and I only work 6 months a year.


It is sh!te being a leaver of low education ??


If you were a Skydiving, life saving paramedic like me, you too could earn $900 a day.

Actually I charge 1000 USD per day but who's counting?

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1 hour ago, tebee said:

I am not such a malibale piece mindles dogshit that I find it nessesary to align my views with the majority of population thank you. I have my own views and opinions.


I've always considered migration a good thing, even before I did it myself. It's always the best and brightest who move. Without it the UK would have gone the same way as Japan, caught up in years of stagnation.  

Migration is good for WHO ? As I pointed out a few months ago many Eastern Europeans come to work in the U.K during their very cold winter period. Earning up to the tax threshold of £11,800, when they then depart to their own country. During this period they obtain many benefits, housing and child benefits, some for the whole year,even when their children never enter the U.K. Others do bring their children into the U.K for those 6 months and enroll them in British tax funded school, and in doing so ensuring that extra resources are allocated to them, at the expense of the British children.

  My wife has this week told me that at the two evening English classes she attends, every other person is female and from either the Czech Republic,Poland  or Romania. Again they only remain in the U.K. during the holiday season, selling ice cream etc., until the tax threshold is reached. They also take advantage of all the British tax funded benefits etc.,

 So for whom is this immigration a good thing. Can I suggest.

1/ None British nationals, who contribute little or nothing to the British Exchequer.

2/ Employers, including those remain supporting multi nationals, who encourage immigration in the knowledge that it reduces their cost. 

3/ Those few higher qualified Brits, who do go to work in the E.U. Allthough I do beleive many of them did so before the E.U was imposed on us.


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And another great EU plan is about to bite the dust



France and Germany face a growing backlash from other governments against their plans for a common eurozone budget, dealing a blow to the two countries’ ambitions for a big overhaul of the single currency area.


The Netherlands, Austria and Finland are among 12 governments questioning the need for any joint eurozone “fiscal capacity”, challenging a central tenet of French President Emmanuel Macron’s vision for the eurozone that he has successfully pressed Berlin to endorse.



When is it going to sink in that people and Countries do not want more EU, they want less EU.

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2 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Well maybe you should thoroughly read what someone has written before quoting their comments; alternatively, don’t post them if you don't agree with them. The fact that you have posted their comment implies that you support what they have said

What tripe!

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9 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Migration is good for WHO ? As I pointed out a few months ago many Eastern Europeans come to work in the U.K during their very cold winter period. Earning up to the tax threshold of £11,800, when they then depart to their own country. During this period they obtain many benefits, housing and child benefits, some for the whole year,even when their children never enter the U.K. Others do bring their children into the U.K for those 6 months and enroll them in British tax funded school, and in doing so ensuring that extra resources are allocated to them, at the expense of the British children.

  My wife has this week told me that at the two evening English classes she attends, every other person is female and from either the Czech Republic,Poland  or Romania. Again they only remain in the U.K. during the holiday season, selling ice cream etc., until the tax threshold is reached. They also take advantage of all the British tax funded benefits etc.,

 So for whom is this immigration a good thing. Can I suggest.

1/ None British nationals, who contribute little or nothing to the British Exchequer.

2/ Employers, including those remain supporting multi nationals, who encourage immigration in the knowledge that it reduces their cost. 

3/ Those few higher qualified Brits, who do go to work in the E.U. Allthough I do beleive many of them did so before the E.U was imposed on us.


But what you seem to forget is any British national who feels they are being underpaid is equally as free to go and get a job in a higher paying EU country. This has always been the prerogative of the rich and educated, but FOM extends this to all classes of worker, even unskilled manual ones.    

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