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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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8 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Often when people run out of ideas to hang their hat on. they start examining the spelling.

it is sad.

It is also sad when people make claims that are not true.


As I said above in my reply.



Can you point out where I mentioned spelling ?


Edited by The Renegade
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21 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

I have pointed out repeatedly since 1997 Universities have been used as a means of keeping down unemployment figures.

Correct! At least we can agree on that.


I am sorry that I find some of your utterances to be incomprehensible 


My retort concerning my education was to explain to you that it was not a waste of money for the state and certainly not for me.

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11 minutes ago, sirineou said:

again you are grasping at straws, You know what he ment . he knows what he meant, anyone with half a brain knows what he ment, Except perhaps you .

would it had made you more happy if he had said Grammar? or does it make it better that it was not "spelling" that you concentrated on but Grammar ?

IMO you should concentrate on substance rather than style.  

I know Grouse as a long time poster , and regardless of whether we agree or disagree on the issues,  of the spelling or grammar (which is almost always impeccable ) his replies are always thoughtful and polite.

  Now back on topic please!




Judging by the above comment, you would not have a clue about Grouse's correct use of spelling or grammer.


I will give you the benefit of the doubt as it is Saturday and put it down to you being full of laughing juice.

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

Often when people run out of ideas to hang their hat on. they start examining the spelling.

it is sad.

Some people when they run out of ideas, say that anyone that disagrees with them, are intellectually inferior and less well educated than themselves. So when they continually prove their inability to spell or be grammatically correct, they are being shot with their own gun, and are deserving of little sympathy. If they did not claim the intellectual high ground, it would not happen. Don’t paint a target on yourself and then expect not to be shot at.

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26 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



Are you for real ?


Try reading the last 200 pages and come back and tell us all,  how thoughtful and polite his replies are.


His retorts are nasty, spiteful and full of vindictiveness.


Then he goes crying when he gets a taste of his own medicine.

Yet you persist on concentrating on style over substance, and on your above reply you attack Grouse's alleged past style to justify yours.  

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1 minute ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

If they did not claim the intellectual high ground, it would not happen. Don’t paint a target on yourself and then expect not to be shot at.



some people just set themselves up for both barrels.

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1 minute ago, sirineou said:

Yet you persist on concentrating on style over substance, and on your above reply you attack Grouse's alleged past style to justify yours.  

Please tell us what you have said that is on subject, because I can't seem to find anything. You are just trolling, and are not contributing to the topic in any way whatsoever

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1 minute ago, sirineou said:

Yet you persist on concentrating on style over substance, and on your above reply you attack Grouse's alleged past style to justify yours.  

Nah, what a crying shame you cannot read, digest or comprehend.


Only need to go back 4 posts



Nonsense. I treat you no different to any other child ?


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41 minutes ago, sirineou said:

again you are grasping at straws, You know what he ment . he knows what he meant, anyone with half a brain knows what he ment, Except perhaps you .

would it had made you more happy if he had said Grammar? or does it make it better that it was not "spelling" that you concentrated on but Grammar ?

IMO you should concentrate on substance rather than style.  

I know Grouse as a long time poster , and regardless of whether we agree or disagree on the issues,  of the spelling or grammar (which is almost always impeccable ) his replies are always thoughtful and polite.

  Now back on topic please!


He doesn't like America and am I correct in thinking you are American. ???

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2 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Please tell us what you have said that is on subject, because I can't seem to find anything. You are just trolling, and are not contributing to the topic in any way whatsoever

It would be utter folly to think that TV was not infested by multi user name *rolls, like every other forum.


Not that hard to spot, they appear out of nowhere, attempting to back up an individual.

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2 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:



The EU was set up in the interests of Germany and France. That is why we were never a good fit. The Euro fanatics will never acknowledge this, but it is the reality. Member states throughout the continent are no longer prepared to rubber stamp everything that Germany and France instruct them to, as they have in the past; they are starting to ask themselves if they really wish to remain in this dysfunctional, increasingly autocratic Union, where Germany and France have always called the shots, yet have bent or ignored the rules to suit themselves.





**** Anyone reading this week’s Meseberg Declaration could be forgiven for thinking that the “Franco-German motor” that drives the EU was fully revved up for the next round of reform. The formal statement by Merkel and French president Emmanuel Macron after their meeting at Schloss Meseberg, Germany’s Baroque version of Chequers, included several classic aspirations of the federal European dream.


There was the push to end national vetoes over common foreign policy as well as creating an EU security council, the call for “harmonising asylum practices in the member states” and turning EU border patrol agency Frontex into “a genuine European border police”. And of course there was the French president’s centerpiece project of a single budget for eurozone members by 2021.


Yet never before have such steps on the EU’s path to “ever closer union” seemed more fanciful or harder to agree. Two years after the British referendum, the 27 member states being left behind by the United Kingdom have maintained a remarkable unity on the withdrawal negotiations but can point to precious few areas of agreement on what to do next with their own union.


“In the past the Franco-German motor worked when the other countries went in behind France or Germany, depending on their point of view” said John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in London. This meant that when Paris and Berlin agreed, everyone agreed. “The problems now are the new dividing lines between the traditional allies of France and those of Germany. Anti-European integration nationalism is taking hold in traditional partners of internationalism.”


Despite the claims of some Brexiteers, it’s not Britain’s imminent departure that threatens the EU, but the rise of nationalist parties, driven largely by the bloc’s failing immigration and economic policies ****

Do lighten up Pilgrim! Denmark's an awful place; I don't know how they manage 



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2 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

It would be utter folly to think that TV was not infested by multi user name *rolls, like every other forum.


Not that hard to spot, they appear out of nowhere, attempting to back up an individual.

I was just thinking exactly that. This poster has not been on the topic at all, and has said nothing whatsoever about the topic, but has suddenly come charging over the hill to defend Grouse. 



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2 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

I was just thinking exactly that. This poster has not been on the topic at all, and has said nothing whatsoever about the topic, but has suddenly come charging over the hill to defend Grouse. 



And quickly charged off again ??

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13 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Do lighten up Pilgrim! Denmark's an awful place; I don't know how they manage 




Nor do I, looks appalling, precisely aligned parasols, orderly seating, well behaved boring clientele; passive, unimaginative tedium, looks like a remainers paradise

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20 minutes ago, vogie said:

He doesn't like America and am I correct in thinking you are American. ???

Incorrect. I hate Trump's America!


I thoroughly enjoyed the three occasions I lived there.


Met a retired New Yorker on the train from Stockholm who knew both Bill Clinton and Trump. He cannot abide Trump who he says is a man that without conscience

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36 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Nah, what a crying shame you cannot read, digest or comprehend.


Only need to go back 4 posts



I thought that was quite an amusing riposte! Are you German?

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5 minutes ago, vogie said:

He doesn't like America and am I correct in thinking you are American. ???

Many things not to like about America, some I don't like also.IMO disliking America and disliking Americans are two different things. I don't think  anyone dislikes me because I am American, I think they dislike me because I can be an Ahole some times

But I am glad to say my Mama likes me! LOL

In this instance I don't think they dislike the messenger simply the message


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41 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Some people when they run out of ideas, say that anyone that disagrees with them, are intellectually inferior and less well educated than themselves. So when they continually prove their inability to spell or be grammatically correct, they are being shot with their own gun, and are deserving of little sympathy. If they did not claim the intellectual high ground, it would not happen. Don’t paint a target on yourself and then expect not to be shot at.

Well he is a game old bird after all. But keep the safety on until 12th August!  

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30 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

I was just thinking exactly that. This poster has not been on the topic at all, and has said nothing whatsoever about the topic, but has suddenly come charging over the hill to defend Grouse. 



I have said plenty of things about Brexit on this and other threads no need to repeat myself.

But I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject for this brief exchange . 

I repeat, when one runs out of ideas , complains about the spelling or grammar.Then he says " but Mom the other kids were mean to me in the past". 

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11 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I have said plenty of things about Brexit on this and other threads no need to repeat myself.

But I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject for this brief exchange . 

I repeat, when one runs out of ideas , complains about the spelling or grammar.Then he says " but Mom the other kids were mean to me in the past". 

Okay, then tell me when you last made a comment on this thread before today; and I mean a comment that was about the topic, and not just a trolling reply to another posters comment, which is all you have done so far today 

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4 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Also for paying for the military security of Germany since 1945.I just wonder how much that has saved Germany over the years. Now come 2018 and the EU is threatening the U.K with an economic war, and yet  we are still stupid enough to pay more into Nato than those same countries who are more at risk from Russia.




Interesting bar graph


Whst about the end of the Cold War peace dividend?


What happens if your remove the nuclear deterrent costs?


Do you really want Germany to spend 2% of 4 trillion USD on arms every year?


Far better the EU stay close together and kick USA out of NATO.

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