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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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4 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



Not since I joined on 09 May you haven't

555 we've been discussing Brexit here for 3 years! Sirineou is a respected and regular contributor.


Actually, several regulars have ceased contributing since you two arrived. Happy?

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21 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I lived there on three separate occasions the first in 1985, the second in 1993 and most recently in 2002. Firstly Austin TX, then Cambridge MA, Finally Los Gatos near San Jose CA.


I have never lived in America while Trump has been president. I will be in UK when he visits. Pity we have such strict firearms laws in the UK; a semEye automatic could be useful ?

You might be better off with a semiconductor 

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45 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



Thousands ??


I would have thought that with it been in London it would have been nearer a million ??


If there are only thousands, do a quick survey and determine who many are actually British ??

According to the remainer Bible, the estimate is 50,000



Estimated 50,000 in London include Tory and Labour remainers, and EU citizens



Reality, the numbers will be 30,000 tops.


That is a great turnout for Remain Central ??


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15 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Is this an example of how you engage in adult conversation, as you were so keen to tell me you did


31 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. I bet they are remainers ??

Intellectuals so probably remainers ?

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21 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Is this an example of how you engage in adult conversation, as you were so keen to tell me you did

Just look up Transactionsal Analysis (TA) you could learn something. Adult adult you see?

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50 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

According to the remainer Bible, the estimate is 50,000




Reality, the numbers will be 30,000 tops.


That is a great turnout for Remain Central ??



51 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

According to the remainer Bible, the estimate is 50,000




Reality, the numbers will be 30,000 tops.


That is a great turnout for Remain Central ??


With Baldrick at the helm there's nothing to worry about ?

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12 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

You are either kidding, trying to wind people up, or completely unaware of how unthoughtful and impolite countless of his replies have been on this thread; are you just trolling, looking to be somebody's defense lawyer ??

Grouse mentioned Transactional Analysis in an earlier comment - you should read up on it. It will possibly reveal to you why some take the tone with you that they do - not only will it be educational, it's a fascinating subject.

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Leavers predicting the end of the EU are like cults predicting the end of the earth: keep it vague, don’t commit yourself to anything verifiable and if you do and you get it wrong, just adjust your prediction and hope your dumb followers won’t notice.

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4 minutes ago, tebee said:

Leavers predicting the end of the EU are like cults predicting the end of the earth:



Brilliant satire tebee, absolutely brilliant. You are a comedy genius and you do not even know it.


That should read



Remainers predicting the end of the UK are like a cult, continually predicting the end of the earth.

I have posted enough independent articles, from Politicians to Economists, over the last 2 weeks, who are all saying that if the EU does not sort itself fairly quickly it will be history.


They must be leavers, right ??

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

Your defence of grouse is very touching RR, have you ever considered why people take the "tone" with grouse?

Of course - but most people tend to reflect the attitude of their adversary. There are few with the projected calm of Tebee, who seems to be able to shrug off the personal attacks without bitterness or the need to hark back to them. A life goal for me...


3 minutes ago, vogie said:

ps, have read Transactional Analysis, it's crap.

What do you think is 'crap' about it? I found it pretty enlightening; my employer liked it so much they spent several hundred thousand pounds on TA training in the mid 90s, which was where I first came across it. It's very useful in negotiations, and also handy down the pub if it gets a bit rowdy near closing time.

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Just now, The Renegade said:



Brilliant satire tebee, absolutely brilliant. You are a comedy genius and you do not even know it.


That should read


I have posted enough independent articles, from Politicians to Economists, over the last 2 weeks, who are all saying that if the EU does not sort itself fairly quickly it will be history.


They must be leavers, right ??

If we are now open to accepting the predictions of politicians and economists in respect to contemporary issues, does this also mean that we can now all agree with the overwhelming number of politicians and economists who say that Brexit is madness?

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

If we are now open to accepting the predictions of politicians and economists in respect to contemporary issues, does this also mean that we can now all agree with the overwhelming number of politicians and economists who say that Brexit is madness?

Please do not try and put YOUR spin  into MY comment.


My comment was a direct rebuttal of tebee's assertion that it is leavers who are predicting the demise of the EU


Here it is again, for those that have trouble reading.


8 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

I have posted enough independent articles, from Politicians to Economists, over the last 2 weeks, who are all saying that if the EU does not sort itself fairly quickly it will be history.


They must be leavers, right ??

I personally made no assertion as to whether they are correct or not.


Anyway, as a jock and SNP sycophant, should you not be supporting Brexit ? After all, that will be the quickest way for you to gain Independence.



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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Of course - but most people tend to reflect the attitude of their adversary. There are few with the projected calm of Tebee, who seems to be able to shrug off the personal attacks without bitterness or the need to hark back to them. A life goal for me...


The "personal attacks" didn't seem to worry you when the shoe was on the other foot, remember the vile remarks from a certain member refering to brexiteers as Benny Hill and Dads Army, many of us found it repugnant, you deemed he was just being "flippant", incidentally I believe that is one of the members that does not post anymore according to the game bird. 

As for Transandental apocalypse, I was being flippant, I don't think it would be of interest to me so late in life.

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31 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Anyway, as a jock and SNP sycophant, should you not be supporting Brexit ? After all, that will be the quickest way for you to gain Independence.

What is it with your need to insult people with whom you disagree? It is not as if it reinforces your position.


I agree that, in theory, Brexit is helping more and more cross over to the independence campaign, but to wish for a bad Brexit result is a very short term way of thinking. Contrary to the baseless myth that one of my good friends on here likes to spin repeatedly, Scottish independence is not about getting one over the English. An independent Scotland needs a strong and stable neighbour as an ally and trading partner. Independence will be challenging - the last thing we need is a basket case country next door.

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23 minutes ago, vogie said:

The "personal attacks" didn't seem to worry you when the shoe was on the other foot, remember the vile remarks from a certain member refering to brexiteers as Benny Hill and Dads Army, many of us found it repugnant, you deemed he was just being "flippant", incidentally I believe that is one of the members that does not post anymore according to the game bird. 

We have moderators to control the debate - I don't think it is up to each of us to do their job for them. Of course, if people step badly out of line then I would expect that they get criticised by those on all sides, but I don't recall anything like that in this debate (admittedly, though, I have a tendency not to dwell in it). 


But Dad's Army - this seems a bit like the controversy recently where the term gammon, not one banded about too much on this thread, was declared as outrageous and offensive by those jowly, ruddy faced white men who so frequently called remainers libtards or snowflakes. All sides are guilty. 


Personally, I prefer to avoid insulting terms where I can, although I hold my hand up and say that sometimes I let myself down there. Again, a life goal to do better...

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4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

What is it with your need to insult people with whom you disagree? It is not as if it reinforces your position.

Are you always so touchy ? Is telling the truth really insulting ?


You are a Jock and you are an SNP sycophant after all. Your comments seems to back this up.


8 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Scottish independence is not about getting one over the English.

Really ? That is open to interpretation.


9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Independence will be challenging - the last thing we need is a basket case country next door.

If I was a snowflake, I might just take that remark as very insulting.



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2 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Are you always so touchy ? Is telling the truth really insulting ?


You are a Jock and you are an SNP sycophant after all. Your comments seems to back this up.


Your Alf Garnet approach to others may have been acceptable in the 70s, but there are many Scots who object to being referred to as Jock. 


I am not one of the 100k+ people who make the SNP the 2nd largest party by membership in the UK - I was a member in the mid 90s but my membership lapsed for reasons I cannot quite recall. Now I am a supporter of independence but not bound to the SNP. 


4 minutes ago, The Renegade said:
15 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Scottish independence is not about getting one over the English.

Really ? That is open to interpretation.

I would be interested to learn more about your interpretation. Feel free to post it, otherwise I will need to chalk that down to more unsubstantiated nonsense. 


6 minutes ago, The Renegade said:
16 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Independence will be challenging - the last thing we need is a basket case country next door.

If I was a snowflake, I might just take that remark as very insulting.



I am struggling to understand just how anyone could even begin to attempt to twist that into an insult. Again - please elaborate, because now I am convinced you are desperately scratching the bottom of your barrel. 

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7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Of course, if people step badly out of line then I would expect that they get criticised by those on all sides, but I don't recall anything like that in this debate (admittedly, though, I have a tendency not to dwell in it). 

You say you don't recall anything like that in this debate, well you and I have this debate before where you mentioned that their rude remarks was merely flippancy. If nothing else I have a good memory.


11 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Personally, I prefer to avoid insulting terms where I can, although I hold my hand up and say that sometimes I let myself down there. Again, a life goal to do better...

As far as I can recollect you have never insulted anyone but your political bias can be overbearing at times, I sometimes think that your posts have more to do with Scottish Independence than Brexit, but you are not alone on here with that one.

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After your performance yesterday over the Airbus headline, I thought I would post this from the FT for you. 



Germany and Spain have for years been trying to convince Airbus to transfer at least some of the wing work to them

Very similar to Financial Services. With friends like that, who needs enemies ?



Sash Tusa, an aerospace analyst at Agency Partners, said he did not think Airbus had quite reached the point of leaving Britain, and pointed out that it would take about a decade to establish alternatives to Broughton.




So to put your mind at rest, Airbus will not be going anywhere in the near future.


As we all know, a certain Grouse swears by the FT and is in fact very disparaging against people who do not have an FT subscription. 


Therefore, the above article must be nailed on truth.



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