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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

Yes that was the government's mistake not to specify what makes up a valid majority, amateur way of doing things, which has shown up in their negotiations with the EU. Fact is there is now bad blood between remain and leave and this won't go away easily. What does it matter to us except on an emotional level, we aren't there and won't have to carry the consequences.

If I had found that lamp hindsight would have been my second wish

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7 minutes ago, aright said:

I can understand you feeling the way you do. Doing nothing because the vote was close would have been game set and match to the Remainers.

No, not really, I would have been shocked if it had been remain with such a low majority, but the status quo would have been a lot better than what we have now.

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2 minutes ago, aright said:

5 in thai is ha so it's a quick way to say ha ha

Be very careful what you say about Bognorians Some of them are Birdmen

I never really thought about why they do the 555.  Makes sense now. Always good to learn something new!

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5 minutes ago, aright said:

5 in thai is ha so it's a quick way to say ha ha

Be very careful what you say about Bognorians Some of them are Birdmen

Aright-I know.


I found its useage rather incongruous in a post querying whether English was my first language and it appealed to my sense of humour.


Now that I am abroad my Thai stepdaughter sends me  messages plastered with 555555's.I'll never get away from the damn things.:smile:


Back to Brexit.

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10 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


Brilliant..... and more than half (we call it a majority) voted to leave.


Yes, it is true, but does it not concern you how divisive this all is?  We are heading toward Brexit with little in the way of a plan, it could go either way, hard or soft, and either way will anger half the country, then what comes after, if things go well then great, but what if they don't, what if the economy tanks and people lose their jobs, the Remainers would the have the right to be a bit cross, wouldn't they?  I can't see Remainers and Brexiteers seeing eye to eye for a long time.

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7 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Aright-I know.


I found its useage rather incongruous in a post querying whether English was my first language and it appealed to my sense of humour.


Now that I am abroad my Thai stepdaughter sends me  messages plastered with 555555's.I'll never get away from the damn things.:smile:


Back to Brexit.

Well I only asked as you totally missed the point of a simply Post regarding solidarity and a united front in the UK

Have a nice day

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8 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Yes, it is true, but does it not concern you how divisive this all is?  We are heading toward Brexit with little in the way of a plan, it could go either way, hard or soft, and either way will anger half the country, then what comes after, if things go well then great, but what if they don't, what if the economy tanks and people lose their jobs, the Remainers would the have the right to be a bit cross, wouldn't they?  I can't see Remainers and Brexiteers seeing eye to eye for a long time.

It is what it is, in fighting is not going to help

Whatever the final outcome time is a great healer

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25 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Yes, it is true, but does it not concern you how divisive this all is?  We are heading toward Brexit with little in the way of a plan, it could go either way, hard or soft, and either way will anger half the country, then what comes after, if things go well then great, but what if they don't, what if the economy tanks and people lose their jobs, the Remainers would the have the right to be a bit cross, wouldn't they?  I can't see Remainers and Brexiteers seeing eye to eye for a long time.

I agree with a lot of what you say here. Never has an issue polarised the nation like this. I hope in 5-10 years time we look back and see this period of uncertainty as just a bump in the road.


I still can't help thinking the negativity from the remain side is in danger of causing a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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53 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Yes that was the government's mistake not to specify what makes up a valid majority, amateur way of doing things, which has shown up in their negotiations with the EU. Fact is there is now bad blood between remain and leave and this won't go away easily. What does it matter to us except on an emotional level, we aren't there and won't have to carry the consequences.

This is a key issue and is why super majorities are always required for constitutional change. Right now we have the wars of the roses AND the civil war together. Massive self harm for what? (Don't answer, I've heard it)

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56 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

No, not really, I would have been shocked if it had been remain with such a low majority, but the status quo would have been a lot better than what we have now.

Not for the left behinds, the ones only just making headway, the one competing with Bulgarians. For the rest of us, correct

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37 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

I don't remember all this shit back in the 70's when the UK voted to join. Democracy was accepted by all then as I recall and I don't recall all this backbiting then. Remoaners, accept you lost and live with it, as us 'NO' voters did in the 70's did.

Is Rally123 your bike? What colour is it?

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49 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Yes, it is true, but does it not concern you how divisive this all is?  We are heading toward Brexit with little in the way of a plan, it could go either way, hard or soft, and either way will anger half the country, then what comes after, if things go well then great, but what if they don't, what if the economy tanks and people lose their jobs, the Remainers would the have the right to be a bit cross, wouldn't they?  I can't see Remainers and Brexiteers seeing eye to eye for a long time.



Yes, I agree with you... Brexit (and the USA election) were polarising............... more so than anything I have experienced.



In fairness you are going to get that when the 'losing side' can't accept 'defeat'.  As long as that condition remains it will be divisive.

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19 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Not even close really, but whats approx 50 m among friends

As far as the cigar goes that would depend on where you planned to insert it

Shocking behaviour!


You're not an intern are you? I'm a pipe smoker...

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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Shocking behaviour!


You're not an intern are you? I'm a pipe smoker...

No more "Glorious 12th" for you Toff. You'll have to import from Scotland and find some Liverpudlians to do your beating.

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1 hour ago, aright said:

What we have now is what I expected. This current trauma or disentanglement if you prefer, I expected, a bit like a messy divorce' IMO all worth it for a new life. 

you don't get much of a new life if you are taken to the cleaners.

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27 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Not even close really, but whats approx 50 m among friends

As far as the cigar goes that would depend on where you planned to insert it


Among friends I might have expected the genuine 25 million rather than your exaggerated, or is it outdated, 50,

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2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Among friends I might have expected the genuine 25 million rather than your exaggerated, or is it outdated, 50,

I did know that Indonesia had the biggest number of Muslims in their population plus a few Christians and Hindus and no doubt some other odds and ends

Whats 25 m among fellow members 5555555

Then again I have seen conflicting figures but I am not offering that up as an excuse

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