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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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26 minutes ago, nauseus said:

No. That's not what I'm saying. What I will say is that if you visit several sources (websites) you will see several different sets of numbers. Indonesia is always listed as the country with highest number of muslims, not India. The difference is anywhere from 30-50m. The average difference is about 40m. 


How many agencies are there producing population estimates for these two countries?  Not many!

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6 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Yes indeed, but people have been living beyond their means for a long time now, maxed out credit cards and mortgages that they can barely afford even now. The BOE is concerned at what will happen at even a 1% rise as is the government,there were several articles in various newspapers concerning this, Many councils are on a knifes edge as well with their finances. If Brexit causes a lot of unemployment,which it doesn't have to of course, then a perfect storm is brewing which would also affect the rest of Europe,couple that with a trade war and we are all in trouble.

Let's just hope you're wrong eh!

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7 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


How many agencies are there producing population estimates for these two countries?  Not many!

There is a few and quite a difference, but Indonesia is certainly the country with the biggest Muslim population and has been for a while now

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It doesn't matter what you have voted for because the civil

servants are running the country, and they like the status quo,

so Brexit will be so soft that you won't even feel it.  

As usual, another illusion.

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2 hours ago, talahtnut said:

It doesn't matter what you have voted for because the civil

servants are running the country, and they like the status quo,

so Brexit will be so soft that you won't even feel it.  

As usual, another illusion.

You're in for a surprise when it happens.

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12 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:

Considering the large number of Pakistanis who have stated that they voted Leave, I feel it is possible to verify.  I provided a quote from a Pakistani who stated that everyone he knew voted Leave, it is not speculating to listen to people. 

The last time I visited Pattaya, many young ladies shouted at me, I quote

” you hansum man “  so it must be true.

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14 hours ago, sandyf said:

There is a more than evens chance that brexit will pave the way to the UK being in Schengen and the Euro. The brexiteers are gambling on no future parliament taking steps to rejoin the EU.

Forget it, once bitten, twice shy.




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1 minute ago, Khun Han said:


It's just another Project Fear red herring simoh. It turns out that there are actually more than one-and-a-half million more EU migrants here than we were told were here, and they are still arriving in their droves. There won't really be any labour shortages for the foreseeable future. Those of us who actually live here (I believe that excludes your good self) are acutely aware that the real issues are ones of inadequate infrastructure to cope with the amount of people already living here. Britain is over-full, and then some.

Project Fear is passe any more, these are more up to date findings and conclusions which focus more on the quality of labour rather than the quantity.

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36 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Which is also a Project Fear nonsense.The UK pays premium salaries in the vast majority of professions. Far more than can be earned in countries such as Spain, Portugal, Greece, and especially the Eastern European states. We have also guaranteed status for all migrants beyond brexit. This 'professional EU migrants leaving in their droves' meme will be exposed as another Project Fear myth, based on cooked statistics, a couple of years down the line. Mark my words.

Imagine if the Secretary of Defense was continually reminding the house of the prowess of the British Army by using Rourke's Drift as a reference.........that's you and Project Fear in the Brexit debate.

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6 hours ago, nontabury said:

The last time I visited Pattaya, many young ladies shouted at me, I quote

” you hansum man “  so it must be true.


Ok, you live in denial and believe that absolutely no Pakistanis voted for Brexit if you like, it doesn't make any difference.

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54 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


It's just another Project Fear red herring simoh. It turns out that there are actually more than one-and-a-half million more EU migrants here than we were told were here, and they are still arriving in their droves. There won't really be any labour shortages for the foreseeable future. Those of us who actually live here (I believe that excludes your good self) are acutely aware that the real issues are ones of inadequate infrastructure to cope with the amount of people already living here. Britain is over-full, and then some.


The NHS are already seeing labour shortages as foreign staff are leaving at a far higher rate than before Brexit.  And as for being overful, our economy relies on the size it has become, the last thing we want is to start getting smaller, that would be disastrous as we have an aging population and without the young working migrants contributions we will be left with a massive and unaffordable bill for the future.

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4 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Ok, you live in denial and believe that absolutely no Pakistanis voted for Brexit if you like, it doesn't make any difference.


Tbh Kieran, I think any attempts at racial profiling wrt brexit are just flogging a dead horse. I can't see any serious organisation being prepared to undertake such poisoned chalice. So It's basically down to hearsay, anecdote, speculation, and amateur interpretation of regional voting patterns.

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Just now, Khun Han said:


Tbh Kieran, I think any attempts at racial profiling wrt brexit are just flogging a dead horse. I can't see any serious organisation being prepared to undertake such poisoned chalice. So It's basically down to hearsay, anecdote, speculation, and amateur interpretation of regional voting patterns.


And some assumption that both sides saw some votes from all demographics, which is all my original statement actually relied on. Leave voters have been told all sorts of lies, they can't all come true as some of those lies contradict each other, that was my only point.

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14 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Rourke's Drift was two centuries ago. Remain's Project Fear is an ongoing operation which gets ramped up exponentially as brexit D-day approaches.

....and D-day was over 70 years ago, you seem stuck in a nostalgic timewarp, that's the problem.


BTW R.D. was 140 years ago, not 200 years, knowing how poor most Brexiteers are at math!

Edited by simoh1490
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