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our beloved has crossed over rainbow bridge


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18 hours ago, cmsally said:

Oh so sorry to hear this! I have a dog that looks just like yours, also 6yrs old . Might make us part of the same family !

Even when you have and have had great numbers of animals of all shapes and sizes, it doesn't make it any easier. Then there are always the amazing ones that are unique and will never be replaced (like yours). We can never put our finger on why they are so special but they are.


My condolences to you and your wife.

once again I have to thank a member for their support to come to terms with our loss of our beloved sam'

today at 2pm.we have monks coming to give blessings,and the wife and I have to say goodby as he crosses over rainbow bridge.we have family and friends to support us during this difficult time.

it has been very hard for me to post his passing and to read all the support members have given us with my eye's filled with tears,so once again I thank you.

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I am sorry its very difficult for me to post right now,but I must tell you about one of those fine people from korat that presented their dog for a test to see if it could match our boy.she came to the lab.for testing only 1day after loosing one of her beloved whom had been with her for 16yrs.i have only found out about this this morning.this puts a whole perspective on MY FEELINGS.


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9 hours ago, Sheryl said:

What a beautiful ceremony.

It reminds me of the one we had for a dearly lived Pomeranian who died tragically abut 2 years ago after being mauled by large dogs. He was my niece's dog but often stayed with me so I also loved him as my own. My niece was doing field work in a remote province of Cambodia when it happened and though the injury occurred in Phnom Penh he died at a hospital in Bangkok after being med-evaced for treatment. We buried him straight away in my garden but waited till my niece could come for his funeral. According to Cambodian custom, during the service we lit a large candle at his grave to help guide his soul. Early the next morning 5 AM or so I took my niece to the bus station to head back home,the flame was still burning strong by his grave as we left. When I dropped her off she told me I could extinguish the candle once it was light out. I reached home just as it began to be light but found that the candle had gone out ...though there was not the slightest wind.

I felt that it was a sign his spirit had left. He had waited til she came and said goodbye, and now that she had, he had left.

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thank you Sheryl,words cannot explain how we are feeling,i would like to post about his passing that morning which does give my wife and i.some comfort,NO PAIN.

Tuesday afternoon we gave sam a shower although there was no smell but he hadn't had one for so long.with him being black and white he looked the same handsome boy as always.that fateful morning [12.30am] he went to the wife's side of the bed and stood there looking into her eye's,after awhile he moved to my side and done the same.the wife said there is something wrong as he didn't want to go out for a pee,i said to the wife I will watch him,a few minutes past and he was still looking at me,then he laid down as if to go to sleep,the wife knew something was not right.as she got out of bed he past his stools,i then paniced as I knew he wasn't himself,he then tried to get up but collapsed.the wife went to him straight away and cradled him in her arms,i stood by him as the wife said he is going,i will remember all my life those last 4 breaths he took,i then bent down and kissed him.peaple can believe me or not,but there are a few members that know I had a bad accident at home when falling and almost broke my back.i have been in agony ever since,wednesday after we had what we must do to remove sam from upstairs,i said to the wife the pain in my back had gone.this is just one happening since sam passed.tonight I have to let him go as the spirits take him to another world.


Edited by meatboy
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I think it was 5days ago that I posted I will do good in honour of sam, well it is strange that the monk at sundays ceremony said this is what I must do in sams honour, well after watching channel 3 this morning which is always full of grief,but this morning what I saw on channel 3,WAS a pregnant monkey who was killed in a traffic accident.the wife thinks it was a vendor that performed a delivery of the baby from its mothers womb,she successfully delivered the baby and is now 3 days old.could this lady be an angel.this could be my first DO GOOD.

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14 hours ago, Nienke said:

Oh Gosh, I only read this thread now.
My heartfelt condolences for the loss of your gorgeous dog,  Sam, Mr. and Mrs. Meatboy.  

thanks nienke it was a complete shock for me and the wife,it was only 10days ago [19th] feb.that CHULA said he can go home after 11hrs.of tests,then come back on the 5th.march.only comfort we have,the passing away was very quick,no gasping for breath,no pain,and only about 2minutes with the wife cradling him in her arms.


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  • 3 weeks later...

One of the hardest things in life,but you will get over it,learn to live with your loss, you must have thought the end was not far off anyway Been through it time and time again,one thing though us ex pats are not far off joining up with them. Best bet do not get a young dog,it will outlive you,got 5 mutts,all collected at the point of death,in comas etc., Im wondering how to deal with my passing and the mutts future when IM gone.

Takes a week or so for the pain to diminish,if  only slightly,but you will come out of it though


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18 hours ago, altcar bob said:

One of the hardest things in life,but you will get over it,learn to live with your loss, you must have thought the end was not far off anyway Been through it time and time again,one thing though us ex pats are not far off joining up with them. Best bet do not get a young dog,it will outlive you,got 5 mutts,all collected at the point of death,in comas etc., Im wondering how to deal with my passing and the mutts future when IM gone.

Takes a week or so for the pain to diminish,if  only slightly,but you will come out of it though


thanks bob but its hurting as if our hearts have been ripped apart,its now over 4weeks since he passed away and the greif is getting worse.what makes it hard for us is,after being together for almost 36yrs.and with not a worry in the world,6yrs.ago he [SAM] came into our world so that was not only the iceing on the cake but the marzipan aswell.it was the only thing the wife never had,someone she could call her son and he knew her as mummy,he knew me as his dad and respected me.only 50 house's on our mooban and everyone loved him,so to be taken from us when he was not eight yrs.old is very very difficult for us to except.we have so much love to give but the hurt that the 2 legged parasites put on us it is no longer an option to have another one.that is MY WIFES FEELINGS AND MINE.

meatboy love me love my dog.

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1 hour ago, meatboy said:

thanks bob but its hurting as if our hearts have been ripped apart,its now over 4weeks since he passed away and the greif is getting worse.what makes it hard for us is,after being together for almost 36yrs.and with not a worry in the world,6yrs.ago he [SAM] came into our world so that was not only the iceing on the cake but the marzipan aswell.it was the only thing the wife never had,someone she could call her son and he knew her as mummy,he knew me as his dad and respected me.only 50 house's on our mooban and everyone loved him,so to be taken from us when he was not eight yrs.old is very very difficult for us to except.we have so much love to give but the hurt that the 2 legged parasites put on us it is no longer an option to have another one.that is MY WIFES FEELINGS AND MINE.

meatboy love me love my dog.

Know what you mean :sad:.  I lost my 'baby' (Mikka) 6 months ago, and the pain is getting worse in some respects, as I slowly begin to accept reality.


But altcar is right (depending on age/circumstances) about "Best bet do not get a young dog,it will outlive you".

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On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 3:37 PM, altcar bob said:

One of the hardest things in life,but you will get over it,learn to live with your loss, you must have thought the end was not far off anyway Been through it time and time again,one thing though us ex pats are not far off joining up with them. Best bet do not get a young dog,it will outlive you,got 5 mutts,all collected at the point of death,in comas etc., Im wondering how to deal with my passing and the mutts future when IM gone.

Takes a week or so for the pain to diminish,if  only slightly,but you will come out of it though


I read a story a few weeks ago,regarding someone who had passed away and his dog didn't know how to cope.

it was a homeless person who was attacked[rio] as the ambulance took him to hospital his faithfull partner followed it all the way to the hospital.the dog waited outside for him,sadly he didn't make it,4months have since passed and despite being rehomed he is still outside the hospital doors.so I can truly say our boy would have had the same feelings if one of us had gone.so I am thinking if you do need to get an older dog its got to be a HOMELESS ONE.

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13 hours ago, Arjen said:

We have a lot of dogs. One is really "my" dog. He always follows me. No matter where I go. When I think about going to the car, he is already inside  the car. 


He is happy to be with me. Even when it means to wait several hours in the car. When I go somewhere in our garden, he is there. When I go to the toilet, he is there.


Next week I have to leave home for work. And I worry more about this dog, then about anything else...



and his name is ? give me a second to think.has it got 3letters.

I saw a program on 4 weeks ago where a study of dogs behavior,intelligence and how loyal they can be,it was carried out by a swiss team of scientists it beggers belief.

last yr.was a bad yr.for members who had to go home and leave their loved ones in Thailand,i know one member who had to rehome  4loverly dogs Arjen knows who they were,i just wonder how they are now,and how long do they take to stop grieving for their owners,and do they ever forget.


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5 minutes ago, Arjen said:

Yep.... the first letter is a V, and the last one a S! How you know??


I am not sure which dogs you talk about now. I have offered several members a place for rehoming a dog, but all found a better solution (that is my guess)



the 4 loverly were owned by a well regarded member who found he had no alternative but to return home.

if you ever seen the film about a great white whale? there is a clue in the whales name.

the missing letter O dear is that a guess.me and mrs.meat like him tooooooooooooo.


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