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There are a few things which I havent quite workrd out how to use. Can anybody assist....

1) How to underline word/words in a reply post

2) How to use different colours for words in a reply post.

3)When replying to a lengthy post where there are several points within the post that you wish to comment on, how do you dissect the post in just ONE reply. I have seen sveral replies to posts where the relevant points are kind of wrapped in quotes and then you put your reply to that quote and do that several times in one post as opposed to either giving one answer covering the valid points OR making 3 or 4 replies to the valid points.

4) How to copy a previous post that a poster has made and transcribe it into your reply post

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1) How to underline word/words in a reply post

Either hit the button in the text editor and then type in your text between the or highlight your already written text and hit the same button.

2) How to use different colours for words in a reply post.

Same principle as number 1, but hit the button.

3)When replying to a lengthy post where there are several points within the post that you wish to comment on, how do you dissect the post in just ONE reply. I have seen sveral replies to posts where the relevant points are kind of wrapped in quotes and then you put your reply to that quote and do that several times in one post as opposed to either giving one answer covering the valid points OR making 3 or 4 replies to the valid points.

You mean like I've done here? The principle is that every quote has to begin with [ quote] and end with [/ quote] (with no spaces.). Providing you ensure this, the relevant quotes will be displayed accordingly in your post. You can hit the button in the text editor and then insert your quoted text between the tags, or you can physically type in [ quote] [/ quote] yourself.

4) How to copy a previous post that a poster has made and transcribe it into your reply post

Identify the post you wish to copy and hit the button. This opens the text editor which will then contain the quoted post. You can then disect it as you see fit, but remember that any quote has to begin and end with [q uote] and [/ quote].


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