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Importing a car.


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Second hand can't import from 2011 . only an exception if you are a Thai citizen who lived abroad and owned several years of vehicle. New car its another thinks. Gray dealers have their own moves and at the bottom get cheaper. just go to such a dealer and ask about the price of a particular car model and the delivery time (if not available)

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Either the guy is a troll or he doesn't know how to use the search function. I have been on this forum for over 12 years now I this question has been asked so many times it's just a waste of my time to provide an answer as I have answered it MANY times before.

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I remember only one report here in the forum where a member claims he got through the bureaucratic jungle. If I find it I will link it.

Have fun reading through this:


and then understand why most say: DON'T! You'll end up as nervous wrack.


As an appetizer:

Tax/duty total rates are 187% to 328% with "discounts" for used vehicles depending on age.

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