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Thank you, MS. I had just noted that here, but superfluous after your post; hence the edit. Perhaps Alex did not see that modifier either.

My appologies to you Jet, I was living under the impression that you weren't for real with those words and no, I haven't seen the modified post. Sorry for that :o

No prob, Alex. What I said is true of the EE people I have met. I am only smart enough to know that there are people much wiser than I am, and I appreciate them sharing their knowledge with me. There, that statement should get me a few snide kickbacks.

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Call it anything you like or analyze it all you want. The simple fact is that if you have more money than your neighbors they will simply be jealous. Some board members are quite well off and some of the other farang board members are jealous of them. Many times things are discussed and big words are used to describe basic human emotions. It's NOT complicated. My wife is Thai and since she is better off than most, people are jealous of her.

Any rich hot sluts charming ladieez hungry for my love please PM me. I will not be a big jealout of you, I will luv you long time.

No fatties.

Exactly the type of statement that puts us all offside with Thais. You Richard Cranium :o

Call it anything you like or analyze it all you want. The simple fact is that if you have more money than your neighbors they will simply be jealous. Some board members are quite well off and some of the other farang board members are jealous of them. Many times things are discussed and big words are used to describe basic human emotions. It's NOT complicated. My wife is Thai and since she is better off than most, people are jealous of her.

Any rich hot sluts charming ladieez hungry for my love please PM me. I will not be a big jealout of you, I will luv you long time.

No fatties.

Exactly the type of statement that puts us all offside with Thais. You Richard Cranium :D

this will be interesting .................. :o

ok then,

i suggest that a game of golf might do you some good.

without prejudice of course. :o

When my hubby (farang) went to the nearest driving range to our apartment in BKK, he was told point blank 'go away, we don't like white man'....

thais being xenophobic.? :o

biggest load of bollicks ive ever heard and it never ceases to amaze me that people keep throwing this one up.

every where i go in los i dont encounter it. i mean where are you guys hanging out to form such an opinion.?

i suppose if you got a bad attitude you might think the thais have got it in for you but the normal well ajusted punter will usually have a fine time in los.

XENOPHOBIA = noun = " intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries."

who in there right mind would say that this is how the average thai thinks?

get a grip people.

Guess you aren't Indian or African then? Try asking someone from there.

ok then,

try being indian, african or black in your home country and see how you go.

at least they dont shoot them here.

thats a rediculous come back as that true in every country on this earth.

if your not white your behind the 8 ball.

so by your reconing every country on this earth is xenophobic?

whats makes los different ?

Well Put, well put.


have only read a few of the posts on the first and last page above mine....

do not quote me on this and say this is an official admission from thais...just a personal opinion....

I do think its true and that xenophobia exist in thailand. the way its shown (or not implicitly shown) is more the issue why many of us have such differing views.

as SBK pointed out....many thais are not as favourable to africans/middle eastern/indian/south asian looks. but this is the current state of affairs.

back years ago...farang /caucasians were also not viewed favourably....fear perhaps at some point, but definitely not the kind of friendly attitude you see around today. as a rule, thais are polite, so the feeling of dislike will be very subtle.

going back further.....when chinese first arrived in thailand, they were also not welcomed, and when chinese started to prosper that also became an issue.

so just based on these observations, Id say i believe xenophobia exist .......but its so subtle these days, and maybe thats the problem...cos its so subtle there is not even such a clear indication of it taking place, hence you cant address it...

Exactly the type of statement that puts us all offside with Thais. You Richard Cranium :o

Hello big boy hansum man. You are try to be be funny chai mai?

I am Mista Kon Thai, so I not know thid man Richard, maybe him be funny friend you, but it not same same me person.

Mun have a funny name though, Richard Cranium. Him sound like last name of singer on steep ground cross with fancy flower.

Someone forgot cents of humour today or not?! :D:D

The Rich locals don't want us friendly good hearted foreign creatures making their subservient

populous aware of basic human rights either

This is a spot on statement right here. 100% true!

Little black duck and tripxcore, you better not be from the US (as I am) or else your comments are absurd!

:o:D :D But if they are, well, at least they admit it :D

Little black duck and tripxcore, you better not be from the US (as I am) or else your comments are absurd!

Explain why it's absurd? I am from the U.S. :o


We Americans are getting ourselves in enough trouble in the world as it is lecturing far off lands about basic human rights while abuses like Guantanamo Bay continue. Better to leave our lecturing at home and learn on the road!

We Americans are getting ourselves in enough trouble in the world as it is lecturing far off lands about basic human rights while abuses like Guantanamo Bay continue. Better to leave our lecturing at home and learn on the road!

We are talking about two completely different things here. It is the U.S. government committing those abuses against people in Guantanamo Bay, not everyday citizens.

The people I was commenting on earlier in this thread were just everyday citizens, not government.

The Rich locals don't want us friendly good hearted foreign creatures making their subservient

populous aware of basic human rights either

This is a spot on statement right here. 100% true!

To think that foreigners can make the local subservient populous become aware of anything is about as absurd as those locals in the gov't and media thinking that foreigners are responsible for whatever happens to be ailing Thai society.


The Rich locals don't want us friendly good hearted foreign creatures making their subservient

populous aware of basic human rights either

This is a spot on statement right here. 100% true!

To think that foreigners can make the local subservient populous become aware of anything is about as absurd as those locals in the gov't and media thinking that foreigners are responsible for whatever happens to be ailing Thai society.


I disagree. :D


You see a few racist behaviors so you think Thais are xenophobic? :o

How many racist thai people did you meet 5? 10? 100? more? So what it means?

There are racists everywhere! In any country! Thailand is not différent.

But if you were living in a country where there was real xenophobic people, you would not stay there long.

You see a few racist behaviors so you think Thais are xenophobic? :o

How many racist thai people did you meet 5? 10? 100? more? So what it means?

There are racists everywhere! In any country! Thailand is not différent.

But if you were living in a country where there was real xenophobic people, you would not stay there long.

Just out of curiosity...for how long have you been LIVING here?

The Rich locals don't want us friendly good hearted foreign creatures making their subservient

populous aware of basic human rights either

I am not sure which is more amusing; the idea that rich locals actually particularly care about what the poor know; the idea that foreign creatures are all friendly or good hearted; that foreign creatures actually have a monopoly on knowledge regarding basic human rights, or the idea that anything that foreign creatures have to say actually for the most part can hold the attention of the 'subservient populous' let alone teach them about basic human rights.


You see a few racist behaviors so you think Thais are xenophobic? :o

How many racist thai people did you meet 5? 10? 100? more? So what it means?

There are racists everywhere! In any country! Thailand is not différent.

But if you were living in a country where there was real xenophobic people, you would not stay there long.

very good point there my friend and i'd like to hear the answer.

why would people stay in los if they think so much of the population is xenophobic and got it in for all the farang.

ive said before that people could leave and go home but they dont seem to like that answer but it makes a lot of sense to me.

they leave me confused with why they do stay here. ?

its gets back to the point that the thais are no worse than our home country so what are they going on about? :D

You see a few racist behaviors so you think Thais are xenophobic? :o

How many racist thai people did you meet 5? 10? 100? more? So what it means?

There are racists everywhere! In any country! Thailand is not différent.

But if you were living in a country where there was real xenophobic people, you would not stay there long.

Just out of curiosity...for how long have you been LIVING here?

your leaving the country alexth and going home to your home country arn't you.?

hope you had a nice time whilst you were here.

bye bye mate.

hope your home country treats you better and good luck.

You see a few racist behaviors so you think Thais are xenophobic? :o

How many racist thai people did you meet 5? 10? 100? more? So what it means?

There are racists everywhere! In any country! Thailand is not différent.

But if you were living in a country where there was real xenophobic people, you would not stay there long.

Just out of curiosity...for how long have you been LIVING here?

your leaving the country alexth and going home to your home country arn't you.?

hope you had a nice time whilst you were here.

bye bye mate.

hope your home country treats you better and good luck.

Your point being...?

You see a few racist behaviors so you think Thais are xenophobic? :o

How many racist thai people did you meet 5? 10? 100? more? So what it means?

There are racists everywhere! In any country! Thailand is not différent.

But if you were living in a country where there was real xenophobic people, you would not stay there long.

Just out of curiosity...for how long have you been LIVING here?

your leaving the country alexth and going home to your home country arn't you.?

hope you had a nice time whilst you were here.

bye bye mate.

hope your home country treats you better and good luck.

Your point being...?

my point being that if you think that the thais are xenophobic, you could not possibly be happy here.

so what im saying is that you are better of going home and then you wont have to worry about all these xenophobic thais running around the place being horrible to you.

you wont ever again have to worry about this xenophobia which bothers you so much.

so im saying bye bye to you.

hows that ?

You see a few racist behaviors so you think Thais are xenophobic? :o

How many racist thai people did you meet 5? 10? 100? more? So what it means?

There are racists everywhere! In any country! Thailand is not différent.

But if you were living in a country where there was real xenophobic people, you would not stay there long.

Just out of curiosity...for how long have you been LIVING here?

your leaving the country alexth and going home to your home country arn't you.?

hope you had a nice time whilst you were here.

bye bye mate.

hope your home country treats you better and good luck.

Your point being...?

my point being that if you think that the thais are xenophobic, you could not possibly be happy here.

so what im saying is that you are better of going home and then you wont have to worry about all these xenophobic thais running around the place being horrible to you.

you wont ever again have to worry about this xenophobia which bothers you so much.

so im saying bye bye to you.

hows that ?

Terry, the main reason I'm leaving Thailand is that I have a new business opportunity back home. About thais being xenophobic...yes, they are, but I don't really care that much, my friends aren't, that's point 1. 2, the political and economic situation in Thailand is a mess and (I hope they'll prove me wrong) it's going to be worser.

Terry, come and live here, you will see what I am talking about, don't give that Pattaya crap where everybody loves you as long as you have the dosh in your pockets and you don't stay around long enough to give people headaches, what you do now is exactly what thais like foreigners to do and need, come, spend and then leave, like somebody mentioned before.

I can understand (trust me, I've been there) when you are off to work in Oz and remebering all the happy moments in Thailand with your Mrs. and your mates and I know that nothing in the world will ever seem better than Thailand at the moment, but I am telling you, it's just psychological, once you'll finally be able to retreat you will understand yourself what people trying to explain that thais are being xenophobic really mean as long with all the real good and bad in Thailand, wich will be much more easier to spot while leaving here.

Hope you get what I'm saying, I am not trying to be rude or sarcastic, just what the truth is.


Are ya'll still on about this?

Whether there is overriding xenophobia or not in Thailand, you can't change it. So, either live with it or go somewhere more accomodating. That's my take.

Also, it seems a lot of comments have to do with whether you focus on the positive or negative, and you're optimistic or pessimistic. This will change your outlook on anything, even Thai xenophobia. I think that's the main reason why some of you are still arguing about something that can't be resolved: the other person's point of view.

Also, everyone is going to have different experiences. It's not really a scientific matter to discuss and you're never going to resolve the answer so why not just go on with your lives and don't worry about it? Mmmkay.


thanks for that alexth and im hearing what your saying.

i come from a very good country, been around a long time and seen the good and bad in aussie as well.

there's a lot of xenophobics running around here , but i understand what your saying.

i just feel that when i come to live in los i'll be tuned into what your saying and will be trying to lead a very positive life and be happy looking for the good things in los and accepting the not so good.

every place is the same mate as they all have the good and bad aspect and its all about how you deal with it.

i just think that if you run around thinking the thais have got it in for you, well thats exactly what will happen.

i'll be associating with people i want to be with and be in a place that i know very well.

it aint any where near pattaya by the way, and where ill be there aren't any xenophobics around.

can i ask you, would you leave if you did not have this business opportunity.?


Are ya'll still on about this?

Whether there is overriding xenophobia or not in Thailand, you can't change it. So, either live with it or go somewhere more accomodating. That's my take.

Also, it seems a lot of comments have to do with whether you focus on the positive or negative, and you're optimistic or pessimistic. This will change your outlook on anything, even Thai xenophobia. I think that's the main reason why some of you are still arguing about something that can't be resolved: the other person's point of view.

Also, everyone is going to have different experiences. It's not really a scientific matter to discuss and you're never going to resolve the answer so why not just go on with your lives and don't worry about it? Mmmkay.

thats exactly right mate and thats what i been telling them all along. :o

thanks for that alexth and im hearing what your saying.

i come from a very good country, been around a long time and seen the good and bad in aussie as well.

there's a lot of xenophobics running around here , but i understand what your saying.

i just feel that when i come to live in los i'll be tuned into what your saying and will be trying to lead a very positive life and be happy looking for the good things in los and accepting the not so good.

every place is the same mate as they all have the good and bad aspect and its all about how you deal with it.

i just think that if you run around thinking the thais have got it in for you, well thats exactly what will happen.

i'll be associating with people i want to be with and be in a place that i know very well.

it aint any where near pattaya by the way, and where ill be there aren't any xenophobics around.

can i ask you, would you leave if you did not have this business opportunity.?


Yes, you see I am young and I still need an active life (work, business, friends, theatre, an opera maybe), if the situation in Thailand will be stabilized again, well, Thailand is one of the places where I'd like to retire, without being rude here, it's the 3rd after Singapore and Czech Republic, to be honest with you, judging by the current situation...

The Rich locals don't want us friendly good hearted foreign creatures making their subservient

populous aware of basic human rights either

This is a spot on statement right here. 100% true!

To think that foreigners can make the local subservient populous become aware of anything is about as absurd as those locals in the gov't and media thinking that foreigners are responsible for whatever happens to be ailing Thai society.


I disagree. :D


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