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Trump will meet North Korean leader Kim by May: South Korean official


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It's possible that Trump may take a liking to Kim, similar to the bromance Trump has with Putin.  That would be fun for late-night hosts, but could be problematic for the USA, and here's why:

Currently, 'Putin can do no wrong' in Trump's view.  He can invade Ukraine, kill journalists, ex-spies, biz rivals, ....that's all fine with Trump.   What if Trump gets chummy with Kim, .....he will therefore overlook any transgressions, as he does with Putin and, to some extent, with China's Xi.


Speaking of Xi:  China is continuing to commandeer Fil's islands and atolls.  Additionally, Xi is making himself dictator-for-life.   All that's fine with Trump - because they shared chocolate cake - and possibly also because Xi (or another rich Chinese) may bail Kushner out of his failing 666 5th Ave property.   


That's how Kim can manipulate Trump.  Simple:  just say he will loan heaps of money to Jared or Ivanka or Don Jr.   There is a highly secure building in Pyongyang where there are printing presses going full time - printing out fake US dollars - so Kim has plenty of dollars.

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I remember when Nixon "opened up" China. It was seen as a historical accomplishment then and it was. But Nixon was still impeached and resigned in shame. 


We don't even know for sure yet if this meeting will actually happen (probably yes, but wait) and also what will come of it. So slow down with proclaiming "trump" as the great orange North Korean hope or assuming that it will save his criminally corrupt presidency.


It is very difficult to see how detente can be achieved here. Even if NK and the America are game, China could scuttle it any number of ways. China has been NK's chief enabler because it served China's interests to keep the area destabilized. I don't see how that has changed.

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3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


It is very difficult to see how detente can be achieved here. Even if NK and the America are game, China could scuttle it any number of ways. China has been NK's chief enabler because it served China's interests to keep the area destabilized. I don't see how that has changed.


My reading of the situation is that China has also become rather nervous and wary of NK of late.

Edited by Khun Han
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14 hours ago, car720 said:

I will wait for the end game though.  This little guy is a master of the stall.


Both of them.  I can't do a read on Kim, but for DT it's right up his TV show alley, "tune in next week for...."


The end result could be a big nothing, but it's great for television ratings, which is DT's primary concern.  Or rather, optics, as he calls it.

Or maybe the real motivation is a Trump Tower Pyongyang.  Or one of the Koch's is pushing for NK mineral rights.  The only sure thing is that altruism is not a motivating factor.





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Yeah I wouldn't bet the house on this actually working out but as "trump" is really into RATINGS, he's got a big winner with that.





Meeting with Kim Jong Un could be a good thing. But Trump will probably mess it up.

Donald Trump loves to shake things up and do what presidents before him were unwilling to do, which is the simplest explanation for why he has accepted a proposal to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Not only has there never been a meeting between the leaders of the two countries in the seven decades since the Korean War, there's never even been a phone conversation.


Which leads to the inevitable question: How is Donald Trump going to screw this up?





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2 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


But do you have a plan in place for spinning it if it does work out?

Yes, don't worry dear. 

I certainly hope it does work out but don't get carried away with premature irrational over expectations. 


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28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, don't worry dear. 

I certainly hope it does work out but don't get carried away with premature irrational over expectations. 



I don't have any expectations. I don't know what to make of it, just as I'm struggling what to make of the Trump presidency in general.

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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

It's all part of The Obama Recovery.


The Great Political Orgasm Delay Spray. Nobody can prove that it works, nobody can prove that it doesn't. Buy into your conviction, and argue accordingly :biggrin:.

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Even when there is a little bright spot in the news, the TV Trump bashers can't leave it alone. Instead of having a bit of optimism that maybe something good may come out of this, it's all just negative drivel against Trump. Must be pathetic to live like that day in and day out.

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13 minutes ago, Trouble said:

Even when there is a little bright spot in the news, the TV Trump bashers can't leave it alone. Instead of having a bit of optimism that maybe something good may come out of this, it's all just negative drivel against Trump. Must be pathetic to live like that day in and day out.

You might be right, but it's no more that how pathetic the Obama haters were who posted day in and day out for 8 years.


Trump's planned visit will not work.   Trump likes dictators.   Kim can wrap him around his little finger.   

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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:

I don't have any expectations. I don't know what to make of it, just as I'm struggling what to make of the Trump presidency in general.

I'm not struggling in my outlook on Trump presidency. It's a train wreck.


1 hour ago, Trouble said:

Even when there is a little bright spot in the news, the TV Trump bashers can't leave it alone. Instead of having a bit of optimism that maybe something good may come out of this, it's all just negative drivel against Trump. Must be pathetic to live like that day in and day out.

We've seen what messes Trump makes.  We've seen how his word isn't worth a piece of used chewing gum - how he changes course hour by hour.  He can't think for himself, otherwise, why would all the WH staff be constantly minding him as if he's a spastic - capable of screwing up any minute, if not heavily controlled and told what to think and how to act.  Even with constant supervision, he still manages to elicit idiotic tweets and statements on a daily basis.

Does that sound like the kind of person you'd like heading a negotiation?  Oh, almost forgot, he's got zero experience in int'l relations, advocates building up America's Nuke arsenal way beyond what any of his top brass want, .....and knows next to nothing about the Korean situation.  

Nothing could go wrong, could it?   


He instills confidence like a cig smoking pyromaniac working in a fireworks factory.  I'd rather have Stormy Daniels negotiating with the N.Koreans, .....at least she's got some common sense and would probably listen to advisors.



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KJU is possibly getting an meeting with the president of the USA as an equal world leader. Good for him.


The denuclearization would be great, but it's likely never going to happen. KJU will probably demand that USA would decommission it's own nuclear weapons, require access to USA's nuclear facilities and possibly want USA to cut its military spending to the same level as North Korea has. 


USA naturally will not be ok with the demands.. What happens after that, will be interesting. 

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4 hours ago, bendejo said:


Both of them.  I can't do a read on Kim, but for DT it's right up his TV show alley, "tune in next week for...."


The end result could be a big nothing, but it's great for television ratings, which is DT's primary concern.  Or rather, optics, as he calls it.

Or maybe the real motivation is a Trump Tower Pyongyang.  Or one of the Koch's is pushing for NK mineral rights.  The only sure thing is that altruism is not a motivating factor.





An intelligent person.  Refreshing.

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Meanwhile back in the real world


"The deal with North Korea is very much in the making and will be, if completed, a very good one for the World. Time and place to be determined." Trump's Twitter


 News outlets are outdoing themselves in the rush to downplay Trump's amazing breakthrough with NK. I remember after he aced the election that we(we being believers in the democratic process) joked that Trump could send the Dow sky high, end strife in the ME and bring peace to the Korean peninsula and the opposition would still be moaning about some or other irrelevance. Well here we are, a year down the road and Trump is delivering. I would have written delivering in capital letters as it so deserves. Go Trump!!! This is what he meant by MAGA'ing btw.

Edited by FreddieRoyle
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1 minute ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Meanwhile back in the real world


"The deal with North Korea is very much in the making and will be, if completed, a very good one for the World. Time and place to be determined." Trump's Twitter


 News outlets are outdoing themselves in the rush to downplay Trump's amazing breakthrough with NK. I remember after he aced the election that we(we being believers in the democratic process) joked that Trump could send the Dow sky high, end strife in the ME and bring peace to the Korean peninsula and were roundly mocked by team Hillary. Well here we are, a year down the road and Trump is delivering. I would have written delivering in capital letters as it so deserves. Go Trump!!! This is what he meant by MAGA'ing btw.

It's always astonishing too see someone suggest a connection between Trump's tweets and reality.

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20 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump isn't legitimately referred to as the great negotiator for nothing. 

That's correct, he isn't.  He's actually referred to as the great nothing negotiator.

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20 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump isn't legitimately referred to as the great negotiator for nothing. 

You're right of course. He's referred to as the great negotiator for less than nothing. He consistently got snookered into paying too much the various properties and businesses he acquired. That's including his Atlantic city ventures, the Plaza hotel, Trump airlines, and a few others that escape me. What's truly bizarre is the people who defend his bankruptcies by contending that they were just strategic. No, they weren't. In every case Trump lost massive amounts and by his own confession to Ivanka, was hugely in debt as a result of his misadventures.

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27 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You're right of course. He's referred to as the great negotiator for less than nothing. He consistently got snookered into paying too much the various properties and businesses he acquired. That's including his Atlantic city ventures, the Plaza hotel, Trump airlines, and a few others that escape me. What's truly bizarre is the people who defend his bankruptcies by contending that they were just strategic. No, they weren't. In every case Trump lost massive amounts and by his own confession to Ivanka, was hugely in debt as a result of his misadventures.

The thread is about Trump's genius in dealing with North Korea, I am sure there are other threads to rant about Trump's alleged property mistakes? Come one guys can we give the Trump-o-phobia a rest for a minute, it was tiresome a few days after the election and a year later it's flat out mental illness. He's doing wonders about bringing peace to the world and people are banging on about supposedly overpaying for property?! 

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56 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

The thread is about Trump's genius in dealing with North Korea, I am sure there are other threads to rant about Trump's alleged property mistakes? Come one guys can we give the Trump-o-phobia a rest for a minute, it was tiresome a few days after the election and a year later it's flat out mental illness. He's doing wonders about bringing peace to the world and people are banging on about supposedly overpaying for property?! 

No, the thread is about Trump's possible meeting with Kim. I perused the article in vain for any reference to Trump's genius. As for the particularities of my reply, someone claimed that Trump was called the Great Negotiator. I questioned the basis of that.

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This is interesting stuff. Wonder what could be accomplished. I do think meeting is a good start. But, what kinds of concessions can Kim be talked into? He will not get rid of his nuclear weapons. He has spent tens of billions of dollars on them, and they are his only deterrent. That simply will not happen. So, Washington is going to have to be very creative with this. And creativity and vision of not exactly a strong suit of the deflector in chief. He is not a good, nor a fair negotiator. I have known men who have sat across the table from him, when I was in commercial real estate in New York, and they all said the same thing. He is not reasonable, he is not fair and he has made his fortune through abuse, cheating, and lying. That does not work when it comes to a major negotiation. It might have worked when he was buying an apartment house from a guy who really needed to sell. But, it does not work in diplomacy. I believe Trump does not have a diplomatic bone in his body. His only technique is that of a bulldozer. Not effective diplomacy.


The sanctions are no doubt having an affect. The Chinese have honored their promise to cut trade with North Korea, and they are smart in doing so, as they were becoming radioactive partners. North Korea has to do something. 


The second issue is where would they meet? No doubt Kim wants to meet in North Korea. I doubt Trump would travel there. So, South Korea would be the natural spot to meet. But, Kim has not left the country since he has become "Supreme leader". And for good reason. There are tens of thousands who want him dead. He would have to bring a security detail of thousands with him. Complicated. Let us see how this plays out.

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3 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Meanwhile back in the real world


"The deal with North Korea is very much in the making and will be, if completed, a very good one for the World. Time and place to be determined." Trump's Twitter


 News outlets are outdoing themselves in the rush to downplay Trump's amazing breakthrough with NK. I remember after he aced the election that we(we being believers in the democratic process) joked that Trump could send the Dow sky high, end strife in the ME and bring peace to the Korean peninsula and the opposition would still be moaning about some or other irrelevance. Well here we are, a year down the road and Trump is delivering. I would have written delivering in capital letters as it so deserves. Go Trump!!! This is what he meant by MAGA'ing btw.

" I remember after he aced the election that we(we being believers in the democratic process) joked that Trump could send the Dow sky high, end strife in the ME and bring peace to the Korean peninsula"


Please show any posts around election time about you or your breathren talking about North Korea. I think there won't be any since it was not a major issue until DT made it one.

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Sounds good...


As they say it is good to talk.


But there again Factor in Trumps unpredictability and his disregard of advice from seasoned white house advisers,  Kim and NK's inability to live in the real world, China's (who Trump has upset big time) behind the screens involvement, and possibly Russia who just want to cause problems for the west, any agreement just ain't going to last.

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There is no problem in detesting "trump" while at the same time wishing him good luck in making progress towards peace with NK,  however unlikely that still is. Like it or not (I hate it) "trump" now occupies the office of potus so he represents the USA just as dictator Kim represents NK. That's how it is. "trump" might think this is all about him and the credit and ratings he can get for this bold move but in reality it's about so much more than the ego of that criminally corrupt con man president. But yes success in this would boost his credibility and future political prospects. But potential good results are much more important than the very bad side effect of "trump" becoming more popular.

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I'm starting to like Trump for couple of reasons.

1- He never was a politician (Phoney) there for he makes mistakes  where as an ex-politician would never mistakes but rather twist his lies to be understood as a genuine words.

2- He tweets himself not like others who have staff to tweet usual crap.

3-It is to early to make final judgement on newly president while he reaches hands with lunatics like Kim Jong.

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