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I have gone through a period of anxiety and depression the last short number of years.

It is cyclical, but thankfully the depression is not a problem now and the anxiety which comes and goes is mostly restricted to the first part of the day and mostly I can enjoy my evenings and sleep OK.

I have relied greatly on heavy exercise, and in my late 60s have been able in recent years to cycle up Doi Suthep, over Doi Kom etc, and do quite strenuous hikes including jogging uphill.

The last period I have suffered stiffness and weakness and poor balance and have had to move much slower.

Before i could do quite strenuous yoga, but that;s changed.

(I don't need any medical suggestions........I'm working on that, have spoken and continue to speak to doctor neurologist and psychiatrist it looks like this sort of thing is not uncommon with psychiatric disorders)



The exercise helps a lot to relax me.

Although it can be rather hard work and uncomfortable I still walk or even slowly jog uphill daily.

I've been going to yoga but now only attend one class a week where the very lovely lady does very little shoulder work (oh forgot to say I have a separate shoulder problem).

This would normally be an easy class for me but I'm stiff and completely avoid shoulder work which causes all sorts of bone clicks and sometimes yelps.


I need something a bit easier......especially on the arms.......I've seen the older folks doing the Chinese type exercises in CMU before, but maybe I could manage more than that.......something in between.


Any suggestions for a class or something somewhere that maybe concentrates on stretching and might just help retain some muscle and get some endorphins flowing?

Don't really want to pay for a personal yoga person, and in any case the communal aspect of a class is nice. Likewise I could do something alone but I tend to get lazy alone better to have to keep up.


Thanks v much



why not try water aerobics.at a local pool.can easily do your self no need for a trainer or teacher .make it up your self.perhaps start with 20 minsand take it from there.good luck

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Try and get hold of this book,a friend uses it and swears by it.

"Pain Free"  by Pete Egoscue


In the meantime you should probably try Tai Chi to improve balance. There used to be an American guy who taught Tai Chi, (TaiChiThailand.com), the website is still there.

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5 minutes ago, cmsally said:

Try and get hold of this book,a friend uses it and swears by it.

"Pain Free"  by Pete Egoscue


In the meantime you should probably try Tai Chi to improve balance. There used to be an American guy who taught Tai Chi, (TaiChiThailand.com), the website is still there.

A good suggestion. I actually practice Qigong which is closely related to Tai Chi and find this very beneficial.


I am of the 'no pain, no strain' school and find these gentle arts much more agreeable than sweating it in gyms. I hate those places. I also like the earlier suggestion of aquarobics.


Cheeryble, if you have a Kindle or similar e-book reader, I thoroughly recommend a book called 'The Healer Within' by Roger Jahkne. It's a very practical guide to fitness and good health, Chinese style. I've been using as a reference for many years.


It certainly seems to work, I'm 72 and still fit and active. I've not had an illness for many years.

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Very kind suggestions from you all.
I shall look into all.
I’m using the pool but as with the other activities restricted by poor movement and the shoulder...but yes it all helps, backstroke is fine!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


If your near the city center check out Yoga Tree for Qigong... Also visit the park on the south west corner of the moat in the morning and around 6pm... there are many group exercise activities going on  there...

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Have a look on you tube and do a search on Aqua Fitness. You will find a lot of exercises that do not stress out your body.


I do a few sessions every week, in our local pool by myself. While I am 75 my legs are 90 years old, a culmination of sporting injuries from 30 years of soccer ,squash ,tennis anything that was going. I basically do the same exercises as when I was playing soccer in wind down sessions after games


While I can no longer walk more thans 1/2 a km because I have no cartilage left in both knees in the water I am fine,it helps enormouily with flexibility.


No reason why you cant do Thai chi too.My orthopeadic specialist back home says to me is the most important thing is to keep moving and using the pool is pain free and beneficial.


In fact in Australia he runs aquatic classes every week mostly 60 + age group


You cant stop the aging proces but you can make it more liveable .....good luck


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  • 1 month later...

A month or so has passed but thanks for the last suggestions.


I've last week been diagnosed with Parkinsons.......hence the weakness, poor balance and lack of coordination between arms and legs to swim...... and am bumping the thread as some good stuff has come out of it and more may do so. 

I wonder if there's a program for the park opposite Suan Prung.....facebook?

Wednesday yoga seemed a bit easier yesterday may be the shoulder exercises I've been doing, and have been on dopa maybe it helped a bit.

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