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Land Title Confusion - Initial 'Ownership'

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I have been studying the different land titles for a while and know which are the best and which are the worst however I have not been able to find information relating to the initial issuing of documents.


For example Sor Tor Gor - a document issues by the forestry department which allows the holder to farm and live on the land but can't sell but can pass on by inheritance.


I want to know how does a Thai get this document in the first place, if it can't be sold how is it obtained? One simple fences off forest land and starts to farm it then applies for the Sor Tor Gor document?


You always hear about land encroachment so this is not likely but at some point the land would have been forest, it was cut down and papers issued to the farmer. Even holders so Sor Tor Gor documents have been unable to explain this.


Anyone know, or seen anyone claim Sor Tor Gor land?



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I completely understand your question and remarks,unfortunately as far as im concerned this question, can in my opinion only be answered in the same way as the question regarding the millions worth of watches that  someone wears and says,quote,LOANED TO ME BY A FRIEND,who by the way might be already dead.The reason being as per usual,why kill the goose that lays the golden EGG.I do hope you get what i mean,if not,DONT LOOSE FACE.THIS IS THAILAND.YOU CAN ASK ANYONE.

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Not to answer your question as far as Thailand is concerned. But the same situation occurs in Australia. Land that is surrounded by state or federal forest. Can not be sold but can be passed down. These land titles predate legislation of the forest. 

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Sor Tor Gor (S.T.G.), is an land certificate issued only in the zone of national reserved forest. The holder of this document has the right to reside and live on the S.T.G. land. This land is prohibited for sale, however, the right of the holder to reside and live on the land can be passed on heir by inheritance. This document issued by the Thailand Forest Department.

Source: Thailand Land Title Deeds by SamuiForSale.

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