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Activists want NCPO to resign, scrap orders


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Activists want NCPO to resign, scrap orders





A PRO-DEMOCRACY group has threatened to step up its demonstrations if the ruling junta fails to respond to its demands for the next election to be held this year.


The group yesterday also demanded that the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) be dissolved and their orders be nullified, with the coup-makers remaining as a caretaker government until the |election is completed.


The group leader, Rangsiman Rome, said yesterday that as the coup’s fourth-year anniversary is coming up in May, this should be the last year of the coup-installed regime.


In announcing the group’s demands, Rangsiman said the election must be held by the end of November. He had no faith in Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha’s promise that the poll would take place next February.

“We do not believe that the voting will happen next February, because Prayut has pledged several election dates but then the election has always been delayed,” the activist leader said. “Thailand does not want the military [governing] any longer.”


Sirawith Seritiwat, another leader of the pro-election group, said that Thailand could not go on with the NCPO in place. 


“There is no guarantee that an election under NCPO rule would be free and fair,” he said. “The NCPO must leave office now. We only need a government, not the NCPO.”




Sirawith emphasised that without freedom of expression, a free and fair election was not possible. He reiterated that the NCPO must be dissolved, along with all its orders, for the country to move towards a true election. 


He said the offer was the best for the NCPO and society. If the coup-makers do not respond accordingly, protests calling for the election would turn to demonstrations demanding the ouster of the NCPO, he said. 


“Everything is possible if the NCPO will accept the offer,” the activist said. “Unless the NCPO accepts it, nothing will work. And we will have to oust the NCPO.”


The press conference was held yesterday at Thammasat University’s Tha Prachan campus during a political assembly calling for the election.


About 200 people participated in the assembly, most of whom were middle-aged. 


It was the second rally held in a series of pro-election activities planned in the lead-up to the coup’s fourth anniversary on May 22.


The series of protests are a response to the latest election delay, caused by the MP election bill. The Constitution, put into effect in April last year, states that the election shall be held within 150 days after all four essential organic laws are in effect.


The National Legislative Assembly, however, revised the MP election bill so that it would take effect three months after its promulgation. 

The stipulation enraged the public, as it would delay the election into 2019.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/politics/30340662


-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-03-11
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1 hour ago, Eligius said:

These people are REALLY brave. Such guts. Amazing. To come out and speak, in public, the truths they are speaking requires a special degree of courage in the present oppressive climate. I can only bow to them out of GENUINE respect (not the silly 'wai' which people are socially FORCED to do and therewith register and maintain hierarchical rankings).  


My big fear, however, is that if this brave protest movement only remains in the hundreds or thousands (as opposed to MILLIONS), it will be brutally stamped out by an inter-meshed psychopathic bunch who need not be named ...

They sure have balls but if they step up their protests and it ends in a big clash the junta has new reasons to postpone the elections...


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24 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

This is bad thinking.


If you are unwilling to do anything because the Junta might use it as an excuse to delay elections, then you can do nothing at all.


Better to protest.


I am in awe of these people's courage.


The Junta is only here to keep peace, without them Thailand and especially BKK will become a warzone like it was (or worse) before they got orders to take control.

If the Thai can show that there won't be any riots and just fair elections the army will give it to them..but if they make a mess before that moment it will be postponed again untill the time is ready..


We all know that fair elections are not going to happen, votes will be bought, corruption will grow again, protests will be held in BKK and so on and so on....we've seen it plenty of times now.


And if the riots return again they kill the goose with the golden eggs which is tourism at the moment, without that income they have nothing left.

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9 hours ago, Eligius said:

You are so right, my friend! Supporting the overthrow of an elected government and blocking elections was a disgrace - completely and wholly.


And the only way a massacre of the scale of 1992 might possibly be prevented is if the number of Thais on the streets is in their MILLIONS (a couple of hundred thousand simply won't cut it, as history has shown ...).


And you are so blind my friend.

The previous government BOUGHT the votes for 500 baht...plenty video's of that online. If you call that elected than that's your problem.


And that government was as corrupt as the one before it, that's why a brother and sister are on the run right now with stolen money from the thai .


The junta does a good job in keeping thailand safe and preventing it from a civil war.


Fair election are just not possible in thailand since they are not smart enough to think themselves, the 500 baht votebuyers will win again.


I understand that you like to see thailand in total chaos with bombs going off on a daily basis but i'm happy the way it is now.

If we endup in total chaos you won't have your internet/cellphone and maybe not even your house cause the poor guys will come to get it from that old fallang.



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