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Stopped By Police In Thailand? What You Should Do.


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9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Additionally you should ask why he wishes to search you and what exactly he is looking for. To do so he has to have reasonable grounds for suspicion that you have something illegal. A "routine" search based purely on speculation is not allowed.  I recall on one occasion when being stopped by a Foreign Police Volunteer who wanted to search me and was very full of himself. When I told him what the law was and the consequences of searching me illegally he checked with his Thai colleagues and grudgingly told me I could leave.

Same goes for searching your house. They need a warrant or reasonable grounds for suspicion. And they absolutely cannot come in to your house late at night without a warrant, end of story.



Shocking that foreign police volunteers, who were introduced to help tourists should be allowed to harass them. 

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5 hours ago, Just Weird said:

"He patted me down without ever asking me to empty my pockets. He grunted at me to go. He was definitely up to no good".

Is there something wrong with being patted down and allowed to go without a problem that indicates that he "was up to no good"? 

Yes. He was alone. Police should never pull people over and search them when alone: you get this whole ‘my word vs your word’ scenario. It’s why police ask another officer to be present for a search. Can you see how that would make sense? Can you? 


Also, what’s the point in pulling me over and patting my pockets? Why not ask me to empty my pockets? Why not pat my back pockets, check my ankles, etc. What good does it serve patting a man’s jean pockets to discover, “Well, he has something in there. Probably just a phone and wallet”. Shocking! 


If you’re gonna search someone, at least do it properly. What’s the point in pulling someone just to establish they have something in there pockets but then not care what it is. It’s a waste of everyone’s time. 


Well done, Just Weird. Another ill thought about reply and question. 

Edited by rkidlad
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15 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I got pulled out of a taxi around Asoke by a lone police officer. The officer told the girl I was with in my taxi to not get out. I told her in Thai to watch carefully. I had a phone in one pocket and a wallet in the other. He patted me down without ever asking me to empty my pockets. He grunted at me to go. He was definitely up to no good. 


Be polite yet assertive, and at the very least pretend you know what you’re doing and that you’d be more trouble than a potential scam would be worth. 

Maybe he thought you looked like a doper or criminal.

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I only had this happen once and luckily I realized we were very close to the office of the tourist police. I told the cop that he could search me there with other policemen looking on, not out on the street. He lost interest and let me go on my way.

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14 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Additionally you should ask why he wishes to search you and what exactly he is looking for. To do so he has to have reasonable grounds for suspicion that you have something illegal. A "routine" search based purely on speculation is not allowed.  I recall on one occasion when being stopped by a Foreign Police Volunteer who wanted to search me and was very full of himself. When I told him what the law was and the consequences of searching me illegally he checked with his Thai colleagues and grudgingly told me I could leave.

Same goes for searching your house. They need a warrant or reasonable grounds for suspicion. And they absolutely cannot come in to your house late at night without a warrant, end of story.



Is it OK to tell them you said so !!!!!!!

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37 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

When stopped by the BIB it's smart to speak only English. 

You will be allowed to move on much faster than to engage them in Passa Thai. 

I have only been pulled over once, I was guilty of an illegal U-turn. The officer asked if I spoke Thai, I said no. He stood, holding his ticket book, looking at me, I assume waiting for an offer. I finally asked him if he would like to see my license and gave it to him. He issued me a ticket and kept my license, told me I could get it at the station. When my wife and I went to get my license and pay the fine she told me to stay in the car. She went in to the station, asked for a discount, was told that there could be no discount on that type of ticket. The officer said that he could, however, rip up the ticket and issue one for driving without the proper documents which was only a 200 baht fine. My wife agreed, and it was done. Don't let them know that you speak any Thai, keep smiling don't get angry and don't offer them money because if you happen to be stopped by the one honest cop in town you are really in trouble.

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I have been stopped a few times I found if you had your Thai lady with you. They would just ask for your licence, check the insurance sticker.then all good.but on my way to golf at palm hills one day cop asks where you come from I say back there he say where you go I say up here play golf. He asked licence I show my 5 year international licence, then it was like a tennis match. He asks you have Thai licence I say no international this went on for a few minutes I said this licence I can drive many country. He still asked for Thai licence.he tried to grab my wallet from my hand, I pulled it away. He said you pay money, I said no. He insisted, I said wait I call my friend I played in a pool comp and we had a Thai cop in our team I showed him the cops card he looked and said ok go??i never in 6 years paid them one baht unless I was speeding or in the wrong

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13 minutes ago, thrilled said:

The police will speak some English.They will tell you what they want.Then you go from there.It’s the same every country.Just listen and they will tell you what they want..

Every country?

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

When stopped by the BIB it's smart to speak only English. 

You will be allowed to move on much faster than to engage them in Passa Thai. 

Yes I never speak Thai to them only English, think they get embarrassed over their bad language skills and let you go.

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Just now, maccastime said:

I have been stopped a few times I found if you had your Thai lady with you. They would just ask for your licence, check the insurance sticker.then all good.but on my way to golf at palm hills one day cop asks where you come from I say back there he say where you go I say up here play golf. He asked licence I show my 5 year international licence, then it was like a tennis match. He asks you have Thai licence I say no international this went on for a few minutes I said this licence I can drive many country. He still asked for Thai licence.he tried to grab my wallet from my hand, I pulled it away. He said you pay money, I said no. He insisted, I said wait I call my friend I played in a pool comp and we had a Thai cop in our team I showed him the cops card he looked and said ok go??i never in 6 years paid them one baht unless I was speeding or in the wrong

So whats your point ??

You say you have never paid one baht.  Yet, you admit to paying when you did something wrong?

According to most everyone, you are still contributing to corruption.  You just pick and choose when...

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10 hours ago, aussienam said:

Exactly what I just did tonight!  False reasons for stopping me but I just accepted it, paid 1000 Baht and left.  No point in trying to declare injustice/corruption/extortion and other crimes.  Too easy to have fabricated evidence made against you.  

And the more falangs who just pay up will simply encourage the bent cops to carry on with their scams.

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17 hours ago, Kinnock said:

Useful post - just a shame we need it.  Could you imagine in the US, UK, Singapore, Australia or New Zealand asking the Police Office to empty his pockets and check his sleeves before he performs a search?? 

Like they don't plant evidence there at all. :cheesy:

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40 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

So whats your point ??

You say you have never paid one baht.  Yet, you admit to paying when you did something wrong?

According to most everyone, you are still contributing to corruption.  You just pick and choose when...

He didn't say why he was stopped.  Seems you're willing to give the cop the benefit of the doubt, and make the farang the bad guy by default.


You ignore conveniently the fact there are a few bent cops in this country.  And that police stops and check points can be fronts for extortion and tea money collecting for dubious reasons - especially around the end of the month. Their very existence is a catalyst and platform for corruption on a daily basis.  And in any case, a cop grabbing in through the window for your wallet, isn't "normal". 


Despite all that though, you flame the farang for contributing to corruption when he could very well have been RESISTING it!  :sleep:

Edited by 55Jay
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8 hours ago, djayz said:

..."accept the false accusations"?!?!?! Don't you have any pride or self-respect? 

This is exactly why they get away with this kind of thing! People rolling over and accepting everything with the usual "mai bpen rai" justification. 

Yes have self respect... but not a fan of too much pride.  


I also have a life and for me forking over few hundred Baht and getting on with my day with no stress is more desirable than trying to fight a loosing battle and making the situation 100 times worse.. )with the fine increasing, and maybe more serious charges made up as a punishment for me daring to stand up for myself.).  Also I have better things to do with my time than hang around inside if police station with lawyers all day!!!  


What you say is all well and good, but I suggest think first and prioritise what is the best way to go.. play the game!  If it was a more serious situation, with the threat of prison, deportation or huge fines then I would fight it... but for the sake of a few hundred baht there is no reason to put yourself in danger.



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27 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

That is exactly what he is doing.

When he chooses.

Sorry you don't get it.....

Chooses what?  Driving to go play golf?


I "get" what you mean.  There are two sides to this coin and I'm aware of both.  I like to think you are as well?

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