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Humans first - soi dogs second! Thais now advocating "the final solution"


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6 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Wow! Really??


Odd, as I've lived here 11 years and only been 'bitten' once whilst out and about.   (Inverted commas, as the owned dog was trying to frighten me to get at my dog, and so the bite didn't break my skin).


Six times in one year must be a record?

Yes, the odds for that must be out of the world. He should buy a lottery ticket.


In 36 years in Thailand I have been bitten once by a dog and once scratched by a cat. Went for shots each time. How the hell do you get bitten 6 times in a year? 

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1 minute ago, GarryP said:

Yes, the odds for that must be out of the world. He should buy a lottery ticket.


In 36 years in Thailand I have been bitten once by a dog and once scratched by a cat. Went for shots each time. How the hell do you get bitten 6 times in a year? 

He smells like chicken.

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 Having said this, I did hear a story (i.e. told by a friend of a friend etc.) about a guy who was bitten by a (genuine) soi dog whilst running past a soi dog 'pack'.


The story was told with a laugh, 'cos the guy hated dogs, and had previously kicked a couple of the dogs that had approached him, hoping for food. 

Edited by dick dasterdly
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2 minutes ago, GarryP said:

Yes, the odds for that must be out of the world. He should buy a lottery ticket.


In 36 years in Thailand I have been bitten once by a dog and once scratched by a cat. Went for shots each time. How the hell do you get bitten 6 times in a year? 

555, i found that strange too. in nearly 20 years not once have i been bitten. i've been barked at and followed and was worried that i might get bitten but never been bitten. taken cats off my car but they never scratched me. 6 times in a year seems strange to me

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4 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

 Having said this, I did hear a story (i.e. told by a friend of a friend etc.) about a guy who was bitten by a (genuine) soi dog whilst running past a soi dog 'pack'.


The story was told with a laugh, 'cos the guy hated dogs, and had previously kicked a couple of the dogs that had approached him, hoping for food. 

you realize the dogs don't forget. example. i went with my brother in law and a load of mates to smoke some weed in had sairee beach. when we left there was a crack and we realized we'd ran over a dog that was sleeping under the car. the other dogs went crazy jumping over the car and chased us most of the way back home. that was a no go area for a few months. at least in that car anyway.

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15 hours ago, vagaboberalis said:

Blah blah blah 

 I love  dogs blah blah

So do I blah blah


But I DO NOT LIKE being hounded by the beasts walking home at night.

Those 'nice'people who feed and water them then drive by in their Mercedes should be made to walk the soi at night



Blah blah

Down soi 14 Pattaya Klang the other day and yes, the do good feeders are scooping the food out for them. 

Two bitches and seven dogs. 

Bitch has head down eating,  and one dog has head up, chokers on the bitch. lol. 

The woman keeps putting her food out. 

Her friend is throwing pebbles at the dog. Haha. 

As if.. 


A team of wild horses wasn't going to distract him from his pleasure. 

He was certainly smiling. 


Another dog is trying to hump the head of the other bitch. 

Hilarious and sad too. 


And no one seems to care. 


Every day twice a day they feed them. Around here. 


Perhaps they should put some additive in the feed, as said before. 


Remove the males urge and the breeding cycle is broken 


Sounds like Beach road. 

Remove one element and the cycle is broken. 


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20 hours ago, Artisi said:

With a bounty, the motor cycle taxi guys would sort it in 1 day.

It would be good to see the back of these disease ridden vermin, then we can focus on the dogs.

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On 3/15/2018 at 10:22 AM, Misterwhisper said:

I do see some sense in removing strays that are obviously sick and thus pose a danger to humans or which are aggressive and attack passers-by,.


Nevertheless, I have always greatly disliked the word "to cull" in this context, because to me it seems like a cowardly expression that is not accurately describing what is actually happening. We KILL those strays, don't we? So why do people shy away from using that word? Is it too uncomfortable? Does it trigger their conscience? Does it make them too aware that something bad is inflicted on these creatures?


When Thailand was afflicted by the avian flu outbreak almost two decades ago, I vividly recall media reports how hundreds of thousands of chickens were "culled". On occasion the reports were of course illustrated by all to graphical pictures that clearly showed us what that "culling" really involved: burying these hundreds of thousands of fowl ALIVE in huge pits. In my opinion that was not "culling" but pure cruel savagery as there surely would have been several options for killing these condemned animals more mercifully and humanely.


Yes, by all means, let's remove dangerous or infected soi dogs from our streets. But let's be clear about it that they are being killed, not "culled". And if we kill them, it should be done in a manner that causes the animals as little suffering as possible. After all, the point is not to punish the animals for merely living. It's not their fault that they got infected with rabies. It's not their fault that they were abandoned by their irresponsible former human owners and turned into aggressive beasts fending for themselves on the streets. It's not their fault that they were born as dogs.          

What a shame that Dogs take priority over the Poor, the Homeless, the genuinely needy, the starving, instead of this ridiculous sentimental drivel youve just posted why dont you put your efforts and your feelings into helping them.

Edited by Acemaker
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14 hours ago, NonthaburiBear said:

apparently the government and few TVF member doesnt know about sterillized method ..shame on to kill/cull or whatever they called it

Kill is just fine, the sooner the better.

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20 hours ago, djayz said:

No offense, but that's a resounding NO from me re licenses. We have the same load of bxllxcks in Ireland. What a pain in the arxe it is for dog owners who DO actually care for their dogs. Why should the "good people" be penalized again?! I see it as being another form of tax. 

One of the things I like about Thailand is the lack of dog licenses, TV licenses, fishing licenses, etc. Life should be simple, the less licenses the better. 

The licence is so YOUR dog doesn't get put down. If you don't want to pay for a licence don't cry if your dog escapes and is put down.

I'd be quite prepared to round up every dog in LOS without a licence tag and put them down myself. I'd even do it for free.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

The licence is so YOUR dog doesn't get put down. If you don't want to pay for a licence don't cry if your dog escapes and is put down.

I'd be quite prepared to round up every dog in LOS without a licence tag and put them down myself. I'd even do it for free.

It's very obvious from this (and other similar threads), that the majority of posters share your lack of compassion/empathy.


Which is quite frightening - but not suprising :sad:.

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disgusting excuse to kill as many homeless animals under the guise of rabies outbreak of a few hundred dogs infected compared with 400,00 thais infected with a more lufe threatening HIV+. to get around the animal protection laws.


Well the mass hysteria has now seen monks in the temple Khao Pedi in Thungsong have men just kill all the dogs and puppies luving in the temple.Witnessed by extremely distraught Thais.


I expect nothing less from these lying control freaks in power to do this. Everyone is starting to see through this lie

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1 hour ago, Happy enough said:

555, i found that strange too. in nearly 20 years not once have i been bitten. i've been barked at and followed and was worried that i might get bitten but never been bitten. taken cats off my car but they never scratched me. 6 times in a year seems strange to me

Closest I came to getting bitten by the dog packs was when I was pillion and my wife was driving the scooter. Couple of hounds came out and started snapping at my heels and my <deleted> wife slowed down because of some BS theory that she had that one should sit there and they wouldn't bite me. I think I had my legs at her head height and I was screaming at her to move FAST.

Next time I went down there I took my pipe and chased them into their owner's yard. She didn't like that, but she would have liked it less if I'd caught them.

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10 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

culling is killing. who questioned that. i hear they are culling badgers because of TB and deer because of road traffics accidents in the UK. yes, culling is killing. call it control

Culling is a controlled killing of all or part of a specific population. Ethnic cleansing if you like.


The main point is it doesn't work on large populations, it simply mathematically and physically can't work.


the ONLY way to control pest populations is to control the food supply.


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4 minutes ago, humbug said:

disgusting excuse to kill as many homeless animals under the guise of rabies outbreak of a few hundred dogs infected compared with 400,00 thais infected with a more lufe threatening HIV+. to get around the animal protection laws.


Well the mass hysteria has now seen monks in the temple Khao Pedi in Thungsong have men just kill all the dogs and puppies luving in the temple.Witnessed by extremely distraught Thais.


I expect nothing less from these lying control freaks in power to do this. Everyone is starting to see through this lie

the killing has the effect of giving the killer they are actually doing something......it explains a lot of humans' atrocities - and the expression "final solution

" - but the fact that it doesn't work eludes these people who are overwhelmed by the idea of killing.

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1 minute ago, Airbagwill said:

Culling is a controlled killing of all or part of a specific population. Ethnic cleansing if you like.


The main point is it doesn't work on large populations, it simply mathematically and physically can't work.


the ONLY way to control pest populations is to control the food supply.


Killing every dog in the street without a collar would work. I'd volunteer to do it for free.

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5 hours ago, owl sees all said:

The dog problem in our area has got worse since the Junta has been in. Prior to that there was the weekly 'dog-wagon'.

Nothing to do with the junta.

That was due to the "luvvies" complaining because dogs were being shipped to Cambodia ( I think- might have been Vietnam ) and the government banned the trade. I think they just let all the dogs go in the forest because the "dog lovers" didn't want to keep paying to feed them all. 

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11 hours ago, Sattphalat said:

No, IT a’int rocket science.
If every individual in the stray dog population got enough food it will not need to stray. Less interaction between the dogs. Less infected dogs.
Culling the population, gives larger environment for each individual in the population, more food available. Less interaction between the stray dog, less infected dogs.
Hungry dogs seek together and hunting for pray over large areas. Dangerous for people, and gives more interaction in between different groups of dogs. Competition about food. More infected dogs.
You never will be able to “cull” away a hole population of strays. But you can make the living conditions for the remaining dogs better. Less aggressive dogs, with better health conditions.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

Even the simplest science evades some - you really don't understand dog behaviour of natural history. Dogs with food breed and those dogs then move. - Please inform yourself of te topic before making unfounded remarks. How are you going to feed 300,000 dogs in Bangkok?

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7 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Culling is a controlled killing of all or part of a specific population. Ethnic cleansing if you like.


The main point is it doesn't work on large populations, it simply mathematically and physically can't work.


the ONLY way to control pest populations is to control the food supply.


i read it made no difference to TB with the badger culls in the UK. Was mainly pressure from farmers but made no difference to TB infections rates

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20 minutes ago, humbug said:

disgusting excuse to kill as many homeless animals under the guise of rabies outbreak of a few hundred dogs infected compared with 400,00 thais infected with a more lufe threatening HIV+. to get around the animal protection laws.


Well the mass hysteria has now seen monks in the temple Khao Pedi in Thungsong have men just kill all the dogs and puppies luving in the temple.Witnessed by extremely distraught Thais.


I expect nothing less from these lying control freaks in power to do this. Everyone is starting to see through this lie

I remember a kibutz back in 90s or so, they culled the kittens and puppies with stones, it was unoffical work, by a grounds assistant, he cornered the animals and stoned them to death.  stones are cheaper than bullets he told me.


if your point is overpopulation then yes I also agree, but just try that argument with the pro lifers eh?

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17 hours ago, DrTuner said:

PC, I suppose. I have no objections to "let's go murder some mutts".

Cull refers to an means mass killing of unwanted and unneeded animals often for the general good, of that species or that community of animals. In Thailand we need to , cull, castrate, neuter, vacinate and spey dogs and punish owners who do not comply with a chip  and license system.  Or it might be just easier to promote them as a culinary delicacy as were incects promoted in the 60s. 

Edited by The manic
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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Nothing to do with compassion. It's recognising a pest and taking steps to eliminate it.

Millions of cute lambs are killed every year in NZ just so people can eat yummy roast lamb. Are dogs more important than cute lambs?

How about cows? Millions of them killed so people can eat burgers. Are cows not worthy of our compassion?

Rats? Are they less worthy of life because they are small and spread disease- oops, that is a bit like soi dogs, innit?

Mice? Many are kept as pets, but lots are poisoned and die a hideous death.

Wild goats are culled and no one is out demonstrating for them to live.

Possums? Lovely animals, and killed by the millions.

Ants, anyone? Why shouldn't they deserve to live?

Fish? Billions of them are allowed to die slowly so people can eat them. Is that fair?


Admit it, it's a faux sentimentality that singles out dogs to be spared no matter how pestilential they are.


I'm certainly not advocating a cruel death, but one no worse than that little lamb had so people could eat it, or the horses killed to make dog food ( in France people eat them ) would be acceptable.

absolutly, if you have cockroach infestation you clean and put out the poison, if you have rat invasions you put down poison, glue traps etc , dogs are the same, you have this infestation of dogs, particuarly dirty ones at temples that are used as garbage disposal .

they should be treated as cockroach

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27 minutes ago, humbug said:

disgusting excuse to kill as many homeless animals under the guise of rabies outbreak of a few hundred dogs infected compared with 400,00 thais infected with a more lufe threatening HIV+. to get around the animal protection laws.


Well the mass hysteria has now seen monks in the temple Khao Pedi in Thungsong have men just kill all the dogs and puppies luving in the temple.Witnessed by extremely distraught Thais.


I expect nothing less from these lying control freaks in power to do this. Everyone is starting to see through this lie

HIV isn't a death sentence any more. And what the hell has HIV got to do with this thread? Comparing animal rabies infection to human HIV infection? Jesus. 

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5 hours ago, Keesters said:

Thailand will need to invest in dog pounds, a sign of a civilised society.

Sorry, but I have to disagree. A civilized society would never allow dogs to breed to the point that there were ANY unwanted dogs to be put in pounds.

Pounds, IMO are a sign of a society that doesn't care about animals.

Many strays were puppies that were given as a gift and were unwanted when they got big. That should never be allowed. If someone doesn't want a pet, they should have to give it away, sell it or have it put down themselves.

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