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1 minute ago, NanLaew said:

He's also got Jack

Do you know and this is true....I havent had a Jack for months. Theres still beer in the fridge from Xmas.

I must be just getting too old...but I will take Famerjo's advice and have a couple tonight so i can sleep without a shower....:smile:


6 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

The OP's got Jack.


I was responding to digger who doesn't have Jack... or an adequate tank system.

Digger has tanks now , as i sold him a couple of tanks that I have spare, to help him at least get some water storage.

So dont worry I have storage tanks....BUT they are full of air, not water.

Just now, weegee said:

Digger has tanks now , as i sold him a couple of tanks that I have spare, to help him at least get some water storage.

So dont worry I have storage tanks....BUT they are full of air, not water.


So now we get to the point.


You sold Digger your tanks, because you didn't have water they were considered spare, and from that money you bought Jack which you will enjoy tonight.


I smell something.....might be that you didn't have a shower.

  • Haha 2
1 minute ago, torrzent said:

You pay for the water but don't get it?  That's kind of stupid innit?

Dont worry torrzent....digger is pretty upset like me. 

  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


So now we get to the point.


You sold Digger your tanks, because you didn't have water they were considered spare, and from that money you bought Jack which you will enjoy tonight.


I smell something.....might be that you didn't have a shower.

I still have a few tanks left myself....but he needed tanks urgently, so it's normal to help out a mate in trouble, in times like this.....BUT it shouldn't be happening in the first place.


2 minutes ago, weegee said:

I still have a few tanks left myself....but he needed tanks urgently, so it's normal to help out a mate in trouble, in times like this.....BUT it shouldn't be happening in the first place.


I suggest bigger tanks... and more Jack.

5 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I suggest bigger tanks... and more Jack.

Looks like it hey?....But I got no water to put in my Jack....:cheesy:


Well lets see what happens tomorrow after the Thai Monitors read this Thread ( Not talking about Mods on TVF here).

I going out in the cool with jack in hand, and a bottle of under arm deodorant....

See ya tomorrow.


Old weegee 

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, weegee said:

As you probably know from some of my previous threads and posts....I do the same as you mostly. BUT this is ridiculous. I pay my bill for  water thats not there, and I have the same problem as another poster as well now....AIR comes through the pipes instead Water sometimes....which you pay for...as the meter keeps turning.

They talk about wanting to be innovative and Technical advanced....Hell they cant even deliver water through pipes properly yet....

I used to have exactly the same, air in the water / black/silty daily followed by snails and debris, the snails  would totally block taps so I dumped the village  supply completely, yep the air  will be "paid for"

My sentiments exactly in the 22nd  century they cannot even supply their own people with  a  basic clean  WATER and they talk about Thailand 4 HILARIOUS.

Gave up on them all years back, now am self sufficient  almost.

2 hours ago, rumak said:

go to the temple,  give some money to the monk,  let him wrap a string around your wrist....

and water will come

better still round the head mans neck, nice and tight, 15  minutes  should do it:wink:


All u need is a Makro and someone in need  of  soil then you can supply yourself forever, heres  mine, Wife at the  bottom for scale:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: 

8 metres deep, its  walled  in now and concreted  on the sides to stop erosion, again had to do the concrete myself slab by slab, took me about  2-3  months 1  per  day. 

I guess  really I should  supply the village  now  but id  have to remember to put the snails back in the supply for them to make  em feel at home



  • Like 2

I did not read all the posts so do not know if this has been mentioned already .

  I was told pumps must be on the line that exits the tank not the line that fills it. I was told it is illegal to have the pump before the tank. The reason I was given for this was that the pump will take all the water and reduce the water pressure in the main that services every one else.

  With this in mind if I was you I would check the neighbours pump placements. If any pumps are before the tank you may have found the problem.


  • Like 2

I did not read all the posts so do not know if this has been mentioned already .

  I was told pumps must be on the line that exits the tank not the line that fills it. I was told it is illegal to have the pump before the tank. The reason I was given for this was that the pump will take all the water and reduce the water pressure in the main that services every one else.

  With this in mind if I was you I would check the neighbours pump placements. If any pumps are before the tank you may have found the problem.

  Some may have a pump and no tank that pumps on demand that too would effect water pressure I think.

12 hours ago, digger70 said:

Why? We pay to get water. Why would one has to install Tanks and a pump ? Are you for real? 

And how is the paying for water working out lately?


You do realize the tanks afre filled from the mains right?


And  that you simply store emough to keep a constsnt supply on hand?


Sort it yourself. I hope that the pressure is sufficient to lift it into a tank and then pump your house supply.

If it isn't, you may need an underground tank to pump from. That can also be filled from rainwater to supplement the supply.

There is also the possiblilty that your pipes are clogged, you are responsible from the meter and maybe the meter itself. Old pipes get full of rust, mud stones etc.


If you really are so concerned about a fire, you need to sort it.

  • Like 1
16 hours ago, weegee said:

You all want to know something funny....

A couple of days ago they had the Village meeting at the community centre next door...guess what....Full water pressure all day. The next day NOTHING AGAIN.....

They used to do the same thing in the last village I stayed - anyone of importance due to arrive, all the potholes patched, trees pruned, water turned on.

They then host the visitors at the local temple where they would put on a feed, after which the kind visitors would make merit (Buy Their God) and return home.

Next day, no water again and everything left to deteriorate until the next cash cow is due.


I luckily moved to a different village a few years back, less than 2 miles from the other one, but a different Tamboen. The water piped into my place actually burst the joints on my 1.5" plastic pipes - the water was leaking underground so not that visible until I got a bill for 1.5 million litres used.

16 hours ago, weegee said:

You all want to know something funny....

A couple of days ago they had the Village meeting at the community centre next door...guess what....Full water pressure all day. The next day NOTHING AGAIN.....

Same story after meeting here in Ban Bung, Chonburi.


Join the club, in my area they have build probably 5K new townhouse/developments but no upgrade to the water main. 

They are still  building and one day, there will be a trickle of water. In my village in buri ram, they only turned the water on for 4 hours a day, because of the water shortage. This is what is going to happen eventually. The developers pay of the water company so they dont have to pay the thousands/millions of baht to upgrade the mains.

36 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

They used to do the same thing in the last village I stayed - anyone of importance due to arrive, all the potholes patched, trees pruned, water turned on.

They then host the visitors at the local temple where they would put on a feed, after which the kind visitors would make merit (Buy Their God) and return home.

Next day, no water again and everything left to deteriorate until the next cash cow is due.


I luckily moved to a different village a few years back, less than 2 miles from the other one, but a different Tamboen. The water piped into my place actually burst the joints on my 1.5" plastic pipes - the water was leaking underground so not that visible until I got a bill for 1.5 million litres used.

One extreme to another hey ?

16 hours ago, kannot said:

One thing  I learnt was when you live outside of any built  up area  here you may as  well take charge of EVERYTHING yourself , inc water supply sewerage ,construction of any sort ,any electrical work  etc etc.

I dug two wells, here's  the latest one done about 2  years ago, hole boring aside  I did it myself inc  all plumbing. Cant  trust anyone here to do anything right, gave up on that years ago, Can also switch between the 2  wells if  one should fail ie pump etc

I sleep well knowing its all done correctly, every joint has  glue every cable is earthed  every block laid has enough cement in the mortar, every tile properly cut the paint was not thinned  down to water etc etc


water house 2 (2).jpg

Great advice. 

If you ever want to be a winner here in LOS ......
Be independent.

Be a prepper.
Use your time and intelligence to enhance your property.:smile:

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1

Amazing !!!....Water pressure is nearly normal at 0930 hrs today, when I checked. How long for, who knows at this stage.

I would like to thank the Thai Monitors (not talking about TVF Mods here) for passing this on the the relevant Authority.

I feel better knowing there is water in case of fire....and I have had a shower.


Farmerjo....only had two. :thumbsup:

  • Haha 1

Same here. Live in village outside of Udon Thani. Every morning little 

to no water same in evening suppose that’s when everyone’s using water. We have a well we can use but sometimes the smell is horrible 

and needs to be treated. 


Have a tank of water for emergencies but unfortunately it was built 

hillbillies style and doesn’t work properly.  My neighbor Farang down the road set his up correctly and has small inline electric pump and it works great. 


You’d think the community would address the problem but they don’t 

and just go with the flow..... or non flow. 


All in all I like living here and will have to make upgrades when needed 

for water. But not let a family member that doesn’t have a clue do it. 


15 hours ago, NanLaew said:

But, this may all be a bit obvious and taken the wrong way... TiT.


You are still getting the water you're being charged for BTW... just the pressure is low.


As an earlier poster said you cannot count on any basic utilities being maintained in this benighted sh!thole, not with the way these buggers steal money and do sh!t work.


You can rant until your BP meds run out but if you decide to be PROACTIVE and get a tank and self-contained, pressurized water system, the same as upwards of probably 80% of homes already have in Thailand... the OP can have a shower, cool down and savor the Jack Daniels while all around him carry on whingeing, wringing their hands and bashing their gums.

We got the tanks and the pumps,,it's the principle.We had good pressure for about 18 months than the ass fell out of if it We should Not have to spent extra money for storing and pumping the water that we already paid for. But than ,it's the Thai way.,,,,, Bp is under control  Taking my Meds ,,,,,  :wink:

  • Like 1
18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Nice shed.

My MIL's pump was housed on a couple of old boards with a bit of old corrugated iron over it.

The old bat hated me though, so I wasn't going to do anything that didn't have to be done.

That should be entered for Thai Farang Shed of the Year 2018 (Functional Category). A cert for top prize.

  • Like 1
On 3/19/2018 at 9:06 AM, johnnybgood said:

Great advice. 

If you ever want to be a winner here in LOS ......
Be independent.

Be a prepper.
Use your time and intelligence to enhance your property.:smile:

we rent homes to "farangs"......almost 10 years now.   when i go in the faucets are loose,  drains are not

running smoothly,  light bulbs often out.   I hope the homeowners here have a little more ability to take

care of their property !   i think most have the time,  some have the intelligence,  but how many actually

are willing to put in the effort is open to debate.

47 minutes ago, rumak said:

we rent homes to "farangs"......almost 10 years now.   when i go in the faucets are loose,  drains are not

running smoothly,  light bulbs often out. 

Then maybe you should fix these things... and give them your phone number so they can inform you when something needs to be fixed!?

  • Haha 1

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