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Bullying or just desserts? Court of social media divided on child thieves' temple punishment

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1 hour ago, Cranky said:

If you think a good whack is the only form of punishment available then you need one.  Happy to oblige.

When did I say smacking is the only form of punishment?


And I bet you wouldn't say that to my face. Keyboard tough guy.

5 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

What do they do in Saudi?

Well I think that's best left to Amnesty International.

6 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

When we think that we are automatically entitled to something, that is when we start walking all over others to get it.

Thai Airways should print up that message on cards to hand out to arriving tourists.


Certainly the delusion of innate entitlement motivates many of the posts here at TV.

2 hours ago, britishrepublican said:

I think your full of... 


Assault..... typical liberal nonsense.  Always trying to lay blame with others instead of personal responsibility. I'm glad you don't teach my child. To think someone like you would be poisoning the minds of children with your liberal nonsense is shocking to me.


This is the real world, not some socialist eutopia.


"...liberal nonsense..."


How's that?



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My mother is extremely religious and used to be a firm believer in 'spare the rod, spoil the child'.


Consequently, my brothers were frequently caned, and behaved ever more badly as adolescents and young adults - as they'd lost all sense of respect towards others....:sad:.


NOWADAYS, my mother admits the adage is wrong - and seriously regrets believing it previously.


I've nothing against a quick tap on the bum for young children that misbehave badly - but still have nightmares where I'm trying to stop my dad (at my mother's insistence) caning my bothers :sad:.


Back on topic - we know nothing about these kids/why they stole, or their upbringing/parents.

  • Sad 1

Dumb punishment! Punish the mother and/or father who are responsible for (not) teaching their children and reinforcing what is good and what is bad! :coffee1: 


Stealing (AKA corruption) is rife in the Kingdom, so maybe my suggestion is a tough ask.


This "punishment" and public humiliation is not acceptable but a cruel and a criminal act on those kids. They will not learn anything out of this but to be more careful next time that they are not caught in the act AND to punih others in a similar way.


At that age those kids are able to learn a lesson by a strong word, a warning ... and forgiveness for their stupidity.

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All these spoiled brats here from nanny land who want to carry on the tradition of not responsible.,will say any thing to try and make real responsible people look bad.. 

 My wish for them all the children growing up today do not have to live with discipline or responsibilty and will grow up to be thieves liars,criminals of all degrees not responsible for anything and all the ones here can live in fear of the by product of their  failure to bring up responsible adults.Spend their old age sitting in the house afraid of what is out there .  

  Good luck to you all.

  Hey you reap what you sow. I am old so will not have to  live with it. 

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16 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

My mother is extremely religious and used to be a firm believer in 'spare the rod, spoil the child'.


Consequently, my brothers were frequently caned, and behaved ever more badly as adolescents and young adults - as they'd lost all sense of respect towards others....:sad:.


NOWADAYS, my mother admits the adage is wrong - and seriously regrets believing it previously.


I've nothing against a quick tap on the bum for young children that misbehave badly - but still have nightmares where I'm trying to stop my dad (at my mother's insistence) caning my bothers :sad:.


Back on topic - we know nothing about these kids/why they stole, or their upbringing/parents.

Sounds more to me like your brother were beaten that is not good for sure. I honestly feel sorry for them.

 My father never hit me. But he did believe in  spanking the bottom by parents and strapping by teachers..But never had to spank us.

  The reason he never hit any of his children was he was able to teach us right from wrong with out it. But he always let us know he would do it he felt the need to.He really would have been one of the parents that would have said (this hurts me more than it hurts you).I now understand that phrase so well.  Thought I would add my mother was deeply religious too. Her father my Grandfather was a minister

Just now, lovelomsak said:

Sounds more to me like your brother were beaten that is not good for sure.

 My father never hit me. But he did believe in  spanking the bottom by parents and strapping by teachers..

  The reason he never hit any of his children was he was able to teach us right from wrong with out it. But he always let us know he would do it he felt the need to.He really would have been one of the parents that would have said (this hurts me more than it hurts you).I now understand that phrase so well.

'This hurts me more than it hurts you' - is just an added 'insult to injury'.

  • Like 1
Just now, dick dasterdly said:

'This hurts me more than it hurts you' - is just an added 'insult to injury'.

I used to feel the same. But now I realise The hurt a parents must feel to have to go to that means to try and get their child on track. The last thing a parent wants to do is hit their child.

 There must be a feeling of hopelessness failure as parent. Failing the children by not providing them with the proper skills.etc.

 Punishment of any kind is the last resource.

Just now, lvr181 said:

Nah, 'tis just an 'excuse' to carryout the 'hurt'!  Merely an appeasement for ones mind for what they are about to do. 

I agree - otherwise, why on earth say it??  Does the parent seriously think it will make the child feel better?? 

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Thankfully the disgusting parents behind the flogging has been contacted by the police to explain their behavior......




Many countries use corporal punishment. These kids got off lightly. They did not get sent to a Thai Goal. Singapore uses corporal punishment. In Islam any man is, allowed to beat his wife.. I bet these kids won't steal again. 

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15 minutes ago, The manic said:

Many countries use corporal punishment. These kids got off lightly. They did not get sent to a Thai Goal. Singapore uses corporal punishment. In Islam any man is, allowed to beat his wife.. I bet these kids won't steal again. 

Your point? Apart from supporting child, and now wife beating (assume you wear a (suicide?) vest to the pub) with next to no knowledge of the circumstances.....



16 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

How do you get vigilante justice form this?  Monks ?

How do you get assaulting children from this? A spanking by the looks of it.

  What is called a flogging looks pretty tame to me. from the one picture I can see. We used to get worse than that for throwing snowballs.

  Guys like you are one of the main reasons there is so many problems in the world with crime. Any form of discipline is not acceptable to guys like you . Discipline is necessary to maintain order with out it we have anarchy. The passive alternatives are producing nothing. but more problems.

  Some people here are real drama queens.



Some people here are real drama queens.

:clap2: for sure, here some love to dramatize everything!



i dont think this has anything to do with some people obvious love for harsh punishment, you all seem to have a romantic eye for whoever beat you back in the days....

anyhow you cant just go around punishing random kids for stealing or whatever else they did. if the parents chose this direction of education, fine, but for anyone else its not ok. so yeah nobody needs to hear idiotic opinions that are irrelevant to the story

On 19/03/2018 at 5:20 PM, SOTIRIOS said:

...meanwhile their adult counterparts get away with so much more....


..and simply wai and give a lame excuse when caught....


Maybe because these adults weren't disciplined for stealing small amounts at an early age!?

1 hour ago, AboutThaim said:

Maybe because these adults weren't disciplined for stealing small amounts at an early age!?


Or maybe because they were disciplined and afterward were determined to "stick it to the man" and get away with it next time.  There's just no way you can know what the effect will be from punishment.  Some are rehabilitated and others become hardened and more determined by it.  If at first you don't succeed, you know.


When I was a teen, my girlfriend told me the story of how she got caught shoplifting when she was a young child in Germany, and her father was rather abusive according to her and punished her quite violently.  She says that she carried that grudge with her for a long time and got her revenge by doing several, even more daring thefts later on.  I have no idea where she is now.  In jail, perhaps.

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