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Reports of poisoned stray dogs outrage animal-rights groups


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Can they please come to Pattaya and do the same,there are too many stray dogs here.must be careful not being bitten, cannot drive safely, specialy evening,they cross the roads and accidents happends every day because of these crazy dogs.

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2 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

There are no human rights here why would anyone think there would be animal rights.

Ain't that the truth, in a so called developed society I can understand that people have time to worry about the welfare of animals, not sure you can apply the same values to a country that cares so little for its people! Just look at any "school run" its absolutely atrocious the way the kids are treated!

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6 hours ago, fasteddie said:

Somebody dies of a cat bite so dogs have to die? Land of Stupid!

This is the problem right here.. things just get twisted by opinions and flawed logic!


Whats stupid is you believe or think that dogs are dying because of a Cat bite.


they are killing dogs in an attempt to contain rabies outbreak... both dogs and cats carry rabies.... did someone die because of a cat bite? Yes... is this direct reason why they are purging dogs? No...


THey probably would have came up with this plan regardless of the cat bite

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3 hours ago, TomAikins said:

If all of these groups are so concerned about dogs then why haven't they done anything over the years to keep stray dogs from reproducing and creating this nuisance. It isn't just about rabies. There have been millions of dogs in this country for years that are strays and have no medical treatment, never received shots and are a dangerous presence on the streets. And when it comes to rabies, do you know that there is NO CURE for rabies. If you get infected by a rabid animal of any kind and do not immediately start a series of five shots then you will die. Period. These groups should stop complaining, if they're really serious about this problem, and do something to relieve it. Sterilizing every stray animal that they can would be a good start. 

Even a sterilized soi dog will try to attack strangers. If they ain't someone's animal and kept in the property, elimination is the proper course of action.

In western countries they would all be put down, so I don't know why LOS should be different.

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6 hours ago, fasteddie said:

Somebody dies of a cat bite so dogs have to die? Land of Stupid!

One can only imagine the howling, gnashing of teeth, and tears,  if fast eddie got bit by a soi dog and it was suspected of being rabid.




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34 minutes ago, fstarbkk said:

Just a bit of perspective on this all-engulfing crisis, threatening the very existence of human life in Thailand:

According to the Bureau of Epidemiology statistics, the average human death rate from rabies in Thailand was around 300 annually, in the 1990's. Last year it was 11. So what is this hysteria all about? What's the real agenda?

Well just maybe they do not want the death toll to reach 300 a year again?This year 6 people died already.Just to get things back into perspective,this could be the agenda.

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36 minutes ago, fstarbkk said:

Just a bit of perspective on this all-engulfing crisis, threatening the very existence of human life in Thailand:

According to the Bureau of Epidemiology statistics, the average human death rate from rabies in Thailand was around 300 annually, in the 1990's. Last year it was 11. So what is this hysteria all about? What's the real agenda?

good question, I expect it is part of the junta promoting buddhism for its people again, so keep the plebs interested in religeon and being recycled as the buddha while we rape the ocuntry, those pesky free thinking foreigners hmm what do we do with them, I know foreign people have animal rights and human rights, lets make an animal scandal so foreigners stop commenting on thai politics and laughing at our ministers attempts to stop corruption while wearing watches that could never have been paid for with his salary......

could that be it?

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Just now, manchega said:
34 minutes ago, fstarbkk said:

Just a bit of perspective on this all-engulfing crisis, threatening the very existence of human life in Thailand:

According to the Bureau of Epidemiology statistics, the average human death rate from rabies in Thailand was around 300 annually, in the 1990's. Last year it was 11. So what is this hysteria all about? What's the real agenda?

good question, I expect it is part of the junta promoting buddhism for its people again, so keep the plebs interested in religeon and being recycled as the buddha while we rape the ocuntry, those pesky free thinking foreigners hmm what do we do with them, I know foreign people have animal rights and human rights, lets make an animal scandal so foreigners stop commenting on thai politics and laughing at our ministers attempts to stop corruption while wearing watches that could never have been paid for with his salary......

could that be it?

No .... but Kudos to an imaginative if totally ridiculous conspiracy theory.

Pulling off my tin hat ...  Bali has an on again off again problem with Rabies too and no matter how small it is bad PR for a vacation island. I assume Thailand has the same problem.  300 a year back in the 90's?! Fascianting but they were able to keep that figure well under wraps and it didn't scare tourists away.

today not the same.


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3 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

No .... but Kudos to an imaginative if totally ridiculous conspiracy theory.

Pulling off my tin hat ...  Bali has an on again off again problem with Rabies too and no matter how small it is bad PR for a vacation island. I assume Thailand has the same problem.  300 a year back in the 90's?! Fascianting but they were able to keep that figure well under wraps and it didn't scare tourists away.

today not the same.


surely you can do better than ridiculous? its not that I disagree with you , but have you any better theory?  I did read that the PM and cronies are suggesting the people stop focussing on politics and watches and instead take an interest in religeon and wearing trad clothes.  My theory sounds stronger and stronger in that light

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1 hour ago, Shackleton123 said:

"Poison the damn things", "Puppy Panderers Brigade" - Not biased then? No agenda huh? The thing I really like about Buddhism is that it holds all life sacred. My advice for you is move to Vietnam - you can "eat the damn things" there' or better - go to South Korea - you can "beat the damn things to death with clubs" and then eat them. Heaven for you I'd imagine.


But.... is it safe to eat rabid dog meat, imported from Thailand?

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If you have ever had a rabies scare or been around someone that has had and then had to go through the injections, it is deadly serious. Most of these posters here have no clue, dare I say you too?!  .

"the problem with rabies again like many other tropical diseases is the risk to visitors is low but the stakes are fantastically high - death from Rabies is almost 100% and any who survive are usually brain-damaged"


only 3 have survived ... in the entire world in recorded history.



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Being an animal lover and vegetarian for decades I see no conflict with responsible culling of unwanted and disease ridden animals for their sake and humans sake. There is a HUGE difference between 'animal lover' and 'animal sentimentalist'.

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5 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

I agree; The question surely is when lives are at risk who is more important, Human lives or Stray Animal lives - for me its easy!!!

Yes, it is a "no brainer", like the opponents of animal control. 

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5 hours ago, observer90210 said:

But nobody seems mooved by the rabies outburst ?


Dogs do happen to carry the disease also....and maybe some are unaware, but there do happen to be a considerable amount of stray soi dogs that are potential vectors of the plague....so what comes first ? Dogs ? Humans ? Public sanitary safety ?

Culling animals and control in town areas are not really the same thing are they. Certainly I agree that 'Soi strays' are a problem and if the appropriate authorities took action in a controlled manner in the first place they wouldn't have a problem. Killing a few now is not going to stop the stray population growing.

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1 hour ago, Flyfish said:

I live in Hua Hin,and strongly support all actions to check rabies. It is a truly horrible and excruciating,slow death.

i also love dogs,I own 4 and don’t want them to die either,hence they are vaccinated regularly.

i,along with several others walk my dogs on the “soldiers beach”, and pay 20b to do so. Unfortunately,it is becoming impossible to do this as we now have 10 to 15 soi dogs in that area. They are fed and encouraged by the maids who look after the military accommodation at the beach....every few months there is another batch of puppies,they grow,breed...and another batch...and so on.

They can be aggressive especially when a new batch of puppies arrive....I don’t blame the dogs...I do blame the people who feed them,but don’t take responsibility for them.

Shouldn't be hard then to call in the local soi dog charity to neuter/vaccinate/release them?

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4 hours ago, humbug said:

Most of us know this is not right in any society but then again we are dealing with a few idiot trolls who still think they live in Thailand during the washinghton square days of 60baht happy endings.

??? most of us know that this in not an issue in other societies.


and.... most of us know that stray dogs (owned or otherwise) are rounded up in other societies.


ergo... most of us know that what is right, is preventing dogs roaming around without an owner.

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1 hour ago, fstarbkk said:

Should do your homework, buddy. There are privately funded animal welfare groups all over Thailand who offer free or low cost sterilization and vaccination services. One brilliant (but by far not the only) example, is Soi Dog Foundation who have single-handedly rendered Phuket the only officially rabies-free province in Thailand.


Have you donated yet?!

Sshhhh - those with blood lust in their minds will completely ignore Soi Dogs 'spay/vaccinate/release programme - that has not only resulted in far fewer soi dogs, but also Phuket being a rabies-free province.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

Telling a dog lover that dogs are a very serious health hazard as well as a danger to society, especially young children is like telling a smoker that cigarettes a bad for them. Nothing will get through to you.

Not sure about dog lovers... But as for me, logic and proven facts always "get through" to me. You know, the thing your posts are usually so devoid of. :smile:

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54 minutes ago, jvs said:

Well just maybe they do not want the death toll to reach 300 a year again?This year 6 people died already.Just to get things back into perspective,this could be the agenda.

Yeah sure. Except that the massive decrease of rabies deaths was not achieved by mass slaughter of dogs (which wouldn't work in any case), but through the increased availability and deployment of vaccines, sterilizations and countermeasures, in the event of an attack. I'm all for an intensified use of things that have actually prove n to work.

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1 hour ago, fstarbkk said:

What makes it right are the facts and the logic contained in his post, as compared to the unfounded and irrational drivel in most of the others in this thread.





his post was a dig at several others, all in one, and was made up of his opinion, with little (or dubious) logic


for example... slinging off at someone for taking an eight year old on a motorbike. Sure it’s dangerous, but you don’t know what restrictions the poster puts in place to prevent accidents or harm.... and an eight year old on a mc is not illegal... not even in the great nanny state of Australia.


with regards soi dog attacks ( rabid or not) that poster wish’s restrictions on the spread of rabies, to protect his own, much like he would place safety restrictions on mc riding to protect his own ( that’s logic) (and assumptive on my behalf)


but wait.... let’s look again.... more people die from drowning than rabies... should we not go swimming... or should we “manage” the activity?


you said “manage”... right?... (that’s logic)


so... let’s manage the stray dogs .... which we are apparently not over run with... right? ... (per the post you support)... except in my street... in my street we are definitely over run... and the buggers howl off tune to the 4am music from the Thai night club every night. (that’s logic)


that said... how best to manage it in the best and most practicable way? That’s the only burning question here


option one... do nothing

option two... reduce the dog population.


logic dictates option two... identify the hazard.... remove the hazard (safety 101)



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6 hours ago, observer90210 said:

But nobody seems mooved by the rabies outburst ?


Dogs do happen to carry the disease also....and maybe some are unaware, but there do happen to be a considerable amount of stray soi dogs that are potential vectors of the plague....so what comes first ? Dogs ? Humans ? Public sanitary safety ?

I am for euthanizing all stray dogs here, but it must be done humanely. This is a travesty and hamfisted. Those dogs suffered greatly. 

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14 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Sshhhh - those with blood lust in their minds will completely ignore Soi Dogs 'spay/vaccinate/release programme - that has not only resulted in far fewer soi dogs, but also Phuket being a rabies-free province.


6 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

One could point out that this org has substantial funds that originated out of the Tsunami.  Many folk overseas wanted to donate to animals and they were the only ones who had foundation status and rake in tons of cash. Nothing wrong in that but Phuket is an exception that proves the point. Releasing dogs after neutralization helps the expansion problem but not other issues of packs, attacks and nuisance.


Humanely culling hungry, diseased and angry dogs is not an ethics problem that some animal sentimentalists try to imagine. In fact, in tandem with education, it is essential. 

Which brings me back to my post (quoted above).


The Soi Dog Foundation is based on Phuket and - (funnily enough) Phuket is rabies-free.  Plus, there are far fewer soi dogs.


Of course there is still a problem with owned/territorial/uncared for dogs in many areas of Phuket - but that is an entirely different problem.

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32 minutes ago, spermwhale said:

I am for euthanizing all stray dogs here, but it must be done humanely. This is a travesty and hamfisted. Those dogs suffered greatly. 

Thanks for this. But consider the very real and proven fact (World Health Organization et al.) that eradication of strays through euthanasia is not practical when you have such a large population. Since you don't seem like an irrational and blood-thirsty person, please open your mind to the arguments and facts presented in this piece:




Edited by fstarbkk
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10 minutes ago, farcanell said:





his post was a dig at several others, all in one, and was made up of his opinion, with little (or dubious) logic


for example... slinging off at someone for taking an eight year old on a motorbike. Sure it’s dangerous, but you don’t know what restrictions the poster puts in place to prevent accidents or harm.... and an eight year old on a mc is not illegal... not even in the great nanny state of Australia.


with regards soi dog attacks ( rabid or not) that poster wish’s restrictions on the spread of rabies, to protect his own, much like he would place safety restrictions on mc riding to protect his own ( that’s logic) (and assumptive on my behalf)


but wait.... let’s look again.... more people die from drowning than rabies... should we not go swimming... or should we “manage” the activity?


you said “manage”... right?... (that’s logic)


so... let’s manage the stray dogs .... which we are apparently not over run with... right? ... (per the post you support)... except in my street... in my street we are definitely over run... and the buggers howl off tune to the 4am music from the Thai night club every night. (that’s logic)


that said... how best to manage it in the best and most practicable way? That’s the only burning question here


option one... do nothing

option two... reduce the dog population.


logic dictates option two... identify the hazard.... remove the hazard (safety 101)



You somehow managed to forget option three-


Neuter, vaccinate and release.....


It's worked on Phuket, but needs the govt. and animal charities to combine funding and resources to continue this proven method.

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35 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Sshhhh - those with blood lust in their minds will completely ignore Soi Dogs 'spay/vaccinate/release programme - that has not only resulted in far fewer soi dogs, but also Phuket being a rabies-free province.


27 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

One could point out that this org has substantial funds that originated out of the Tsunami.  Many folk overseas wanted to donate to animals and they were the only ones who had foundation status and rake in tons of cash. Nothing wrong in that but Phuket is an exception that proves the point. Releasing dogs after neutralization helps the expansion problem but not other issues of packs, attacks and nuisance.


Humanely culling hungry, diseased and angry dogs is not an ethics problem that some animal sentimentalists try to imagine. In fact, in tandem with education, it is essential. 

There's clearly no answer to posts like this...


Ignore the proven example as "an exception that proves the point"??!


The comment "this org has substantial funds that originated out of the Tsunami" is even more nauseating.


I've no idea whether or not it's true - but as they're clearly doing a very good job, why is it important or relevant?

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