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Video: Foreign tourist brutally attacked by Walking Street thugs


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5 hours ago, soistalker said:

The American soldier clearly wasn't having any of it. For most tourists, they aren't prepared to get into a fight, and they shouldn't be: they're on vacation. 

But take my word for it, don't turn your attention away from an angry Thai man...you'll regret it. And any confrontation with a Thai man will include all Thai men joining in on you if they see a fight. They are just waiting to get in on an attack with a farang.

Yes quite, its a cultural thing the way Thais act and thats the way it is

My comment was just a passing observation on one incident nothing more and nothing less


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1 hour ago, oldlakey said:

Yes quite, its a cultural thing the way Thais act and thats the way it is

My comment was just a passing observation on one incident nothing more and nothing less


Not really. It's a low class cultural thing that happens worldwide. Regular middle class Thais hate street violence like westerners.


Judging all Thai people on the actions of low class thugs is just stupid.

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14 hours ago, SpicyMeatball said:

What a s**thole Pattaya is. I’ve never been nor do I ever want to go.


Excellent. Stay away. Whenever Pattaya detects a puckered sphincter, it figures you can't be no hansum man and purposely makes things go badly for you and confirms your worst fears. Probably happened in this case, in fact. :smile: First, always consider whether you have what it takes to be a happy cesspoolian:


  • live and let live,
  • accept the unchangeable,
  • handle problems routinely,
  • interact with Thais well, and simply
  • roll with the flow,

unfazed by the mess and paradox one may naturally expect to encounter in a Third World country. Then, while you relax and enjoy the delights of Pattaya, you're merely labeled on the forum a wearer of rose-tinted classes, Thai apologist with head in the sand, and the worst term of opprobrium known to any TVF Poster: a real estate agent!




Edited by JSixpack
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When was the last time you saw a Thai man, engage in a fight with anyone other than a woman, on his own? They always seem to work in pairs, or in groups. Cowards. Children. No idea what this fight was about, but glad this guy got away, before more damage was inflicted. Walking Street in Pattaya is a cesspool. Reminds me of Bangla Road in Patong. Nasty places. 

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Maybe the Farang said something he should, not have, but is it funny when a Thai is getting cleaned up the Thai police cannot wait to become involved, and on the last few occasions they are nowhere to be seen, funny that. In a family-friendly place allegedly. Anyway, it took two of them, further proves Thai's don't fight fair

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14 hours ago, torrzent said:

Answer the points made rather than introducing unrelated points about rocky surfing beaches with terrible riptides and lousy food/nightlife in Central America.  Totally different from Pattaya.  Sounds like you have never "been" to CR either but may have read a few tourist guides.

You need to get a firmer grasp on things of which you know nothing. You comment constantly on topics you obviously know very little. You just talk, that's just about all. Got the same problem this UK fellow probably had, LOL

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16 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

It is certainly clear to me some Thais and Ticos both have ill-will for expats living in their countries.


Some do, but the point is that you've confused the motives of Thais with those of Ticos. One doesn't need ever to have lived in CR to know that what you're saying about Thais' motivations is nonsense. Obscuring this point by personal attacks doesn't make it less invalid.



Thais' seem to be both more jealous and violent in their reaction. More so than their Asian neighbors.


But towards other Thais as well, NOT just towards farangs. If other Thais committed the same offenses, then a fight would break out as well. But other Thais know not to do them or expect consequences, that may perhaps be avoided by sneaking. A Thai is never going to walk over and arrogantly turn off another Thai's bike, for example, after complaining about noise. He knows what the reaction is going to be. In what cases of violence against farangs can you pinpoint the cause specifically "jealousy?" Well, none. The jealousy cases are all against other Thais. So, just your imagination so that you can claim that Thais are Ticos. :cheesy: I dunno why that's SO important to you except you just want to call attention to your residence in CR. We got it, man.


Edited by JSixpack
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On 3/21/2018 at 10:15 AM, davethailand said:

You mean in you going as a tourist?

I wouldn't let that video put you off.

Thats how many attacks this week reported in Pattaya alone this week??

Dont let it put you off though  - be like Davethailand -  far better to be a no brained sex tourist that will go no matter what the cost than choose another better family friendlier destination!!

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4 hours ago, Justfine said:

Not really. It's a low class cultural thing that happens worldwide. Regular middle class Thais hate street violence like westerners.


Judging all Thai people on the actions of low class thugs is just stupid.

As far as I am concerned events such as these are just part and parcel of Thai culture

There you have it

You can put whatever spin you want on these type of events its of absolute no consequence to oldlakey

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Just now, oldlakey said:

As far as I am concerned events such as these are just part and parcel of Thai culture

There you have it

You can put whatever spin you want on these type of events its of absolute no consequence to oldlakey

Not true. You obviously don't have any Thai friends.

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12 hours ago, soistalker said:


Pattaya has epidemic violence and crime directed towards the tourists. Do you disagree with that too?


Actually, I do. If you consider the number of tourists walking up and down Walking Street every night of the year, this is, statistically a rare occurrence. Consider foot miles in your statistical equation. You probably don't come to Walking Street, but FYI that street is crowded from 7 pm until 4 am 365 days a year. Yes, we do get reports of beat downs from time to time, but people like you blow them out of proportion.


"Epidemic violence and crime" in Pattaya. LOL> give it a break. I actually live here yet I'm never concerned for my safety in Pattaya. One proviso - behave yourself and be polite to other people.

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1 hour ago, Kimber said:
22 hours ago, LeoTex said:

Last month, an American soldier was attacked by a group of Thai men selling fake watches on Pattaya beach road.

The watch sellers were later arrested and charged with selling fake goods.

Following the incident police said they were working to rid Pattaya of annoying street vendors who harass foreign tourists.

The above is from the OP. They beat the guy up and were found, but only charged with 'selling fake goods, but not with the beating they gave the guy.
Also knowing that the police are working on ridding Pattaya of "annoying street vendors" makes me feel a whole lot better.

Yeah, another example of how little farangs are regarded in and around the Thai sleaze pits like Pattaya. 

No. That incident was about some tourists giving some annoying Thai watch sellers a hiding. It was about how little regard the American soldiers had for them. I suggest you stop reading the daily Pattaya news as it's giving you the wrong impression about how safe and wonderful Pattaya really is.


I notice you don't advertise your location. Note that I indicate that my location is Pattaya - and proud of it lol.

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5 hours ago, JSixpack said:


Some do, but the point is that you've confused the motives of Thais with those of Ticos. One doesn't need ever to have lived in CR to know that what you're saying about Thais' motivations is nonsense. Obscuring this point by personal attacks doesn't make it less invalid.



But towards other Thais as well, NOT just towards farangs. If other Thais committed the same offenses, then a fight would break out as well. But other Thais know not to do them or expect consequences, that may perhaps be avoided by sneaking. A Thai is never going to walk over and arrogantly turn off another Thai's bike, for example, after complaining about noise. He knows what the reaction is going to be. In what cases of violence against farangs can you pinpoint the cause specifically "jealousy?" Well, none. The jealousy cases are all against other Thais. So, just your imagination so that you can claim that Thais are Ticos. :cheesy: I dunno why that's SO important to you except you just want to call attention to your residence in CR. We got it, man.


You make some very good points. Thai people are by nature quite aggressive (combined with fierce national pride), towards anyone, not just foreigners. They have short fuses. Thais know how to handle each other whereas foreign tourists do not. Arrogant, obnoxious young tourists will often learn this the hard way.

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

You make some very good points. Thai people are by nature quite aggressive (combined with fierce national pride), towards anyone, not just foreigners. They have short fuses. Thais know how to handle each other whereas foreign tourists do not. Arrogant, obnoxious young tourists will often learn this the hard way.

I know plenty of timid ones and a lot of muay thai fighters are really good guys with no interest in thuggish behaviour.


The people who work the streets, bars and markets dealing with tourists are battle hardened and deal with rude arrogant drunks. As a result some of them become aggressive.


They are comparable to bouncers in the west. The nature of their daily life makes them like that.



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2 hours ago, tropo said:

No. That incident was about some tourists giving some annoying Thai watch sellers a hiding. It was about how little regard the American soldiers had for them. I suggest you stop reading the daily Pattaya news as it's giving you the wrong impression about how safe and wonderful Pattaya really is.


I notice you don't advertise your location. Note that I indicate that my location is Pattaya - and proud of it lol.

My location is Australia and I often refer to it in posts here on the forum. 


I'm 65, lived in Los in the mid 70's,  holidayed there on and off for 4 decades so "impression"  as you label it doesn't wash. 


I read the daily Thai news on this forum to keep in touch as I still holiday extensively in LoS 3 times every year.


Your attempts at superiority serve little else than to demean you.   LOL


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1 hour ago, johnefallis said:

Can't wait to get back there and beat some more Thai thug ass like my last trip to Nana. Cherry on top was getting to watch them be fined as well. 


So when's your next attempt at Mt Everest ? 

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