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20 registered Myanmar migrants burned to death on bus in Tak


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Strange, the driver says he saw a fire in the middle of the bus yet according to the news this morning says it was a crash and the fire started at the engine. So which is it.

Anyone here clarify?

If it was a crash of some sort then those that died would be road accidents victims but if it wasn't they probably won't be classified as such.

Whatever the cause, this is another horrific bus incident. My condolences to the families of those that died.

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12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Another double decker taking lives. That is absolutely terrible for those poor people. Buses catching fire in Thailand is way too prevalent. If it isn't the brakes or the driver at fault, shoddy servicing and repair seems to step in to create way too much tragedy. How did those at the back get trapped? What happened to the emergency exit?

No Regulation on roadworthy vehicles mean more loss of life this terrible way 

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1 hour ago, Tchooptip said:

 No not at all I thought it was impossible nowadays and absolutely forbidden in every country. Twenty years ago or more yes probably there were even ashtrays in the armrests, but not anymore...I would have thought that everywhere it was criminal even in Thailand...Sorry for such a  naivety :smile:    

well that's Ok - if a serious comment, sorry ---- as far as I'm aware smoking is prohibited but this is Thailand and who cares what the rules / laws are ?

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10 hours ago, Russell17au said:

No, diesel does not ignite quickly like petrol, it takes a fair bit of heat to ignite, my thoughts would be more on the line of someone lighting up a cigarette and it ending up on the seat which is highly flammable material and it would travel quickly or an electrical fault under the seats but this would be doubtful. The interior of the bus is the same whether it is a single deck or double decker and the same materials are used in other countries UK, USA, Europe and Australia in the fitting out of their coaches. One of the differences is that in most other countries smoking even by the driver is prohibited but unfortunately in Thailand it is not

Not many Burmese women smoke. Prob one of the 2 Burmese guys

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:

Oh just re read it and seen what he meant .

Why do they mention it was a bus crash , are they saying that car crash deaths mean nothing ?


I guess they mentioned bus accident because the bus had an accident in Tak. The sad part is that another bus accident has just taken 18 innocent lives and injured 30 others.

  These people were here to make some money for their families. Impossible to understand for most of their relatives. RIP, and I hope that the others will have a speedy and full recovery. 

 I don't understand why it took so long that they started random alcohol and drug tests for bus drivers.

Bus drivers in more developed countries have to undergo serious medical checks, why did Thailand wait for so many dead people to start something similar is something I really fail to understand. 



P.S. This is from an article:


Initial reports had said that the engine of the bus had caught fire, which spread quickly through the vehicle.


Edited by jenny2017
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41 minutes ago, Artisi said:

well that's Ok - if a serious comment, sorry ---- as far as I'm aware smoking is prohibited but this is Thailand and who cares what the rules / laws are ?

A lot of people care when traveling on a bus. Please try to smoke on an NCA bus in the toilet and see what happens. 

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11 hours ago, Russell17au said:

No, diesel does not ignite quickly like petrol, it takes a fair bit of heat to ignite, my thoughts would be more on the line of someone lighting up a cigarette and it ending up on the seat which is highly flammable material and it would travel quickly or an electrical fault under the seats but this would be doubtful. The interior of the bus is the same whether it is a single deck or double decker and the same materials are used in other countries UK, USA, Europe and Australia in the fitting out of their coaches. One of the differences is that in most other countries smoking even by the driver is prohibited but unfortunately in Thailand it is not

I've traveled on a lot of buses in Thailand and have yet to see anyone smoking on one.

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32 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:

I've traveled on a lot of buses in Thailand and have yet to see anyone smoking on one.

You are not allowed to smoke on a bus and even drinking alcohol is often not allowed. Nakhon Chai Air, in my opinion, the best and safest company in LOS, are very serious about it. If someone would get caught smoking on the toilet ( easy to see by the driver), he, or she would perhaps have to walk. 

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13 hours ago, Russell17au said:

No, diesel does not ignite quickly like petrol, it takes a fair bit of heat to ignite, my thoughts would be more on the line of someone lighting up a cigarette and it ending up on the seat which is highly flammable material and it would travel quickly or an electrical fault under the seats but this would be doubtful. The interior of the bus is the same whether it is a single deck or double decker and the same materials are used in other countries UK, USA, Europe and Australia in the fitting out of their coaches. One of the differences is that in most other countries smoking even by the driver is prohibited but unfortunately in Thailand it is not

good point but does it not take a while to get to flash point,  being full of women i reckon they would mention they dropped a ciggy

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"Rescuers found 20 bodies, which were charred beyond recognition, inside the bus".

"Police said the 47 Myanmar workers had proper documents '


Sorry if posted before but whats going on here then?

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11 hours ago, sanemax said:

How long ago was that ?

That must have been over 10 years ago

All the buses in Thailand that I have ever been on , everyone had a seat and no standing was allowed and all luggage was carried in the luggage compartment or in the overhead racks  .

    (These are the proper buses , not the local buses)

November 5, 2017 I was on a “proper bus” from RoiEt to Ubon Ratchithani. It was standing room only & I was caught in the middle. I couldnt get off fast enough & once we passed over a flooded river that was it for me. When it did stop in Selaphum I pushed my way to the front & got off. I then decided it was time I leave Thailand.

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On 3/30/2018 at 9:04 AM, worgeordie said:

"What happened to the emergency exit?"

There would not be one,it would have spoiled the lines of the bus,

as with everything ,looks are more important.

regards worgeordie

Are you serious? That would have cost money :coffee1:

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11 hours ago, cookieqw said:

good point but does it not take a while to get to flash point,  being full of women i reckon they would mention they dropped a ciggy

Maybe it was like one of my trips from Sydney to Melbourne where I stopped at our normal stop at Goulburn and I stepped of the coach to assist any passengers and then I got back on the shut the engine down and here in the aisle was a Vietnamese couple setting up their cooker to cook something to eat, that cooker and that couple were quickly removed from the coach. Some people just do not care and as far as flask point nylon has a very low flash point and so do the chemicals that are use to clean the interior of the coaches. I have had the 16 years experience in this industry.

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15 hours ago, CGW said:

RIP the deceased, lousy way to go!

Lot of guess work here which is as near to the facts as we will probably see! Seats don't (shouldn't!) burn quickly, IMO & I have some knowledge & training to back it up, I would surmise that the luggage caught fire - somehow? it would have contained lots of easily flammable items/substances, when the coach was in motion increased airflow would feed the fire lots of oxygen, when the coach stopped - flash fire or close to it!

No fire sensors in the luggage bays for sure, though I have no idea if that is mandatory anywhere.

I also have knowledge and training plus 16 years experience as a long distance coach driver and remember that the seats are filled with foam rubber and covered with nylon based material and inner walls and ceiling are also lined with the same type of material as the seats and all get cleaned with chemicals all of which are highly flammable

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This is from the Scientific Partner Technical Research of Sweden

Reducing the risk of bus fires

Intersec, Dubai January 19, 2016

Fredrik Rosen, Marketing and Sales Manager, Fire Research

Here are some statistics from the above institute on Bus fires in only 3 countries

350 - 400 bus fires are reported every year in Germany

Bus fires has almost doubled in Finland over the last 10  years

An average of six bus or school bus fire reported every day in USA

Interior materials

Full scale fire tests of coaches have been conducted

Once flames reach the passenger space, flashover will occur quickly

Toxic fume levels occur after approx. 5 minutes

Current regulation UNECE Reg.118 – burning behaviour of interior materials inadequate

 Link - https://www.intersecexpo.com/uploads/editor_images/file/fredrik.pdf

Reuters in Almaty

Thu 18 Jan 2018 08.23 GMT

Kazakhstan in January 2018:

A bus caught fire in a remote part of Kazakhstan on Thursday, killing 52 citizens of neighbouring

Uzbekistan, the Kazakh interior ministry has said.


Thailand is not the only country that has bus fires and that some have had a higher fatally

rate than Thailand


Edited by Russell17au
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1 minute ago, Russell17au said:


Here is your normal everyday coach seat that is fitted world wide in all coaches

   Take the smoke and the heat times 50 and imagine. Ouups, you were the firefighter, no need for you. Burning to death must be one of the most terrible ways to die. 

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5 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

   Take the smoke and the heat times 50 and imagine. Ouups, you were the firefighter, no need for you. Burning to death must be one of the most terrible ways to die. 

and remember that all that smoke is toxic from the burning rubber, plastic and nylon.

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10 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

and remember that all that smoke is toxic from the burning rubber, plastic and nylon.

The safest way to travel by bus is with NCA= Nakhon Chai Air. Always two drivers on board and they don't take everybody. It might be a few baht more, but worth it. 

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2 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

The safest way to travel by bus is with NCA= Nakhon Chai Air. Always two drivers on board and they don't take everybody. It might be a few baht more, but worth it. 

I agree about Nakhon Chai Air and if I must do a long distance travel by bus then I use them but I have used others earlier when I first came to Thailand and I must admit that the others that I used also had 2 drivers and a hostess who at 1:30 in the morning rolled out her grass mat and laid down and went to sleep. But the 2 drivers smoked on the coach

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1 minute ago, Russell17au said:

I agree about Nakhon Chai Air and if I must do a long distance travel by bus then I use them but I have used others earlier when I first came to Thailand and I must admit that the others that I used also had 2 drivers and a hostess who at 1:30 in the morning rolled out her grass mat and laid down and went to sleep. But the 2 drivers smoked on the coach

That would never happen on NCA, I think it's disgusting when you're behind the driver and there's no compartment door. I know how strict they are because I once got caught smoking in the toilet, well, some puffs only, but the driver saw the smoke in his mirror. :post-4641-1156693976::post-4641-1156693976:


  There was Poland open, man. I was glad that I could continue my ride and I'll never try that again. I'm actually on my way to quit smoking. 


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