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Thai Ads attached to US TV


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I stream US TV series from NBC, ABC and CBS.  Each of these websites requires you to deactivate any ad-blocking software before streaming so that the content of the US sponsors commercials can be viewed.  Recently on CBS when it pauses for a commercial a Thai based commercial will appear first then the US ads. The outside margins of these ads overlap the normal US ads viewing area.  These Thai ads have a "skip this ad box" after 10 seconds, in the lower right corner and in the upper right "about this ad". If you click on "skip" it reverts to the US ads, clicking on "about this ad" it takes you to the same "YouTube" video. My question is how are Thai based ads appearing when streaming US TV from CBS. It must be a cookie or attachment, but how did it get attached to CBS and what step can I take to eliminate the Thai ads. I haven't tried clearing cookies as yet to avoid having to redo log-in info for all my accounts that require cookies.  Any suggestions for a fix?

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Yea, they are picking up on your Thailand IP address, whether you are using VPN or not.


And even if using a VPN with a US IP address if you have both IPv4 and IPv6 capability on your internet connection like if having AIS Fibre as your internet provider or using a mobile data connection since your VPN connection will be a "IPv4" only connection your IPv6 IP address can leak through which means both your VPN US IPv4 IP address and Thailand IPv6 address can be detected.   So, you may need to deactivate your IPv6 connection to prevent an IP address leak showing your Thailand presence.   A lot depends on seriously the server on the other end is sniffing for info regarding your connection/location.  Various ways to deactivate your IPv6 connection like if using Windows you can quickly/easily turn off & on your IPv6 connection in your network settings...no need to tell  your internet provider to deactivate your IPv6.

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I have used the same proxy to stream all my video content from US TV, BBC, AUS TV, Amazon Prime and Netflix US, since April 2017.  With Netflix probably being the most aggressive about sniffing out VPN's, my proxy has never been detected. When I installed it the IPv6 connection was turned off.  CBS is the only site on which these ads appear.  

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