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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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2 hours ago, HAKAPALITA said:

I wonder what you call an Imegrant who has settled in and is disgusted at the behavior at the New Breed. A Racist troll perhaps by the lefty members here.Or just have his views deleted i recon.emoji1579.pngemoji264.png

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I'm sure you intended that to have some meaning, insightful or otherwise. 



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1 minute ago, Happy enough said:

more police on the beat, more stop and search and get rid of that Sadiq Khan bloke. He seems bloody clueless

It wasn't Sadiq Khan who took the police off the streets, that's down to Theresa May and her cuts to the police force totalling 20,000 officers. 

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10 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

not saying it was down to him but he seems more concerned with promoting some false euphoria of diversity than with handling the job he supposed to do. last year he was saying cut back stop and search as it doesn't work this year back in january he back tracks and says more is needed. he's bloody clueless

** and it's not just murder rates that have skyrocketed there apparently pretty much all crime has, and it's on his watch so to speak. i think he should go

So you'd be happier if Sadiq Khan set about cultivating division and mistrust.


Yes all crime figures are up. 


Tory government slashes police spending, slashes number of police officers - crime goes up. 


Sadiq Khan should probably go, but then should Theresa May it is she that decimated UK policing. 

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1 minute ago, Happy enough said:

obviously not but i think sadiq khan is responsible for the met police and all they seem to do is trawl the internet looking for hate speech instead of patrolling the streets. another major problem i think is the punishments. criminals there seem to get off very lightly. with regards to Khan i think there's so many reasons he should go not just spiraling crime

I doubt you have any evidence at all to support your claim regarding the Met trawling the internet looking for hate speech. 


The Met, and all UK police forces are massively under staffed and underfunded, I doubt very much they have enough time and resources to deal with any crime.

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

obviously not but i think sadiq khan is responsible for the met police


Sustained real-terms Government cuts have left the Mayor and the Met no choice. Since 2010, more than £600m of savings have already been made. Front counters have closed, buildings have been sold, and 2,800 PCSOs and police staff posts have been lost. A further £400m of savings are needed by 2021 because the flat budget settlement provided by the Government fails to take any account of the increasing demand or inflationary pressure on policing.



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MP for Tottenham is saying that East European and Albanian drug gangs are contributing greatly to the violent crime.
As I said, look to the demographics.

I bet they got time/resources to arrest him for saying that! 555

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11 minutes ago, CharlesSwann said:

MP for Tottenham is saying that East European and Albanian drug gangs are contributing greatly to the violent crime.

As I said, look to the demographics.

Perhaps look at seemingly known criminals* running around committing crimes without fear of arrest.


Perhaps we need more police officers.


*If not known then how does the MP attribute crimes to these groups?!

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Just now, superal said:

Provocative ? I call a spade a spade and its about time we got rid of this political correctness . There is without doubt that there are some valued immigrants especially within the UK NHS who truly make a precious contribution . They are a minority .

The softly softly approach to the invasion of the UK and other European countries by aliens who have only one intention which is to get as much as they can for their own gain , financially , socially and that of boosting their religious beliefs to indoctrinate others is similar to burying your head in the sand . What happened to the truebrit  ? he has all but vanished and the one man crusader , Enoch Powell , will be seen to be proven right with his powerful famous speech .   There is not going to be a happy future for many of the  European countries , the future is bleak unless their is a big change of political leadership that reflects and responds to their native citizens . But I fear , horse door stable etc . 

Beautifully said,but the whole system,especially policing ,is not fit for purpose.  Cops,basically are well overpaid,so funds run short,other countries have town ,county ,state and national police,all on different rates of pay,the UK excepting hobby bobbies are all on one ,then stuffed full of assistant chief officers,deputy chief officers ,then the id overseers.                                                                                             The PC brigade wants railroading out of town,lefties forcibly face masking removed and the stupid nutty students want compulsory shelf stacking at Tesco for a few years

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9 minutes ago, CharlesSwann said:

Presumably because he knows the demographics of his constituency and is in touch with the local people.

We don't need more police officers, we need less low-life immigrants because they are the source of most of the crime. Let it be said.

Where is your evidence that immigrants commit most of the crimes in the UK?

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12 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Everybody knows the demographic involved in the vast majority of these knife and gun attacks in London. Yet racial / demographic profiling by the police authorities is not allowed.  That would apparently anger certain communities.


Targeted stop and search is not allowed (or is over regulated) for the same reason.


Meanwhile young people from those communities (who we must not anger) are being seriously injured and killed everyday.


If we explained this to invading aliens they'd laugh their heads off (like the Smash advert robots).

I worry people are seriously out of touch when they comment on current affairs with reference to adverts from thirty years ago or more.  


The more I read on this forum, the more grateful I am we have a professional civil service, not an elected one.

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11 minutes ago, i claudius said:

We dont say the commit most of them just that for their numbers the commit far far more.so off to bury your head in the sand again

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CGI Blue said everybody knows the demographic involved in the vast majority... vast majority sounds a lot like most

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40 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Everybody knows the demographic involved in the vast majority of these knife and gun attacks in London. Yet racial / demographic profiling by the police authorities is not allowed.  That would apparently anger certain communities.


Targeted stop and search is not allowed (or is over regulated) for the same reason.


Meanwhile young people from those communities (who we must not anger) are being seriously injured and killed everyday.


If we explained this to invading aliens they'd laugh their heads off (like the Smash advert robots).

That doesn't excuse the extreme violence between football hooligans who do not seem to have a problem to kill those who don't wear the same colours.

Edited by jenny2017
Don't be racist !!!
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Just now, Happy enough said:

i think that's pretty much been stamped out and i think they were more into punch ups than killing each other

But it happens from time to time. Only one sad and very tragic event when "normal" fans want to watch a game.



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