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Lovely..... but these Thai "guys" are not quite army material!


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Thaivisa, saying that this is not "army-material" is a racist comment and shows how narrow-minded you guys are.

Ever heard about gender rights, gender equality? Apparently not. Your comment is so Neanderthal-like...really!

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17 hours ago, leeneeds said:

Why the army does not have a lady boy brigade in its arsenal is beyond me ,

a whole battalion could be put into service, a little different than the regulars, training maybe, but from what I have seen and read, some real killers would be amongst that brigade, and pity the poor enemy  soldier who ever got caught by them, 

women or half women are being discriminated from serving their country, and its time for equality of choice , it may save some men who do not want to join, in the final tally and picking of the coloured straw, 

Serving your country should be a fairer system across the whole board, and not used as a cop out because you decided to grow boobs, or have your dangley bits removed and an axe mark installed.

Armed with high-heeled stilettos, no doubt.

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16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, sure you would, but note this:

Yes, I do understand that doctors can sometimes be corrupt. Just saying there is more to it than dressing up for one day.


Are some of them faking it? Sure. Doesn't tell us how many do though.



Oh don't say 'corrupt', say 'supportive'. :whistling:   Is it 'corrupt' to be complicit in helping someone get around a bad law?


I reckon in this day and age it's corrupt to be forcing young men to do compulsory 'nasho' anyhow.

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2 minutes ago, DM07 said:

"...but these Thai-guys are not quite army material..."

And why is that?

Because they are not willing to clobber a cadet to death and cover up the crime?


...or shoot protestors on the streets of Bangkok?

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16 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

If the Thai Army came looking for me, I'd be putting on my best evening gown and breaking out the makeup. :tongue:


Not a fan of getting pummeled t.d.

Don't forget the most important thing 



images (7).jpeg

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Thai army should be stopped from mandatory service via the new PM..My Thai friend is a very wealthy business man and dual AU citizen. His son they targeted knowing the father would pay not to have to waste 2 years. They have a handy option of paying the fat generals lol.

Thailand needs a clean out

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It was either the Ancient Greeks or Persians who had a regiment that fought like tigers and thrashed other regiments and armies. Why?


Because the soldiers were all gay couples and would fight like demons to help or protect their partners. Most other armies were s*** scared of them.


Of course, they may not have been LBs as are these modern recruits. BTW, I have two gay pals in the army here (not together) and I have it on good authority that some of these guys fake it for sure...by having a nice doctor and a wig.


Interesting that Trump, impelled by his completely anti-gay Pence, is still trying to kick the TGs out...but the generals do not want this and nor does Congress. The future if the World will be much better based on tolerance.


Having done my time in the forces I can tell you that gays and LBs do a great job. About 40% of medics are gay (my Uncle had his life saved by a gay medic). And, about 80% of the cooks and stewards are gay. The food was great, and my brother, a Colonel, certainly did not refuse to eat it. 


In a recent UK poll, only about 3% self-identified as 100% gay, BUT 49% of students admitted that they had tried same sex activites without being guilty about it. Another 55% said that they weren't gay but (as Prince Harry said 2 years ago) they would certainly try gay sex if the person and situation were right.


Homosexuality at 21 became completely legal in 1967, and progress is being made. The age for consensual gay sex in the UK is 16. In some countries (Greece, I think, is one) the age is 13.


In the very long term, society will blend inexorably together, so that being gay or back means absolutely nothing. If you like Elton John or Tchaikovsky, the late George Michael and many more, you are tapping your feet to big poof music, same as wearing clothes by Versace or Alex McQueen, etc etc.


The armchair corpses in Pattaya will, of course, vent their spleens (again) but let's hope that anno domini gets a move on, and that we don't have to listen to homophobic rubbish.



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52 minutes ago, Charlie1 said:

Thaivisa, saying that this is not "army-material" is a racist comment and shows how narrow-minded you guys are.

Ever heard about gender rights, gender equality? Apparently not. Your comment is so Neanderthal-like...really!


As long as gender rights are equal during conscription in times of conflict as well as through personal choice in times of peace I fully agree...

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1 hour ago, Charlie1 said:

Thaivisa, saying that this is not "army-material" is a racist comment and shows how narrow-minded you guys are.

Ever heard about gender rights, gender equality? Apparently not. Your comment is so Neanderthal-like...really!

How is it 'racist'? Gender is not 'race'. Indeed, strictly speaking there is no such thing as 'race', it's just a handy term for 'ethnicity'. And surely it's up to the recruiter to determine whether or not someone is 'suitable' for employment and training.

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It was either the Ancient Greeks or Persians who had a regiment that fought like tigers and thrashed other regiments and armies. Why?


Because the soldiers were all gay couples and would fight like demons to help or protect their partners. Most other armies were s*** scared of them.


Of course, they may not have been LBs as are these modern recruits. BTW, I have two gay pals in the army here (not together) and I have it on good authority that some of these guys fake it for sure...by having a nice doctor and a wig.


Interesting that Trump, impelled by his completely anti-gay Pence, is still trying to kick the TGs out...but the generals do not want this and nor does Congress. The future if the World will be much better based on tolerance.


Having done my time in the forces I can tell you that gays and LBs do a great job. About 40% of medics are gay (my Uncle had his life saved by a gay medic). And, about 80% of the cooks and stewards are gay. The food was great, and my brother, a Colonel, certainly did not refuse to eat it. 


In a recent UK poll, only about 3% self-identified as 100% gay, BUT 49% of students admitted that they had tried same sex activites without being guilty about it. Another 55% said that they weren't gay but (as Prince Harry said 2 years ago) they would certainly try gay sex if the person and situation were right.


Homosexuality at 21 became completely legal in 1967, and progress is being made. The age for consensual gay sex in the UK is 16. In some countries (Greece, I think, is one) the age is 13.


In the very long term, society will blend inexorably together, so that being gay or back means absolutely nothing. If you like Elton John or Tchaikovsky, the late George Michael and many more, you are tapping your feet to big poof music, same as wearing clothes by Versace or Alex McQueen, etc etc.


The armchair corpses in Pattaya will, of course, vent their spleens (again) but let's hope that anno domini gets a move on, and that we don't have to listen to homophobic rubbish.



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Yes, this is an oddball topic for leading farang blog/webpage. Obviously there were no 22 death bus crashes last night.


To put these guys/girls on show as the lead story is transphobic. Many western countries would not allow such discrimination.


Why don't you put photos of everybody who has teenage acne, or everybody who has short-sight...who might be enlisted.


By displaying this stuff, you are only stirring up Disgusted of Pattaya or Tunbridge Wells in their bath chairs. But, if that's your base anyway, you might as well be "News of the World" or the Sunday Express on-line.



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this is what you get when you use pesticides, soy & fish sause on everything,  everything in a plastic bag or box, heated in a microwave in 7/11, full of INS numbers (chemicals) ... you get less males and males in the whomb who get an overload of xeno-estrogen and turn those men into thinking they are women.... or it is the easy lifestyle of earning money spreading your leggs in stead of working in a factory or the land

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4 minutes ago, dickjones2018 said:

this is what you get when you use pesticides, soy & fish sause on everything,  everything in a plastic bag or box, heated in a microwave in 7/11, full of INS numbers (chemicals) ... you get less males and males in the whomb who get an overload of xeno-estrogen and turn those men into thinking they are women.... or it is the easy lifestyle of earning money spreading your leggs in stead of working in a factory or the land

What is it that makes females think they are male and why aren't Toms in the Army draw..??

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30 minutes ago, Jeremia Juxtaposed said:

What is it that makes females think they are male and why aren't Toms in the Army draw..??

well, exactly the same, xeno-estrogen makes the female more male and the males more female... I have a few toms in my gym...being the "man" in the relationship...


old men have more ESTROGEN (big stomach) than women their age

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1 hour ago, dickjones2018 said:

this is what you get when you use pesticides, soy & fish sause on everything,  everything in a plastic bag or box, heated in a microwave in 7/11, full of INS numbers (chemicals) ... you get less males and males in the whomb who get an overload of xeno-estrogen and turn those men into thinking they are women.... or it is the easy lifestyle of earning money spreading your leggs in stead of working in a factory or the land






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I'm sure they have some office work these 3rd gender citizens could do..

pushing paper around a desk won't break the nails or the spirit..

and it would thin out the streets of some areas where there's an over population of them!

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22 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Like everything else here (where anything can be had for a price), I'm betting there's a group of doctors out in the provinces who are more than happy to write up the desired certificates for a fee. Probably a nice little earner, and get repeat customers each for a couple years.


He could put other, far feebler excuses, like 'bone spurs' to let the cowardly ones escape doing service. Of course, no rich Western country, even during a war, would do that, would they?

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5 hours ago, pauleddy said:

It was either the Ancient Greeks or Persians who had a regiment that fought like tigers and thrashed other regiments and armies. Why?


Because the soldiers were all gay couples and would fight like demons to help or protect their partners. Most other armies were s*** scared of them.


Theban Army   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_Band_of_Thebes

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On 4/2/2018 at 4:37 PM, leeneeds said:

Why the army does not have a lady boy brigade in its arsenal is beyond me ,

a whole battalion could be put into service, a little different than the regulars, training maybe, but from what I have seen and read, some real killers would be amongst that brigade, and pity the poor enemy  soldier who ever got caught by them, 

women or half women are being discriminated from serving their country, and its time for equality of choice , it may save some men who do not want to join, in the final tally and picking of the coloured straw, 

Serving your country should be a fairer system across the whole board, and not used as a cop out because you decided to grow boobs, or have your dangley bits removed and an axe mark installed.

Why could they not just say ok and move them over to the women that are drafted or move them to the noncombat trades?  that would be a win-win for everyone including the ladyboys who could actually get a trade or skill.

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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:


I don't think that is correct.

Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Yes correct. If the person has had a full sex change then they will not be drafted . But they  still have to go pick a ball.The person may have to work for the Govenment even though they have had a full exchange.

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