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Hungary's strongman Viktor Orban wins third term in power


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2 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

And some people need to learn history.  It is a common falsehood that you believe.


National Socialist Workers Party - otherwise known as the NAZIs.

The Nazis started as a left-wing party. 


The Nazis believed they were a superior race because they believed in evolution (not creation).

The Nazis hated the Christian Church and all religions (they reached a truce with the Pope).

The Nazis entrenched Atheism in all aspects of German society. 

The Nazis passed laws that allowed abortions.

The Nazis setup a centralised socialist government that controlled all of society.

The Nazis provided government Healthcare.

The Nazis provided government-run education.

The Nazis stated that individuals should be sacrificed for the greater good of society.

The Nazis were the first in world to pass environmental protections laws.

The Nazis were one of the first to pass animal rights protections laws.


Does that list sound left-wing or right-wing to you??

Remember I am talking about the 1930s - only 10 years after the 19th Amendement in USA (outlawing banning women from voting) - nearly 90 years ago.  


NO - not everything the Nazis did was 'left-wing' - they also did 'right-wing' things.

BUT - the Nazis became neithger left nor right - they became something else.

The Nazis became racist homophobic sadistic murderers.

NO - being a racist homophobic sadistic murderer is not 'right-wing'.

It is despotic psychotic madness and Hitler and the Nazi leadership embodied all of that.


To state that the Nazis were 'right-wing' is plainly false - no matter what the liberal teachers and left-wing websites have told you. They were not 'left-wing' either - they started left-wing and became despotic psychotic racist murderers.



Don't be so damned foolish. They specifically chose the name to undermine the communists. ?


10 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


How is it 'tragic'. It was a democratic decision arrived at by the Hungarian electorate.  They've not been at the receiving end of any Islamic terrorist atrocities because of the stand made by Orban.


By contrast the UK, the US, France, Germany,  Belgium, Sweden and Spain have. And ones that have proven to be extremely 'tragic'

Again, the naivety is astonishing! Or ban is using a perceived  threat as a shield for corruption generally and nepotism in particular. I have no time for Muslims but I would kick Hungary out of the EU as an example. Pass the Bulls Blood!

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How is it 'tragic'. It was a democratic decision arrived at by the Hungarian electorate.  They've not been at the receiving end of any Islamic terrorist atrocities because of the stand taken over the years by Orban. That's why they keep voting for him.
By contrast the UK, the US, France, Germany,  Belgium, Sweden and Spain have. And ones that have proven to be extremely 'tragic'
My understanding is that the majority of Hungarians oppose him but failed in their tactics and split the opposition.

Sorry I can't really get past the white nationalist fascism and antisemitism. I have visited Hungary and have some feeling about that there.

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5 hours ago, oilinki said:

Even those who are opposing EU and Juncker, must give credit for this one. :D

Juncker calling Hungarian PM as dictator, directly to his face. Typical Juncker :)



Well said

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9 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

UK outsources the selection of refugees for resettlement to the UN. Australia has its own representatives in the camps and under extreme political pressure to preference Christians from Syria. Some Arab Christians have established organised crime gangs in Australia, not all are actually "Christian", so following on from member comments of migrant crime in Germany and elsewhere do you think Arab Christians should be banned entry?


Do UK Christian representatives acknowledge Christians support the Assad dictatorship and vice versa? Not a fair comparison to state only 1% of Christian refugees admitted from Syria even though they represent approx 10% of Syrian population. Ignores the fact Christians mostly reside in Assad protected areas, fight for and support the extremely cruel and corrupt Assad dictatorship.


Christians who are targeted by the Assad regime should be considered for refugee status, though a very long wait as only 1% of refugees are resettled annually by the UN due to lack of resettlement places offered by the global community. As an example you probably read Trump has cut US intake by 50%. NB: it is not an orderly sequential queue.

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11 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

That is because the Aust Govt refuses to accept the UN preferred refugees (predominately Muslims) and goes direct to the source and UN refugee camps and selects mainly Christian refugees. Aust has been openly criticised by the UN for doing this and ignoring their demands that they accept more Muslims.  Look it up and then admit you are wrong (yet again). I aint holding my breath. 

Wrong. I did not post incorrect info regarding Oz Arab Christian refugee intake. 

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

I for one have no problem with Orban style objections to Muslim immigration.


However, the mugs fail to see that he uses this nationalism as a smoke screen to limit freedom of the press and the judiciary. His bare faced corruption and nepotism is astonishing. Hungary should be suspended from the EU until it agrees to EU standards of civilisation. It's not a soviet country anymore. Welcome to the West but if you can't behave, bugger off.

OK BuaBS, what precicisely do you find sad about my view point?

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4 hours ago, simple1 said:

UK outsources the selection of refugees for resettlement to the UN. Australia has its own representatives in the camps and under extreme political pressure to preference Christians from Syria. Some Arab Christians have established organised crime gangs in Australia, not all are actually "Christian", so following on from member comments of migrant crime in Germany and elsewhere do you think Arab Christians should be banned entry?


Do UK Christian representatives acknowledge Christians support the Assad dictatorship and vice versa? Not a fair comparison to state only 1% of Christian refugees admitted from Syria even though they represent approx 10% of Syrian population. Ignores the fact Christians mostly reside in Assad protected areas, fight for and support the extremely cruel and corrupt Assad dictatorship.


Christians who are targeted by the Assad regime should be considered for refugee status, though a very long wait as only 1% of refugees are resettled annually by the UN due to lack of resettlement places offered by the global community. As an example you probably read Trump has cut US intake by 50%. NB: it is not an orderly sequential queue.

You can run but you can't hide.

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31 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

You can run but you can't hide.

Whatever. Your comment does rule out the FACT that many Western countries have taken in Arab Christians, though with the likes of Trump coming into power refugee programs have been severely cut back. e.g. Trump cut US refugee intake from 100k to 50k p.a. Plus of course the damage to migrant programs by the OP person and to put it politely, right of center, pressure on governments whose POV is all refugees are either Muslim or "illegals". Prior to Trump coming to power, USA hosted the largest Iraqi Christian population outside of Iraq, don't know current stats. An example from the USA...


US director of church mobilization for World Relief. The humanitarian arm of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), World Relief is one of nine agencies authorized to resettle refugees in the US, and has resettled more than 250,000 over the past 35 years.

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The way things are going in Europe demographically, for those relatively few Christians who have been admitted it could prove to be a case of out of the Muslim frying pan into the Islamic fire.

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An international study of demographic trends shows that Europe’s Christian population is expected to shrink by about 100 million people in the coming decades, dropping from 553 million in 2010 to 454 million in 2050.

While Christians will remain the largest religious group in Europe, they are projected to drop from three-quarters of the population to less than two-thirds.

By 2050, nearly a quarter of Europeans (23 per cent) are expected to have no religious affiliation, and Muslims will make up about 10 per cent of the region’s population, up from 5.9 per cent in 2010.



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22 hours ago, riclag said:

Can I add something to your accurate,well summarized  comment. They  forcefully controlled the media  as well.

Thanks riclag - forgot about that one.  The Nazis took over print, books, magazines and all forms of the public receiving information.  Anything that did not conform with their manifesto was censored and eliminated.  


Just remembered another one - they confiscated guns from 'unsuitable' people, particularly Jews, as they did not want an armed insurrection to ever take place.


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Thanks for confirming your fanaticism. BTW from the worse case Pew Report to which you refer which does not reflect reality...

a “high” migration scenario projects the record flow of refugees into Europe between 2014 and 2016 to continue indefinitely into the future with the same religious composition (i.e., mostly made up of Muslims) in addition to the typical annual flow of regular migrants. In this scenario, Muslims could make up 14% of Europe’s population by 2050 – nearly triple the current share, but still considerably smaller than the populations of both Christians and people with no religion in Europe.


nearly half of all recent migrants to Europe (47%) were not Muslim, with Christians making up the next-largest group.





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On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 10:15 AM, Swimman said:

The rise of extreme right-wing politics in Europe is a concern. Before applauding people should remember history .........

Exactly right, and Mekel's mob have been responsible with their erroneous policies on immigration. Nothing happens for no reason, and the far right's rise was caused by the myriad problems caused by mass immigration of people with nothing in common with the host nations.

When it all goes wrong, and Merkel et al are wondering what happened, they only need look in a mirror.

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Just now, yogi100 said:


Whether the Nazi Party was a left or right wing political movement is totally irrelevant where the situation today is concerned.


That was nearly a century ago. Circumstances have changed and we have not just been through a conflict like the Great War which left Germany as an aggrieved nation looking for what they considered to be justice.


There was no threat of Islamic aggression into the continent like there is now. Every European nation was more nationalistic than it is now. But that does not mean that nationalism is no longer with us.


Today many if not most Europeans think that multiculturalism has been a failure, Angela Merkel herself said it had been a failure back in 2010. So why has she changed coats and invited millions of third worlders to come and live among us thereby compounding that failure.


Just as an example when not one British citizen was consulted on the question of immigration why did the politicians go ahead and implemented it anyway. That example applies to all Western European countries. It's storing up trouble for the future.


As the right gradually gains more support as without doubt it is doing and when conflict erupts it will be the fault of the those who have imposed multiculturalism upon us. You can't force different peoples to live in harmony. It's rarely happened anywhere in the world especially when Islam is thrown into the mix.


When people in an apologist society like Germany start supporting the AfD and nationalist political parties are springing up all over Europe something is obviously wrong and it's plain a colossal  tremendous mistake has been made.

That is-in an insane way-totally correct.


However,I was responding to a post-let us be charitable-which was historically incorrect in every way.


Nobody would like to see historically incorrect information being trumpeted about the Internet,would they?


It is generally labelled "presentism" amongst historical circles-projection of present day situation/ideaologies on to the past.


I am reminded of an elderly Portuguese gentleman who informed me that his family had been outpriced by the the French who imported Moroccan and Algerian Muslims to undercut a centuries old tradition.


You want your overstuffed cake?You can eat it too.


Europe has been doing it for years.

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17 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

That is-in an insane way-totally correct.


However,I was responding to a post-let us be charitable-which was historically incorrect in every way.


Nobody would like to see historically incorrect information being trumpeted about the Internet,would they?


It is generally labelled "presentism" amongst historical circles-projection of present day situation/ideaologies on to the past.


I am reminded of an elderly Portuguese gentleman who informed me that his family had been outpriced by the the French who imported Moroccan and Algerian Muslims to undercut a centuries old tradition.


You want your overstuffed cake?You can eat it too.


Europe has been doing it for years.


But not on the scale that we've seen in recent decades especially since 2003.


It was the question of immigration that caused Brexit. Joe Bloggs does not care about trade and economics. The MSM and the establishment did not even remotely consider that the leave brigade could ever win and CMD who was an fervent remainer announced that whatever the result was it would be final and not open to discussion afterwards.


The same went for Trump. The media totally underestimated the mood of the people regarding immigration into the USA and his attitude towards it regarding Muslims and immigrants from South American countries won him the presidency.

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9 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


But not on the scale that we've seen in recent decades especially since 2003.


It was the question of immigration that caused Brexit. Joe Bloggs does not care about trade and economics. The MSM and the establishment did not even remotely consider that the leave brigade could ever win and CMD who was an fervent remainer announced that whatever the result was it would be final and not open to discussion afterwards.


The same went for Trump. The media totally underestimated the mood of the people regarding immigration into the USA and his attitude towards it regarding Muslims and immigrants from South American countries won him the presidency.

Trump was outvoted.


Have you ever spoken to the average American re his historical knowledge?


They are even worse than Australians and that is saying a very great deal,indeed.


My post was merely in response to a totally woeful lack of historical knowledge-I do not give a fig for dopey Europeans who merely want to kill themselves (or others) with great gusto and have been doing so for a thousand years.


My great grandfather..

My grandfather..and uncles and cousins..

My father..and relatives..


Time to call it quits on European and British morons.

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26 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

That is-in an insane way-totally correct.


However,I was responding to a post-let us be charitable-which was historically incorrect in every way.


Nobody would like to see historically incorrect information being trumpeted about the Internet,would they?


It is generally labelled "presentism" amongst historical circles-projection of present day situation/ideaologies on to the past.


I am reminded of an elderly Portuguese gentleman who informed me that his family had been outpriced by the the French who imported Moroccan and Algerian Muslims to undercut a centuries old tradition.


You want your overstuffed cake?You can eat it too.


Europe has been doing it for years.


How is it 'insane' if it's totally correct.


Insanity implies a high degree of madness and lunacy and a need for institutionalisation.  

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7 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Trump was outvoted.

So was the British Prime minister, who didn't even get enough seats to govern, so brought them from a party in Ireland. So was the German Prime minister who also didn't win enough seats to govern so had to make a coalition with other parties (that seems to be falling apart) nothing much is said about these results, there just accepted as the norm in Politics....But Trump who under the rules won the election with a landslide of seats not seen since the 80s......Oh wow we have just got to keep repeating how he didn't really win it.

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5 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


How is it 'insane' if it's totally correct.


Insanity implies a high degree of madness and lunacy and a need for institutionalisation.  

That is correct and it describes the NSDAP to a "T"


No-one is interested in Europeans any more.They have been off their miserable heads for a thousand years.


The present peace has been enforced by the USA and Russia-otherwise it has been a continent of belligerent psychopaths who-until the last extremis-cannot get along.


The Hungarians are useless and the Poles are worse.


Do not talk to me about the Germans.


Get a grip.

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32 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Trump was outvoted.


Have you ever spoken to the average American re his historical knowledge?


They are even worse than Australians and that is saying a very great deal,indeed.


My post was merely in response to a totally woeful lack of historical knowledge-I do not give a fig for dopey Europeans who merely want to kill themselves (or others) with great gusto and have been doing so for a thousand years.


My great grandfather..

My grandfather..and uncles and cousins..

My father..and relatives..


Time to call it quits on European and British morons.


It was known that it was possible for Trump to be POTUS even though he might get fewer votes before their election. It's a bit pointless bringing the matter up after the event. No one said anything before they went to the polls. Why was the voting system not adjusted before the election, they had all the time in the world to make the necessary changes.


What and how does the extent of Australian and American historical knowledge have any bearing on what is happening in Europe in the 21st century. They don't live there.


And how are Europeans and the British morons. If it was not for Britain the Americans and Australians would not have a country, nor a language. Neither would South American nations  were it not for the Portuguese and the Spanish. You yourself are contributing to this topic in the English language.






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