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With the recent multiple bannings for Useless Postings or OneLiners or Bad Language or whatever excuse, why so few?

Lovelycutie, Bluecat, Chonabot, Boon Mee and Davethailand should also have been added long ago, the majority of the postings have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. Most of the replies are oneliners also.

Seems we need consistency, is this favouratism because of the drinkypoos that are advertised on the Pattaya and General Forums with Admin and Mods in attendance.


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i am all for positive changes, but what with the marketing of thai.visa doggy coats and other such gems i wonder in what direction you are going. it sounds like you are concentrating on the business side of it, well thats fine, i truly hope you are very successful, but please dont take the fun and the humour away, because if you do you may find that you have a lot of advertisers but very few posters.

good luck.

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Keep the one liners especially the funny ones. That's one of the reasons I read this forum. There are alot of classic one liners from some of the posters that make me howl. You don't have to write a paragraph when a good one liner will do.

Take a poll on it. I am sure alot of other people enjoy them to.

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Another poll ? To what end ?

This one liner suggest that the Dr. doesn't really understand the first posting of this thread. Maybe a comprehensive reading course might add to the intelectual capabilities of this admired administrator, I might as well add value to the board.


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We are looking into this, and the admins will get tougher! You will see a lot of positive changes here shortly. Thanks for your support!

there is something I don't get :o

talking about one liners ...

is it this bad?

this makes the mood of a thread sometime.

and .. hmm hmm ... adding link into post without asking, is this the new positive way? :D

when we talk together, do we make always long speech?

don't we answer with just a few words sometimes?

why don't we accept this here?

isn't it a forum where people get together to exchange ideas ...

do we need to write more than one line or even two?

is it a new rule?

With the recent multiple bannings for Useless Postings or OneLiners or Bad Language or whatever excuse, why so few?

Lovelycutie, Bluecat, Chonabot, Boon Mee and Davethailand should also have been added long ago, the majority of the postings have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. Most of the replies are oneliners also.

Seems we need consistency, is this favouratism because of the drinkypoos that are advertised on the Pattaya and General Forums with Admin and Mods in attendance.

does this mean, you would prefer a higher writing level?

we all are from different grounds, why do you expect "writers" here?

isn't it a bit selective?

and giving names like this would entitle you to some flames from these people ...

and may I say ... you real deserve it :D

I do hope that there won't be any quality requirements :D


Edited by francois
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one more line :D

Keep the one liners especially the funny ones. That's one of the reasons I read this forum. There are alot of classic one liners from some of the posters that make me howl. You don't have to write a paragraph when a good one liner will do.

this thread is full of short post including Doc who is a usual one line post which we do appreciate coz of their pertinency :o

that's all :D


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Now, this was a one-liner-short and to the point. Anything wrong with that?

BTW, I haven't found any rules against one-liners, nor have I found any admin say that they ban people for posting one-liners.

I think the recent bans are more about being off-topic and insulting other members? Unfortunately, we won't get answers from those who were banned, as to what exactly they were banned for. Going through this week's postings, their postings don't seem to be all that different from others.

But I am sure (or like to be) it is not the one-line posts per se.

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With the recent multiple bannings for Useless Postings or OneLiners or Bad Language or whatever excuse, why so few?

Lovelycutie, Bluecat, Chonabot, Boon Mee and Davethailand should also have been added long ago, the majority of the postings have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. Most of the replies are oneliners also.

Seems we need consistency, is this favouratism because of the drinkypoos that are advertised on the Pattaya and General Forums with Admin and Mods in attendance.


you could have come if you wanted.

i don't agree with banning one liners, but the majority of people banned were banned because of their abusive replies to normal questions, and their racist narrow minded remarks.

i post one liners and also some stuff that is'nt relevent to anything, but i also answer some posts with advice or help (if i can help that is) where as these banned members just hurled abuse and stupid comments.

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A lot of the posts that people get bounced for are erased by admin as they shouldn't have been there in the first place.

I don't think that one-liners are the problem The real problem is hit-and-runners.

They hardly ever write their own posts. They look for places to quickly insult someone without any payback, and then run off, hang out a while, and look around for a chance to do it to someone else.

A few prominant posters do this and everyone seems to think that they are quite witty, but I've found that if you wait for one chance to confront them about an issue somewhere, and absolutely stomp on them, they tend to avoid you and your posts after that. :o

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and absolutely stomp on them, they tend to avoid you and your posts after that.

then you have to get on the attack and go looking for them.

but is that what this forum is about ? thats when the threads degenerate into the erco mess.

maybe its just better to ignore them.

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You might be right, but I find that when you are posting something unpopular on here, just like in real life, you get bullies looking for someone to harass. If you let them get the best of you a few times, if they think that you are "weak", they will follow you around and antagonize you, and make you wish that you had confronted them in the beginning.

One example is the thread that got so many people kicked off the other day.

I've always thought of tutsiwarrior as being one of these tough guys that keeps his real self hidden, and is quite willing to fight it out with anyone who gets on his wrong side.

The post about his wife was the first time that I've ever seen him be "for real" on-line, and I've never seen anyone mess with him before, however, that post brought out every jackal from the unholy places where they were hiding.

I've never seen anyone get jumped on like that.

His post made me proud of him; It made me want to get to know him, but all these other "people" could see was that he left himself open; they saw what they perceive as weakness, and they attacked him with no mercy.

I think that most of these people, again, just like in real life, are cowards, but here it is intellectually. They know that they aren't very bright, but if they attack in groups, or look for a chance to attack someone quickly, then run and hide, they can "be better" than someone else, or hurt someone's feelings, and feel better about themselves.

The simple truth is that I don't like people like this, and don't like to see them "get over" on anyone who hasn't asked for it, particularly me.

I rather "fight" back.

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Don't facist groups, communist infiltrators and religious

terrorist groups really hate snappy one liners?

Those guys and the financially challenged who want to save

band width by putting a quarantine on what is perceivd

as the ridiculous, bizarre and that one terrible flaw in us

all that just happens to make the difference in life......


Substance isn't special.

It suppresses the air we breath.

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Don't facist groups, communist infiltrators and religious

terrorist groups really hate snappy one liners?

Those guys and the financially challenged who want to save

band width by putting a quarantine on what is perceivd

as the ridiculous, bizarre and that one terrible flaw in us

all that just happens to make the difference in life......


Substance isn't special.

It suppresses the air we breath.


and nicely put georgieP, i'm inclined to agree with you,pity about tutswarrior getting shafted like that.

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Georgie-Porgie, yours certainly is no one liner, but you know what? I agree to what you say and went a step further, to read the whole threat which in fact I had not done before, up to your last comment, 2 minutes before George closed it down. I agree to that as well.

Seems Tutsi got out of himself, posted his situation and got attacked. He tried to fight back, the best he could, and got banned.

IMHO Tutsi reacted correctly but by far with a wrong choice of words. He even apologized to George and asked to close it down. tukyleith had an eye on it.

Yes, one can be proud of the contents Tutsi brought out, proud of the way he fights for what he stands for.

All in all Tutsi was a victim by others flaming him. Only one mistake, choice of words.

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When guys employed in middle and senior management, specialist engineers and managing directors of interculturally operating businesses hurl abuse at each other with 'well thought out arguments 'in the manner of lagerlouts on a saturday night,

maybe it is time to put a stop to it.

Not a one-liner, sorry, I am off topic...

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Yes, one can be proud of the contents Tutsi brought out, proud of the way he fights for what he stands for.

All in all Tutsi was a victim by others flaming him. Only one mistake, choice of words.

Too true.

Tutsi had a good thread going there, but let himself get hijacked by the trolls. A bloody shame. Hope he is allowed back soon.

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as I don't read all the threads here, may I ask wich one are you talking about, because this the cause of all of our talking here.

One example is the thread that got so many people kicked off the other day.

that would help me to understand the reason of all this :o



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