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The Apsara Authority has announced that the original bridge leading to Angkor Wat will be temporarily reopened for use over Khmer New Year.


Apsara Authority spokesman Long Kosal said yesterday that due to an influx of visitors expected over the holiday, the original bridge, which is undergoing repairs, will be temporarily open to the public.


“For the opening of the bridge for the tourists to cross, we will not limit the number of people who can use it,” he said. “The bridge situation is still the same, we just closed it for repairs.” While the original bridge in front of the Angkor Wat is under renovation, authorities have also built a floating bridge to allow tourists to visit Angkor Wat.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50302653/angkor-wat-bridge-open-for-new-year/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 13/04

We were lucky enough to use the floating bridge last week.


It was in no way flimsy and easily coped with the 100s of tourists using it.


Incidentally, the number of tourists has increased by at least 10x since I last visited only eight years ago, and Siem Reap is building massive hotels at a startling rate.



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