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Stage being set for ‘neutral’ Prayut to return as the PM


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1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

I really hope you are right. It's just very hard not to be cynical.

l agree it will be hard because they have stopped everybody now is the time for them to partition all of them. A global push

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10 hours ago, bannork said:

Posters, remember the new owners of The Nation have strong right wing leanings. This is one such article expressing unbridled optimism in its predictions of public support fot the parties supporting the return of Prayuth as PM. Election day, a long long way off, will be the litmus test. I suggest the result will be as in the past three elections.

You mean postponed again?

No other parties are allowed to organize or even meet? Yet this dictator has unlimited travels around the country patting himself on the back. Giving cattle to farmers, at whos expense? Did he buy the cattle with his own money? 

Ihave some Thai friends, some educated and successful, others just worker class. The few that will discuss politics at all seem to feel like it doesn’t matter who is elected. The rulers (Hiso owners) will continue to rule behind the scenes, nothing will change but names and faces. 

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47 minutes ago, Eligius said:

The real 'brains' behind things are scumbags like 'Dr. Jade' who helped write the freedom-smashing 'Constitution' (see the panel discussion about the new 'Constitution' from summer 2016: 

That guy is Western educated - and has shamefully used his brains and education to stab his own countryfolk in the back.

The lowest of the low - worthy only of utter contempt. I would not even look at this creature - still less speak to him, if ever I was unfortunate enough to be in the same stench-filled room as him ...



Interesting clip, thank you.

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11 hours ago, saakura said:

It seems to me that it is only the foreigners in Thailand who are angry and frustrated over Mr.P's power grab and all that he has done over the last few years to extend it. 


Not just this. Road deaths, accidents, violence, raping monks, etc...


I learned long time ago (as a kid really), that you can't change people, but westerners think it's possible for some reason. Explains why many of them are stuck with bar girls.


Waiting for confused and sad reactions now...

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10 hours ago, KiChakayan said:

Just keep our kids foreign passports up to date.

+1 So, so true... and enough dosh on the side for a one way ticket home for ourselves, our kids and partners. 

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13 hours ago, saakura said:

It seems to me that it is only the foreigners in Thailand who are angry and frustrated over Mr.P's power grab and all that he has done over the last few years to extend it. A huge, almost 99% Thais just dont seem to be bothered much, except a handful of students and activists. The only thing which can scare off these bullies is a mass uprising, which is not going to happen, as most seem to either accept or are resigned to it. Yesterday out in the streets, everyone was very happy enjoying throwing water and having a lot of fun, as always.

UPRISING?you know thais have a short span of concentration, and when they eat they forget everything that has been said or done just before the meal, SO?

maybe if they do not eat for a week they get something organised 

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17 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

4 years to rig the laws and create a huge advantage, and political parties still unable to have any assembly, media still muzzled. The opposition form mostly unknown groups with no previous  publicity. A fixed fight if there ever was. Like fighting an opponent tied in ropes. Thai democracy, fighting Thai style.

and even with 4 years they have struggled. There useless +

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My personal opinion is that our beloved PM's ambition is to step into the shoes of his idol, Prem, as President of the Privy Council (it might be more accurate to say that this is Mrs Prayut's ambition for her husband).


Prem is 97 years old. I think that the date of his inevitable demise will dictate the date of the next election.


Of course, there may be other days of national mourning that could influence the "roadmap". Nobody is getting any younger.

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15 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

I would love to see someone slap this maniac and the old cogger his boss too. They need to call themselves communists. 

Communist ? !!!!    Hummmm !!!

I thought it is the other way ! 

It doesn’t matter anyway. It will go to where it suppose to go. 

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Why go to all that trouble with such a convoluted election process? Why not just have  a good old fashioned real fake election with rigged  voting machines to flip the votes, and where you purge people from voter rolls, have last minute legislation that disqualifies voters who are likely to vote against you and eliminate a bunch more by telling them you can't seem to find them on the voter registration rolls so sorry they can't vote  just like we do back in the good ole you- know- where. And if  the result turns out badly, just start a media blitz in which evryday for a year someone hoots and points fingers at the Burmese claiming that Burmese hackers hacked into the national computers, and that all the files with all the damning emails used by your opposition might be true but none of it matters because a foreign power has hacked the national computers and spoiled the elections! No need for fake evidence of hacking either, just keep saying its true loud enough and long enough and then it will become true and until that time say something everyone is suspicious of anyway that the people chatting with them on facebook weren't who they said they were that they were Burmese agents trying to influence Thai voters with fake accounts! Wouldn't that be so much more fun!

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6 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

My personal opinion is that our beloved PM's ambition is to step into the shoes of his idol, Prem, as President of the Privy Council (it might be more accurate to say that this is Mrs Prayut's ambition for her husband).


Prem is 97 years old. I think that the date of his inevitable demise will dictate the date of the next election.


Of course, there may be other days of national mourning that could influence the "roadmap". Nobody is getting any younger.

Oh I agree, it has been the intention all along.

I wonder if there is any constitutional reason why the posts cannot be combined?

If there is, then no doubt it will be arranged so that "power stays with the man rather than the.job". So much neater, tenure for life, effective immunity, lots of laws in place which extend to protect him and no need to worry about elections or opposition.


Twenty year plans anyone?


Just hang on in there for the time being...

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