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VIDEO: American attacks Thai at Bangkok airport "because his flight was cancelled"

Jonathan Fairfield

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unfortunately, People lose their marbles under the right conditions...  looks like the American is going to have to pay his dues for not being able to keep it together. At least there weren't any weapons around for him to use

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

If the Thai chap touched him on the chest first, and it is a big if, the American was right to hit back, but also stupid doing a thing like that in Thailand.

Being touched or pushed is reason for violence?

I've always managed to avoid physical confrontation by being non-aggressive.

I know you can't always walk away but I've never been in a fight in 60 years.

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19 hours ago, saakura said:

Complete idiot, the farang. Lucky he did not crack the skull of the Thai. The Thai should be compensated AND the idiot should be locked up for a few weeks.

He should be locked up until his arm heals 


i could understand if this thai man had something to do with his flight being cancelled but to randomly attack him was as they say Forang baa


doesnt make the rest of us look good


maybr someone might randomly attack him in jail


who knows 

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18 hours ago, Xyzero said:

This idiot wouldn’t do this in his country! You people are way to generous make him pat compensation and give him 2 years without early release. He is obviously a. NUT that should be taking off the streets


Exactly. If he did that in an American airport he would have been thrown to the floor but in a restraint hold and hand cuffed as a minimum. Maybe tasered or shot if he kept behaving like a lunatic before they cuffed him.


2 years, all medical bills paid, good level of compensation to be paid, deported at his expense and blacklisted sounds about right.


And hope the US authorities pick up on this security risk jerk and meet him when he finally gets home.

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19 minutes ago, gerritkaew said:

i see the Thai talk to provoke the US guy and even see hands towards him. I don't believe nothing happened thats make the America guy just attacked him.


Yeah right. Americans never ever attack and murder people for no reasons do they? All that news must be fake.


Just another violent bad tempered jumped up jerk. And you can find those in every country and of every nationality.

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59 minutes ago, ebonykap said:

It's a sad indictment on society when a hand on the chest can be considered assault. I would calmly remove the said hand and ask what he wants.

I consider the American guy, in view of his violent actions, to be 100% in the wrong and should be severely dealt with accordingly.


So what right did the American have to steal the Thai man's hotel guest board from where he left it? And what did the American say? You think he was polite?



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31 minutes ago, Donotdisturb said:

While the thai was on the floor the farang did NOT stomp him 10x on the head unlike the locals like to do so it's all not that bad! ??

Well then you probably did not read about the farang in the other thread who beat the shit out of his wife, stomped on her head and finally strangled her to death and left the body on the porch all night while he went inside to sleep. :sad:

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19 hours ago, Manny said:

Never let a crisis go to waste. The Thai was touching him in the chest which is technically an assault so I would argue self defense which this Farang is NOT doing. Stupid ****, No ? The Thai can negotiate the highest restitution payout at this point of proceedings, Sure ... !


Well you would most likely have a very disgruntled client if you relied on this defence. The Thai official was only trying to do his job and used a resaaonable amount of force to quell the situation. The American assaulted him resulting in grevious bodily harm. Like any civilized  country I feel certain that the Thai authorities will take this assault on a ublic official very seriously. I think your "client" will be looking at a custodial sentence of far longer than 90 days. And rightly so. .

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I know it's their country, I know we're only guests in their country, and all the other blah blah blah. But Thai men working in jobs where they are dealing with foreign men should be trained and educated that you do not touch, push, or point a fist at another man....or else you may get decked.

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1 hour ago, mydee said:

Well you would most likely have a very disgruntled client if you relied on this defence. The Thai official was only trying to do his job and used a resaaonable amount of force to quell the situation. The American assaulted him resulting in grevious bodily harm. Like any civilized  country I feel certain that the Thai authorities will take this assault on a ublic official very seriously. I think your "client" will be looking at a custodial sentence of far longer than 90 days. And rightly so. .

Re-read the article. 


The Thai fellow was as far from a public official as you are from the Pope.

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Not read all the thread, but all I seen was a Thai guy put his arm across the path of the american man and first point of contact was when the thai put his hand on (stopped the yank with his hand on his chest) the yank responded to that - maybe over-reacted but that was the spark, so for the Thai to say he does not know why he was attacked is B$.


As usual this is a communication problem, a misunderstanding on behalf of the yank, The Thai guy only doing his job? what to put hands on people??? 

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18 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

On Tuesday the American tried to buy his way out of the rap by offering full compensation payments to the victim. Surasak said no, and wants him prosecuted to the full extent of the law for what he did. 


Surasak told Sanook that he had never met the American before and had no idea who he was and why he attacked him.

Good one for justice... hope he gets compensation in the end and the the thug gets a long rest at the BKK Hilton.

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21 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I am an American and I say throw him in Thai prison for 90 days after paying full compensation and talking to the nice Muslim lady for 24 hours.


Next case.

What's her religion got to do with it? If there were any 'just' god in the universe, attacks like this (and worse) would never happen anyway.

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We need to be fair here .the Thai man has his hand on his chest for several seconds first .i have been assaulted for no reason in the past and i dont know how i would have reacted .

Worth noting .he does not throw any punch. US laws you Do Not put your hands on someone . I would involve my Embassy. 

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Nope compensation was offered and refused 

Let it go to court the Thai man from video touched him 

First Yeah he was heavy handed but you  an see the man's shirt move 

The Thai man said had business outside what about the people he was meant 

To pick up. He also said left sign behind you can see he's holding it in his hand 

More too this than meets the eyes 

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My CSI Speculation: Both Waiting at Arrivals...


Thai Guy with a signboard hangs it on the railing to 'reserve' his waiting spot.

American Guy awaiting at arrivals, stands in The Thai Guy's spot.

Thai Guy returns, tells the American it's his spot.

American refuses to move and hands the Thai Guy his sign.

Thai Guy gets upset and starts ranting/making threats.

American has enough and walks away.

Thai Guy follows and tries to block him, while still ranting/making threats.

American snaps and grounds the Guy guy. 



Of course, this is all total Guesswork...


Edited by richard_smith237
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2 hours ago, saakura said:

Well then you probably did not read about the farang in the other thread who beat the shit out of his wife, stomped on her head and finally strangled her to death and left the body on the porch all night while he went inside to sleep. :sad:

Yeah, but two different nationalities. 

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The injured Thai man asked the man who assaulted him, "If somebody you didn't know attacked you liked you attacked me, how would you feel inside?" My Thai lady said she would have said, to the farang, "I want your arm broken like mine was." Good point.

i think people on here sometimes forget that Thai's are human beings with all the emotions and fears that we have inside. Personally to have somebody attack you like that must have been harrowing and horrible. A pity he didn't pick a Thai martial arts guy who would have kicked the crap out of him.

Edited by Mansell
Correct word.
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Just now, Mansell said:

The injured Thai man asked the man who assaulted him, "If somebody you didn't know attacked you liked you attacked me, how would you feel inside?" My Thai lady said she would have said, to the farang, "I want your arm broken like mine was." Good point.

i think people on here sometimes forget that Thai's are human beings with all the emotions and fears that we have inside. Personally to have somebody attack you like that must have been harrowing and horrible. A pity he didn't pick a Thai martial arts guy who would have kicked the tap out of him.

All I see is the American walking in peace with his hands in his pockets and someone gets in his face.  He takes care of business.  Maybe the other guy has learned that it is not a good move to harass strangers.

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7 hours ago, mlmcleod said:

After viewing the beginning of the video I can see the Thai placing his hand on the chest of the American.  In certain parts of the USA that constitutes an assault.  Personal space is paramount for Americans and any entry to that space without an invitation calls for severe consequences.  I know of parts of America where honking your horn is enough to make a driver get out with his weapon and accost you.  I personally think that was the case here.  It is just that his response was way overboard.  I suspect that he will be shaken down for all the money he has and released.

That maybe culturally acceptable in certain parts of the USA, but generally most normal people

would see that bad an extreme overreaction.

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From what I have read on the opening of thread is that the yank went to departures and was told his flight was cancelled he then went to the arrivals floor and went to the meeting area for the hotel drivers to pick up there passengers and the yank took the Thai guys board without permission which is theft and then the Thai guy went after the yank to get his board back and it is not until after this that there is any video. So the yank stole the Thai's board and the Thai found the yank and told him that he was a thief and he was being held until the police arrive and the yank through the Thai guy to the ground breaking his arm and grinding his head into the concrete and then escaping.

When the yank left the departures area he should have just gone up to arrivals and walked out the door and grabbed a taxi to wherever he was going to wait for his next flight, he had no right to interfere with any of the hotel employees signs. That Thai guy has the legal right to impede to progress of the yank until the police arrive and arrest him for stealing the Thai guy's sign, that is theft

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