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Starbucks to close 8,000 U.S. stores for racial tolerance training


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7 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

wonder if it hit mainstream news yet?


Johnson better instruct all stores..not to have newspapers for customers in stores for next few days!

If you were invested in Starbucks you would be aware of what is happening. I doubt stockholders wait for the mainstream media... they usually follow WSJ, FT.

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21 hours ago, robblok said:

Its a business.. they need to make money. They don't make money if people come in order nothing and take up space. Seems simple enough if you want to use the facilities.. buy something. 

Besides, being forced to have to listen to these business meetings is quite annoying for other customers who try to have a leasurely cup of coffee to get away from the office.

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1 minute ago, wabothai said:

Besides, being forced to have to listen to these business meetings is quite annoying for other customers who try to have a leasurely cup of coffee to get away from the office.

I never have business meetings there i seldom visit Starbucks as I am not a fan of coffee (ok i know im a heretic) But when I do I buy something and don't take up space too long. Its a business.

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I go to Starbucks to sit and relax and read for a couple of hours and of course buy a drink. I pay seemingly high prices to have a comfortable place to sit. In other words I am renting real estate more than buying a drink.


I hope this incident will not mean Starbucks beceome powerless to stop non paying customers from using its premises, because if that happens it will quickly cease to be a pleasant place to be.


Perhaps this incident was just pure racism, or perhaps these guys werent there to meet a college professor and actually were just people who think its their right to use the premises with no intention of buying a drink and the staff were simply trying to deal with people who frequently abuse the premises and maybe have acted in a somewhat aggressive fashion, hence the seeming over reaction of calling in the police.


It will be interesting to see how this situation develops for Starbucks, I suspect it means certain areas will cease to be viable as Starbucks locations, once they can no longer police their premises.



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"Being Black in Public When you’re black in America, you’re either seen as a problem or not seen at all. The Starbucks third space is a place where white people can consume an idea that they’re being in a diverse public, while their $5 coffee buys them the safety of a barista who can call the police on someone to keep the space safe for them. Which is to say, it isn’t for us. "




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1 hour ago, uncleeagle said:

I go to Starbucks to sit and relax and read for a couple of hours and of course buy a drink. I pay seemingly high prices to have a comfortable place to sit. In other words I am renting real estate more than buying a drink.


I hope this incident will not mean Starbucks beceome powerless to stop non paying customers from using its premises, because if that happens it will quickly cease to be a pleasant place to be.


Perhaps this incident was just pure racism, or perhaps these guys werent there to meet a college professor and actually were just people who think its their right to use the premises with no intention of buying a drink and the staff were simply trying to deal with people who frequently abuse the premises and maybe have acted in a somewhat aggressive fashion, hence the seeming over reaction of calling in the police.


It will be interesting to see how this situation develops for Starbucks, I suspect it means certain areas will cease to be viable as Starbucks locations, once they can no longer police their premises.

Starbucks is a progressive-minded company, so I'm sure they will come up with an innovative, compassionate solution like a roping off a designated safe space for non-paying customers.  Naturally, they won't think it through and will be dumb-founded by the predictable consequences. 






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12 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

I wonder how many paying customers they will lose?

Will Starbucks become a hangout for the indigent?

Is Starbucks run by businessmen, or by short sighted left leaning sociologists?

Their stunning success seems to indicate it is run by competent business-people.

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On 4/19/2018 at 2:12 AM, Jingthing said:

Did you mean Suomi? I don't think Starbucks does Finnish style coffee, whatever that is. Reindeer lattes? 


Is that where they feed coffee beans to reindeer, follow them around to gather up their little reindeer poop and brew it up?

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17 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Not what I said.

Starbucks is a place of cognitive dissonance where people convince themselves they are receiving a quality product. It's cozy place to drink a coffee, but most of them rarely taste how bad it is because they are actually more into the dairy products and sugary sweet  inclusions that make the place more of a milkshake bar than a coffee shop.  If Starbucks stopped including coffee in their drinks and opted for a squirt of coffee flavored substitute in every cup. I am certain the only people who would notice are those who drink it black. But they don't get many actual coffee drinkers so it would be no big loss.

It's MacDonald's for coffee drinkers, but ironically, the real MacDonald's has better coffee.


I go for the caffeine.   And watching the cuties.


Starbucks coffee is an acquired taste.  Some like it.  I do.  Some don't like it.   Different strokes. 


It has nothing to do with the quality of the product, or convincing myself I'm getting something progressive and zoomy, or that it will raise my standing in the community.  It's caffeine, in a form that tastes good (to me) in an environment that's usually located right where I happen to be going anyway, conducive to resting my weary butt and watching the world go by.  


Edit:  Having said that, in the USA where I can buy caffeine pills (NoDoz), I don't generally drink anyone's coffee.  I do get addicted to the caffeine in the gallons of fresh brewed ice tea that I drink every day.  Harder to do that in Thailand.




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4 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

Brandon Tatum's cut on this:



"Why can't (us black folks) just follow the damn rules".


"The white liberals are killin' us, man!"


I'm sure this guy will take a lot of krap for being sensible about this.  I bet some BLM crew will call him an Uncle Tom.  A sell out. 

White folks involved in the protest are committed now, so they have no choice but to stay the course and keep pumping their Fight the Power fist, while Starbuck's CEO does the Jerry McGuire. 


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If they do end up closing 8,000 store for staff training, then they should use that time to add another 3 or 4 more bathroom. They will then be able to cater for both the gender confused and customers that don't buy anything (if you can call someone that does not buy a customer).

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If they do end up closing 8,000 store for staff training, then they should use that time to add another 3 or 4 more bathroom. They will then be able to cater for both the gender confused and customers that don't buy anything (if you can call someone that does not buy a customer).
Their bathrooms are not gendered.

Next ...

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1 hour ago, impulse said:


The server says it's her last day of work before she goes back to school.  I don't think she'll be coming back...

There is no such offer from Starbucks. They're going to have to come up with a policy about dealing such silly demands quickly. The coupons for free coffee for black people was clearly a TROLL move. Wouldn't be surprised if it's straight from Russia either. Of course, trolls are trolls, Russian or otherwise, but the goal is the same, to even further divide the USA to the point of being totally crippled. 

Back to the topic, DECENT Americans of all kinds should realize that racial bias in public life is simply unacceptable and people often behave that way without even thinking about it. A learning opportunity the Starbucks incident can potentially help with is that more people will at least be THINKING about what they so often do unconsciously. There is no such thing as a racial equality utopia, but that doesn't mean that things can't possibly improve. Also it is not only "rednecks" and right wingers that act out racial bias. It's pretty much everyone. People that claim they "don't see color"are either comedians, blind, or lying.  As white people are still in the majority and hold much more political power so in a position to do much more damage to people, the focus is naturally more on them about these issues. 

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17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There is no such offer from Starbucks. They're going to have to come up with a policy about dealing such silly demands quickly. The coupons for free coffee for black people was clearly a TROLL move. Wouldn't be surprised if it's straight from Russia either. Of course, trolls are trolls, Russian or otherwise, but the goal is the same, to even further divide the USA to the point of being totally crippled. 

Back to the topic, DECENT Americans of all kinds should realize that racial bias in public life is simply unacceptable and people often behave that way without even thinking about it. A learning opportunity the Starbucks incident can potentially help with is that more people will at least be THINKING about what they so often do unconsciously. There is no such thing as a racial equality utopia, but that doesn't mean that things can't possibly improve. Also it is not only "rednecks" and right wingers that act out racial bias. It's pretty much everyone. People that claim they "don't see color"are either comedians, blind, or lying.  As white people are still in the majority and hold much more political power so in a position to do much more damage to people, the focus is naturally more on them about these issues. 


Racial bias is everywhere.  True.  But the Philadelphia incident wasn't.  And every time they pull out the victim card when the incident wasn't racial bias, they lose all credibility.


The guy in the previous video made a joke of it.  He's got a sense of humor.


The guy in the following video pretty much mirrors my take on the Philly incident, though I don't know enough about him to say I agree with him in general:





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"Bathrooms without Borders".  :biggrin:


Let it bake in for a couple weeks and then see how understanding and compassionate the permanently offended are when they have to squat for a pee but the same non-customer homeless dude has been in the head for 20 minutes straight washing his feet and underwear in the sink.    Which means the front counter slaves will be in there more frequently unclogging the crapper, replacing stolen TP rolls and killing pubic hair crabs, instead of making those caffeine-free, non-dairy, gluten-free Mochaliscioius Frappadoodoos. 


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1 hour ago, impulse said:


Racial bias is everywhere.  True.  But the Philadelphia incident wasn't.  And every time they pull out the victim card when the incident wasn't racial bias, they lose all credibility.


The guy in the previous video made a joke of it.  He's got a sense of humor.


The guy in the following video pretty much mirrors my take on the Philly incident, though I don't know enough about him to say I agree with him in general:





This guy paints himself as fair and bipartisan? Wearing a "trump" t-shirt -- a president that started his political career promoting the racist "birther" movement and won the presidency largely based on white nationalist rhetoric and white resentment? You've got to be joking. His video is hateful. Demonizing social justice warriors? Like MARTIN LUTHER KING?!?  Pure right wing "trump" fan demonization. Starbucks is an excellent place to work that offers rare benefits such as tuition assistance. I doubt there are very many better places for those levels of jobs. Believe me, Starbucks workers aren't going to quit there for other coffee jobs because of some loonie toons ranter on youtube.  It's hilarious to me that obviously right wing white people love to make heroes of the small minority of black people that spout their rhetoric. As if that vaccinates them from charges of racism. It does no such thing. It's a pure Fox News propaganda move. 

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1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

"Bathrooms without Borders".  :biggrin:


Let it bake in for a couple weeks and then see how understanding and compassionate the permanently offended are when they have to squat for a pee but the same non-customer homeless dude has been in the head for 20 minutes straight washing his feet and underwear in the sink.    Which means the front counter slaves will be in there more frequently unclogging the crapper, replacing stolen TP rolls and killing pubic hair crabs, instead of making those caffeine-free, non-dairy, gluten-free Mochaliscioius Frappadoodoos. 


That was a deliberately provocative post, but there is some underlying truth in your point. Starbucks isn't in a position to solve the pervasive homelessness and economic inequality problem in the USA. There is only so much they can do. 


People make a big mistake if they're trying to sell this as a Starbucks specific issue. It's a national issue which touches on all aspects of public life. 

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On 4/19/2018 at 10:46 AM, mikebike said:

To all who have posted arguing that the CEO has taken the "wrong" position regarding the incident: you do realize that in this corporation Johnson is ONLY responsible to his board and shareholders. His decision will be judged purely on the alter of capitalism. Is this not exactly the ideal outcome for the conservative/libratarian citizen?


I, for one, am very curious to see how it all shakes out for Starbucks over time.


His bonus may only be calculated by Starbucks' results, but he's being judged by the management and boards and investors of every hospitality business that has the same issues with non-customers taking up space and using their facilities, and whose businesses stand to be overwhelmed by folks pulling out the victim card when they don't get treated the way they think they deserve. 


The floodgates will open if the Starbucks 2 get any kind of financial settlement out of the deal.    And I'd bet what's in my wallet right now that he'll be replaced as CEO if he knuckles under.  In fact, he may have already cooked his own goose with the 8000 shops closing for a day.


I'm curious how it will work out, as well.


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18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

This guy paints himself as fair and bipartisan? Wearing a "trump" t-shirt -- a president that started his political career promoting the racist "birther" movement and won the presidency largely based on white nationalist rhetoric and white resentment? You've got to be joking. His video is hateful. Demonizing social justice warriors? Like MARTIN LUTHER KING?!?  Pure right wing "trump" fan demonization. Starbucks is an excellent place to work that offers rare benefits such as tuition assistance. I doubt there are very many better places for those levels of jobs. Believe me, Starbucks workers aren't going to quit there for other coffee jobs because of some loonie toons ranter on youtube.  It's hilarious to me that obviously right wing white people love to make heroes of the small minority of black people that spout their rhetoric. As if that vaccinates them from charges of racism. It does no such thing. It's a pure Fox News propaganda move. 


You just can't see past that Trump T-Shirt, can you?  I didn't say I endorse the guy's stand on politics.  I agree with him on the Philly incident.  That may (or may not) be the only thing the 2 of us agree on.  I don't know, nor do I care.  He hit the nail on the head with this video about this incident.  


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Just now, impulse said:


You just can't see past that Trump T-Shirt, can you?  I didn't say I endorse the guy's stand on politics.  I agree with him on the Philly incident.  That may (or may not) be the only thing the 2 of us agree on.  I don't know, nor do I care.  He hit the nail on the head with this video about this incident.  


He didn't actually. Because the reason of waiting for a business meeting would have worked if they weren't black. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

That was a deliberately provocative post, but there is some underlying truth in your point. Starbucks isn't in a position to solve the pervasive homelessness and economic inequality problem in the USA. There is only so much they can do. 


People make a big mistake if they're trying to sell this as a Starbucks specific issue. It's a national issue which touches on all aspects of public life. 

My point really didn't have anything to with the wider racism problem or the homeless crisis. 


But yes, it's the same intentional mistake we've seen play out a number of times with these BLM cats.  Rush to judgement, no idea what actually happened between the manager and these two guys and they don't really care.   But it's racial, because she's white. Don't look now, but that's bias and racist.  Works both ways.  BLM doesn't care about happened, they only care about remaining relevant.  MSM aids and abets because they gave away their integrity long ago in favor of social activism.


1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

He didn't actually. Because the reason of waiting for a business meeting would have worked if they weren't black. 

I mostly agree with that sentiment, because I know there is a wider problem in the US.  But you're making that assumption based on your bias.  I'll go so far as to say you "really" don't believe that 100%, because you're not a dummy.  But you do have to be consistent and mirror the trends and talking points.  But that doesn't make you right.

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

To add the "trump" t - shirt ranter was spouting dated info on the POV of the Philly police commissioner --



More --


Their interview helped answer, directly and indirectly, some of the pending questions I had.  Thanks. 

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Starbucks is behaving unwisely because the USA is moving to the  Right of Center - a fact obvious to the simplest of minds. One would assume that Starbucks's upper echelons do not consist of indoctrinated ideologues. Perhaps there are only a few? Even so, why would the others allow them to close 8000 stores? Of course! They are terrified of being labeled as racist.[emoji23]
Actually I think the USA is in the process of a big swing left soon but time will tell.

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