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1 day overstay so can fly Sunday?

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My visa expires tomorrow (Saturday). 


However I have a few necessary things to do tomorrow and also since embassy opens Monday don't want to spend an extra day before getting visa especially given I have lots on tomorrow including doctors. 


I know 1 day overstay is permitted. I'd rather not but will be helpful. 


UK passport. 


Will there be a fine or stamp? 

Will it affect getting visa? 


I heard some reports that immigration are being tighter at swampy and even had issues with people on two days. 


Am I OK or should I be concerned and fly tomorrow? 



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No overstay is permitted. But if it's just one day at the airport you don't have to pay 500THB, so it's "free"

If somebody would catch you Sunday on your way to the airport you would be on overstay and could have problems. (In the very unlikely case that you run into a police check and they want too see your passport i would suggest you say that your passport is in the hotel)

For your one day you get a stamp in your passport that says something like "departed not more than 24 hours too late". I have such a stamp, was never an issue.

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7 minutes ago, Paulinho said:

Will there be a fine or stamp? 

They don’t, as a rule, fine for a 1 day overstay. You might get an overstay stamp.


7 minutes ago, Paulinho said:

Will it affect getting visa? 

No it shouldn’t affect getting future visas.

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I don't want a stamp of overstay. 


Departed not more than 24 hours OK as a stamp. 


And re. a police check saying passport is in hotel when you are in a taxi to airport would make sense! 



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6 minutes ago, elviajero said:

They don’t, as a rule, fine for a 1 day overstay. You might get an overstay stamp.


No it shouldn’t affect getting future visas.


C'mon, it's got to affect the decision if it's a squeaker whether they'll issue a visa, or let someone in on visa exempt.   That's just human nature.  It may not preclude getting a visa, but surely it affects the decision if it's not an ironclad application- or if the IO is on the fence when facing someone they're not sure they really want to allow in.


Or am I wrong?


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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Yes, you are wrong .


Maybe, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that within a year we'll see a thread started by someone who was rejected and their overstay stamp played a part in the decision.  If there's not already some in the search function that I'm too lazy to use.  I find that it's easier to make a controversial statement and wait for others to show me why I'm wrong.


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On the thread on the recent thread on changes at Penang, it was said that they won't issues TV's to people who have a overstay stamp in their Passport, if this is true or not I don't know


15 minutes ago, Paulinho said:



I don't want a stamp of overstay. 


Departed not more than 24 hours OK as a stamp. 


And re. a police check saying passport is in hotel when you are in a taxi to airport would make sense! 



Not if they are insistent on seeing it so it's a rock and a hard place, insist it's in the Hotel and hope they just wave you through or show it to them and hope they don't spot your overstay


Anyway it's unlikely you will be stopped so nothing to worry about

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7 minutes ago, Paulinho said:

Departed not more than 24 hours OK as a stamp. 

As far as I’m aware, IF they stamp the overstay in your passport it would be the standard overstay stamp. It’s often waived for 1 day overstay.


9 minutes ago, Paulinho said:

And re. a police check saying passport is in hotel when you are in a taxi to airport would make sense! 

That is a daft idea. They could detain you until you produce the passport.


If you have a booked flight out of the country on the day you are stopped the worst that’s likely to happen would be a corrupt cop squeezing a few quid out of you.


The alternative to letting you pass would be arrest and formal prosecution though the court, which doesn’t happen.


If you’re stopped tell them you’re on the way to the airport and show your ticket if necessary.



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Be prepared to get pulled out of the immigration line and taken to the back room, as was the case when this happened to me a few years ago at Suvarnbahumi. Be polite, smile, give an excuse, wai, and you will be sent on your way rather quickly with no fine.

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My first stamp in my new passport was overstay stamp - because idiots at Trendy building BK lost or misplaced  a copy of my old passport - took them 6 weeks to let me know - so had to go back to BK with old passport (corners cut) then when flew out with new passport and 20000 baht fine (88 days overstay because they’re useless at Trendy) 

not had a problem since 

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I have had 3 such stamps leaving Swampy 3 yrs running but no problem getting a tourist visa from London or Laos with the following year's applications. Mind u the thought crossed my mind this year that, if noticed by an irritable overzealous IO, say with a hangover or PMS, they might think I was taking advantage of this leniency and decide to make an example of me. So this year I left on the correct day.

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22 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

If leaving from either airport in Bangkok you will not be fined 500 baht for a one day overstay.

One day overstay are so common immigration is not concerned about them.

Yes 1 day they take you aside a nice little Stamp and up you go

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