Italian guy Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 Peut luu-yan Internet? Maybe the doc was right... 1
Doctorbu Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 It’s been years since I’ve worked in ER here in the USA, but it would be a $50,000 fine to refuse treatment. There are ear issues that are certainly ER worthy, and I don’t know what the guy In the story had going on....but I’m surprised they didn’t see him and overcharge for the convenience. Hospitals in Thailand are all about getting paid (making money). 1
atyclb Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 1 hour ago, farcanell said: So.... perhaps the female mouthed off... who cares... toatally irrelevant. the man was their for treatment... this can’t justifyably be denied, per your argument entailing a non patient bumping their gums its actually really really scary, to consider that the ignorance of the lesser educated, can upset an educated doctor, to the extent that he might with hold medical services US doctors may well ignore the blustering of the persons accompanying the patient.... but I would be surprised... or rather, seriously disappointed, if that third party bluster, impacted on the treatment that a proffessional doctor might give. but then, I’m australian.... perhaps we have a different (better... higher... more responsible... sustainable... fair and just standard that we hold our citizens too), with increased transparency and accountability.... things needed in a properly functioning society. likely doctor told female in thai and not directed at patient. u absolutely must focus on priority patients especially in a non stop public hospital where typically u cant even sit to eat something but must chew on a sandwich while running around. pain is a valid reason to seek er tx for an ear infection but lots of much more serious patients to be seen first. a third party non patient in the us that is a pain in the butt, interfering with treatment or belligerent is removed by security. nice attempt at virtue signaling though
Myran Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 EMERGENCY room. It's right there in the name. Emergency. Having a bit of pain in your ear is not an emergency. Good on the doctor for teaching these adult children a valuable lesson.
farcanell Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 1 minute ago, atyclb said: likely doctor told female in thai and not directed at patient. u absolutely must focus on priority patients especially in a non stop public hospital where typically u cant even sit to eat something but must chew on a sandwich while running around. pain is a valid reason to seek er tx for an ear infection but lots of much more serious patients to be seen first. a third party non patient in the us that is a pain in the butt, interfering with treatment or belligerent is removed by security. nice attempt at virtue signaling though And for the forth time now.... triage and prioritize.... as opposed to ignore, dismiss and humiliate someone who may (or may not) need immediate help. triage and prioritizing focuses on priority patients, as is your rightful preference... but without triage and prioritization, how can you determine the severity of the claimed injury/ pain this must be assessed before saying go home and come back when your dying.... actually... before going home regardless. This ain’t rocket science, and comes down to accountability, transparency, professionalism, honesty and every other value that doctors should aspire too for many reasons, immediate help for ear pain, may be warranted.... ergo, a real doctor would look, before saying go away and come back when your dying... this is disgusting coming from a doctor. so.... we agree that a doctor can decide treatment (or denial of treatment) if he bothers to investigate.... he should also prioritize all his patients ( and continually revise that priority) agreed?.... but where we diverge, seems to be in the belief that the doctor can make the call without investigating.... to me, making the call sans investigation is negligent and the doctor should loose his license (or at least be investigated) yall seem to have a different standard that you hold a doctor too.... but then, I don’t know, perhaps your health system of choice is designed more to enable financial compensation payouts, when a patient is told to come back when he’s dying, vs having the doctors fix the patient, preventing compensation payments.... mine isn’t.... but each to their own.
atyclb Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 perhaps the girlfriend felt sleighed by the doctor having a bigger penis than her boyfriend of that week?
atyclb Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 39 minutes ago, Doctorbu said: It’s been years since I’ve worked in ER here in the USA, but it would be a $50,000 fine to refuse treatment. There are ear issues that are certainly ER worthy, and I don’t know what the guy In the story had going on....but I’m surprised they didn’t see him and overcharge for the convenience. Hospitals in Thailand are all about getting paid (making money). i dont think thai doctors at public hospitals have to deal that kind of stuff (fines and committees) public hospitals dont have a money incentive as far as i know
BernieOnTour Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 14 hours ago, nausea said: Well, I would have to agree that ER is not for ear infections, that's what outpatients is for; and whether the doctor was a ladyboy or not is irrelevant, IMHO. Still, could have been a little more tactful; maybe he/she'd just come off some real emergency, when seeing some guy with a relatively petty problem could cause you to snap, I suppose. I would assume, it's not about being tactful or not, it's all about language problems... Not unlikely , the Iranian kaek and his alleged "madame" from Isaan felt mistreated, when having to wait an hour and complained about this ... Add in to that the typical islamic attitude against kathoeys... The "come back, when you're dieing" was just the essence (due to some language shortcomings) of that what others have stated here also: The ER is first of all for emergencies -people dieing or in serious condition- for everything else you have either to wait or to go to a clinic next day. - So the doc hit the bull's eye with his statement. 1
atyclb Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 17 minutes ago, farcanell said: And for the forth time now.... triage and prioritize.... as opposed to ignore, dismiss and humiliate someone who may (or may not) need immediate help. triage and prioritizing focuses on priority patients, as is your rightful preference... but without triage and prioritization, how can you determine the severity of the claimed injury/ pain this must be assessed before saying go home and come back when your dying.... actually... before going home regardless. This ain’t rocket science, and comes down to accountability, transparency, professionalism, honesty and every other value that doctors should aspire too for many reasons, immediate help for ear pain, may be warranted.... ergo, a real doctor would look, before saying go away and come back when your dying... this is disgusting coming from a doctor. so.... we agree that a doctor can decide treatment (or denial of treatment) if he bothers to investigate.... he should also prioritize all his patients ( and continually revise that priority) agreed?.... but where we diverge, seems to be in the belief that the doctor can make the call without investigating.... to me, making the call sans investigation is negligent and the doctor should loose his license (or at least be investigated) yall seem to have a different standard that you hold a doctor too.... but then, I don’t know, perhaps your health system of choice is designed more to enable financial compensation payouts, when a patient is told to come back when he’s dying, vs having the doctors fix the patient, preventing compensation payments.... mine isn’t.... but each to their own. we assume the guy was triaged and prioritized triage nurses have seen tons of earaches and do have input. is it possible the girlfriend was demanding and self entitled and maybe belligerent, fed up waiting. the fact that she reported to police that doctor was a ladyboy suggests bias and hostility. if that er doctor just finished caring for train wreck patients that needed lots of invasive chemical and surgical intervention then hear someone bitching and complaining and/or belligerent its not a sin to inform them and add perspective. btw patients with minor problems not infrequently wait for many hours to be seen. the issue with docs being investigated or losing licenses in part is due to political correctness taking over sanity. public hospitals are cheap and quality of care i have found to be good
farcanell Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 24 minutes ago, Myran said: EMERGENCY room. It's right there in the name. Emergency. Having a bit of pain in your ear is not an emergency. Good on the doctor for teaching these adult children a valuable lesson. We are all lucky your not a pain is a reason to go to an ER anyway.... reasons to seek emergency help regards ear pain (per link above), which y’all can look up.... Actually, y’all should, as it’s advantageous ( and responsible) to know what health care professionals think on bringing someone in with ear pain ( and other ailments for that matter)... vs assuming a nob who suggests coming back when your dying, has the right of it, when discussing a way forward.... or worse, believing that... and promulgating it.
atyclb Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 8 minutes ago, farcanell said: We are all lucky your not a pain is a reason to go to an ER anyway.... reasons to seek emergency help regards ear pain (per link above), which y’all can look up.... Actually, y’all should, as it’s advantageous ( and responsible) to know what health care professionals think on bringing someone in with ear pain ( and other ailments for that matter)... vs assuming a nob who suggests coming back when your dying, has the right of it, when discussing a way forward.... or worse, believing that... and promulgating it. context has relevance. if after swimming (no ear plugs) a person has decreased hearing in one or both sides they might figure out theres water inside and they dont need an er pain with or without fever can absolutely be seen at a clinic or private office itching; wow, since when and would love to know the life threatening emergeny implications of itching pus or discharge can also be seen at clinic or office the website does not mention if clinics and or private offices are closed/ after hours, or holiday the website u linked to is from ACEP . their political goal is to get as much traffic from well heeled patients to make emergency rooms as lucrative as possible. the er charges are crazy high in the usa, typically much higher than the cost of going to a private office or fast track center
farcanell Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 5 minutes ago, atyclb said: we assume the guy was triaged and prioritized triage nurses have seen tons of earaches and do have input. is it possible the girlfriend was demanding and self entitled and maybe belligerent, fed up waiting. the fact that she reported to police that doctor was a ladyboy suggests bias and hostility. if that er doctor just finished caring for train wreck patients that needed lots of invasive chemical and surgical intervention then hear someone bitching and complaining and/or belligerent its not a sin to inform them and add perspective. btw patients with minor problems not infrequently wait for many hours to be seen. the issue with docs being investigated or losing licenses in part is due to political correctness taking over sanity. public hospitals are cheap and quality of care i have found to be good Ok.... but why do you assume the patient was triaged... there’s no mention of it... just condemnation at the hospitals refusal to treat. I would imagine a nurse on traiage would have said ibrufen and panadol, if it wasn’t an issue, backed up by a doctor (as you point out, they would regularly see and treat ear infections... it’s an easy win for the hospital stats).... not go away and google emergency... that’s pathetic and despicable and again... a doctor should treat the patient... not the patients friend or dog, so the girlfriend (or whatever) is as relevant as the doctors sexual orientation ( which is zip, in this instance, where emergency treatment is denied) and... if the doctor just finished with a train wreck, and is unable to professionally help the next patient... hello... time to go home before he’s responsible for a dead patient and... doesn’t matter how long the guy waits... it’s an ER room with priorities... he can wait in a safe environment and perhaps see the next doctor coming on shift or etc.... vs go home and come back when your dying and.. doctors being investigated is not political correctness... it’s a nessesity when a doctor sends patients in pain, home, telling them to come back when they are dying
mommysboy Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 58 minutes ago, Myran said: EMERGENCY room. It's right there in the name. Emergency. Having a bit of pain in your ear is not an emergency. Good on the doctor for teaching these adult children a valuable lesson. By that definition, only cardiac arrest, serious injury, etc, would be considered for treatment. I think the English term 'Casualty' is probably best used as a definition. There are many problems that can be considered borderline. Pain is surely an important criteria? Some ear conditions can be considered dangerous. 1
atyclb Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 20 minutes ago, farcanell said: Ok.... but why do you assume the patient was triaged... there’s no mention of it... just condemnation at the hospitals refusal to treat. I would imagine a nurse on traiage would have said ibrufen and panadol, if it wasn’t an issue, backed up by a doctor (as you point out, they would regularly see and treat ear infections... it’s an easy win for the hospital stats).... not go away and google emergency... that’s pathetic and despicable and again... a doctor should treat the patient... not the patients friend or dog, so the girlfriend (or whatever) is as relevant as the doctors sexual orientation ( which is zip, in this instance, where emergency treatment is denied) and... if the doctor just finished with a train wreck, and is unable to professionally help the next patient... hello... time to go home before he’s responsible for a dead patient and... doesn’t matter how long the guy waits... it’s an ER room with priorities... he can wait in a safe environment and perhaps see the next doctor coming on shift or etc.... vs go home and come back when your dying and.. doctors being investigated is not political correctness... it’s a nessesity when a doctor sends patients in pain, home, telling them to come back when they are dying i would imagine (educated guess) the girlfriend became belligerent or obnoxious etc etc due to the wait and demanding fast action at which point an overburdened er staff told her they do indeed have patients that will die or are dying and they are very busy with such. i cannot say with certainty the patient was triaged but it is likely because they must know which patients are more acute. typically the er has a triage nurse(s) yes some ear problems can cause significant pain but they can wait because patients with heart attack pain are more urgent. if it is slow night earaches are low stress to take care of, most are fairly simple. dont need a trauma team. in the usa any patient that perceives negativity or inappropriate words from a doctor real or imagined makes a complaint that becomes a headache for many. some are warranted but many many are not
mommysboy Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 39 minutes ago, atyclb said: we assume the guy was triaged and prioritized triage nurses have seen tons of earaches and do have input. is it possible the girlfriend was demanding and self entitled and maybe belligerent, fed up waiting. the fact that she reported to police that doctor was a ladyboy suggests bias and hostility. if that er doctor just finished caring for train wreck patients that needed lots of invasive chemical and surgical intervention then hear someone bitching and complaining and/or belligerent its not a sin to inform them and add perspective. btw patients with minor problems not infrequently wait for many hours to be seen. the issue with docs being investigated or losing licenses in part is due to political correctness taking over sanity. public hospitals are cheap and quality of care i have found to be good Sheer conjecture for the most part, isn't it? 1
farcanell Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 9 minutes ago, atyclb said: context has relevance. if after swimming (no ear plugs) a person has decreased hearing in one or both sides they might figure out theres water inside and they dont need an er pain with or without fever can absolutely be seen at a clinic or private office itching; wow, since when and would love to know the life threatening emergeny implications of itching pus or discharge can also be seen at clinic or office the website does not mention if clinics and or private offices are closed/ after hours, or holiday the website u linked to is from ACEP . their political goal is to get as much traffic from well heeled patients to make emergency rooms as lucrative as possible. the er charges are crazy high in the usa, typically much higher than the cost of going to a private office or fast track center Who’s saying context doesn’t have relevance? Not me... there are plenty of websites that list some forms of ear pain as emergencies... knock yourself out American ER doctors say ( Md web) ... when in doubt, go to the ER. If life threatening, call 911... you may disagree with them, if you like... they are just doctors but... that aside... here we have an ER doctor, who refused treatment, whilst humiliating and insulting a patient.... this is what is unacceptable of a proffessional and completely uncalled for similarly, last week (?) a health care proffessional decided to obstruct an ambulance... not on... no excuse... totally unprofessional and needing removing.... pathetic... but they get away with it... and you seem happy enough with that... deplorable imho. and if more expensive care, one could assume its more urgent perhaps, or why pay more..... (mind you, back home, it isn’t more expensive... it’s a necessity)
jacko45k Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 Too right, Banglamung is meant for dead and soon to be dead patients! Tourists are to get down to BHP where they can pay a premium for a premium service! 1
bandito Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said: The headline is highly unfair and misleading.... The Dr. working the ER was right, an ear infection is not an Emergency Case - but the handling of the situation was clumsy in the extreme. IF at night time and there was no ENT outpatient treatment available then the patient at least needs pain relief. IF in the daytime and ENT Doctors are on duty the patient can simply be re-routed to that department. It's not always clear where to go in the hospitals, especially for visitors. In the daytime all hospitals have an Information desk who will tell you how to proceed.
captspectre Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 I agree with the doctor! don't know too much about the Thai ER but in the states? every homeless, and welfare case uses the ER! it takes more than two hours to see a doctor! and what difference does it make about her sex? as long as she/he is proficient in medicine I could give a rats a__ ! 1
mommysboy Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 1 hour ago, captspectre said: I agree with the doctor! don't know too much about the Thai ER but in the states? every homeless, and welfare case uses the ER! it takes more than two hours to see a doctor! and what difference does it make about her sex? as long as she/he is proficient in medicine I could give a rats a__ ! 3 don't know too much Yes, evidently so.
atyclb Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 10 hours ago, mommysboy said: Sheer conjecture for the most part, isn't it? care to break it down or is it all conjecture?
atyclb Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 10 hours ago, farcanell said: 11 hours ago, atyclb said: context has relevance. if after swimming (no ear plugs) a person has decreased hearing in one or both sides they might figure out theres water inside and they dont need an er pain with or without fever can absolutely be seen at a clinic or private office itching; wow, since when and would love to know the life threatening emergeny implications of itching pus or discharge can also be seen at clinic or office the website does not mention if clinics and or private offices are closed/ after hours, or holiday the website u linked to is from ACEP . their political goal is to get as much traffic from well heeled patients to make emergency rooms as lucrative as possible. the er charges are crazy high in the usa, typically much higher than the cost of going to a private office or fast track center Who’s saying context doesn’t have relevance? Not me... there are plenty of websites that list some forms of ear pain as emergencies... knock yourself out American ER doctors say ( Md web) ... when in doubt, go to the ER. If life threatening, call 911... you may disagree with them, if you like... they are just doctors but... that aside... here we have an ER doctor, who refused treatment, whilst humiliating and insulting a patient.... this is what is unacceptable of a proffessional and completely uncalled for similarly, last week (?) a health care proffessional decided to obstruct an ambulance... not on... no excuse... totally unprofessional and needing removing.... pathetic... but they get away with it... and you seem happy enough with that... deplorable imho. and if more expensive care, one could assume its more urgent perhaps, or why pay more..... (mind you, back home, it isn’t more expensive... it’s a necessity) i responded to the list of ear emergencies you linked at the ACEP web page and applied context to one symptom, hearing loss. i cannot know what is on tons of internet websites when in doubt yes get medical attention and if you choose an er that is busy with serious patients and your problem is not immediately threatening to life or limb, post triage you will wait, period. in some usa states the law says if insist the ambulance take you to an er they must take you. result; healthy able bodied young people call an ambulance because they have a "cold" . yes, perhaps a stuffed nose, or runny nose, tired. the ambulance staff will assess and advise them to go to a doctors office or have a family member drive them to an er. this type of patient is usually the self entitled victim on public assistance. so the ambulance will take time away from others that do indeed have a life threatening problem. and what happens when the young woman/man with a cold is carried in to the er on a stretcher? triage and then they must wait if there are more serious cases. then they mouth off asserting how sick they are and because they need an ambulance they must be seen immediately. fyi when an ambulance does indeed have a very sick patient they call ahead to see which er's are not overloaded and choose accordingly
atyclb Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 1 hour ago, mommysboy said: 2 hours ago, captspectre said: I agree with the doctor! don't know too much about the Thai ER but in the states? every homeless, and welfare case uses the ER! it takes more than two hours to see a doctor! and what difference does it make about her sex? as long as she/he is proficient in medicine I could give a rats a__ ! 3 don't know too much Yes, evidently so. no lack of homeless (can be alcoholic and or drug addict) that use the er as a hotel. they invent symptoms in an effort to get admitted and have a bed, tv and 3 meals a day and maybe even narcotic pain medicine. these type of patients may increase in times of inclement weather
farcanell Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 52 minutes ago, atyclb said: i responded to the list of ear emergencies you linked at the ACEP web page and applied context to one symptom, hearing loss. i cannot know what is on tons of internet websites when in doubt yes get medical attention and if you choose an er that is busy with serious patients and your problem is not immediately threatening to life or limb, post triage you will wait, period. in some usa states the law says if insist the ambulance take you to an er they must take you. result; healthy able bodied young people call an ambulance because they have a "cold" . yes, perhaps a stuffed nose, or runny nose, tired. the ambulance staff will assess and advise them to go to a doctors office or have a family member drive them to an er. this type of patient is usually the self entitled victim on public assistance. so the ambulance will take time away from others that do indeed have a life threatening problem. and what happens when the young woman/man with a cold is carried in to the er on a stretcher? triage and then they must wait if there are more serious cases. then they mouth off asserting how sick they are and because they need an ambulance they must be seen immediately. fyi when an ambulance does indeed have a very sick patient they call ahead to see which er's are not overloaded and choose accordingly Yes... right... so are we now on the same page? if in pain, go to an ER, preferably after a quick hello to a GP... but if one is unknown or unavailable... go to an ER. if life threatening.... call an ambulance to get to an ER once at the ER.... expect to be prioritized, and wait patiently, until a doctor can see you. all good... right?..... and therefore the tourist acted acceptably in trying to get what he deemed to be urgent medical attention, for a painful condition, in a tourist nation. blah blah Katoy with an Armenian mother...., Thai girlfriend who speaks goldfish..... uncle last seen jumping a starship for mars... all rubbish which is not relevant.
atyclb Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 30 minutes ago, farcanell said: Yes... right... so are we now on the same page? if in pain, go to an ER, preferably after a quick hello to a GP... but if one is unknown or unavailable... go to an ER. if life threatening.... call an ambulance to get to an ER once at the ER.... expect to be prioritized, and wait patiently, until a doctor can see you. all good... right?..... and therefore the tourist acted acceptably in trying to get what he deemed to be urgent medical attention, for a painful condition, in a tourist nation. blah blah Katoy with an Armenian mother...., Thai girlfriend who speaks goldfish..... uncle last seen jumping a starship for mars... all rubbish which is not relevant. i imagine the thai girlfriend started the nastiness with words of self entitlement and the medical staff educated her and things escalated and likely the gf and her dying customer decided not to continue waiting and left. in the context of the gf being the mouthpiece for her dying customer her is relevant. if the er is busy with real sick patients the medical staff job is not be play mother and psychotherapist to obnoxious people and they will lose valuable time and resources robbing truly sick patients of care. you think an adult with an earache or a young adult with a cold is life threatening and warrants an ambulance?
farcanell Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 3 minutes ago, atyclb said: i imagine the thai girlfriend started the nastiness with words of self entitlement and the medical staff educated her and things escalated and likely the gf and her dying customer decided not to continue waiting and left. in the context of the gf being the mouthpiece for her dying customer her is relevant. if the er is busy with real sick patients the medical staff job is not be play mother and psychotherapist to obnoxious people and they will lose valuable time and resources robbing truly sick patients of care. you think an adult with an earache or a young adult with a cold is life threatening and warrants an ambulance? Lol..... a health care proffessional should not base their findings on the flappy mouth of a third party.... arguably that mouth should have been asked to vacate the area / interview.... but regardless, she was not the patient... the patient should be evaluated on the merits of his condition... not her mouth paragraph two..... I think that an person (adult or child... not sure why we are differentiating here... ) should be examined, if presented to a doctor, whilst exhibiting pain i think a doctor who refuses to examine a patient, without due cause, should be investigated (due cause in this instance was not given... just sarcastic and humiliating rubbish) i said... if life threatening, dial 911... which, as I also said, was doctors advise from webmd site, so not mine, although it seems damned obvious, no?.... the comment about going to the ER (the paragraph above the one about calling an ambulance for life threatening situations) if in pain, is also doctors advise now... my opinion as to wether a cold or ear ache can be life threatening... definitely. Needing an ambulance? Probably not.... but then, this guy didn’t use an ambulance. just say for a minute that this guy’s ear ache was the result of a diving episode, following his arrival in Phuket... or post a bar fight. Both potentially life threatening situations, no? but... I’m not a doctor. That’s why you go and see a doctor.... if that doctors an ER doctor, then job done (sure... expect to wait while patients with worse symptoms are treated first) now.... if the doctor won’t examine the patient, then his opinion is as valid as mine... or yours perhaps (in regards to appropriate treatment) so... a doctor should do the doctor thing.... not the bung hole thing
reargunnerph3 Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 ER = Emergency Room not I've got a sore ear room. Go to any clinic, go to any hospital but you don't go to the ER!
atyclb Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 6 hours ago, farcanell said: Lol..... a health care proffessional should not base their findings on the flappy mouth of a third party.... arguably that mouth should have been asked to vacate the area / interview.... but regardless, she was not the patient... the patient should be evaluated on the merits of his condition... not her mouth paragraph two..... I think that an person (adult or child... not sure why we are differentiating here... ) should be examined, if presented to a doctor, whilst exhibiting pain i think a doctor who refuses to examine a patient, without due cause, should be investigated (due cause in this instance was not given... just sarcastic and humiliating rubbish) i said... if life threatening, dial 911... which, as I also said, was doctors advise from webmd site, so not mine, although it seems damned obvious, no?.... the comment about going to the ER (the paragraph above the one about calling an ambulance for life threatening situations) if in pain, is also doctors advise now... my opinion as to wether a cold or ear ache can be life threatening... definitely. Needing an ambulance? Probably not.... but then, this guy didn’t use an ambulance. just say for a minute that this guy’s ear ache was the result of a diving episode, following his arrival in Phuket... or post a bar fight. Both potentially life threatening situations, no? but... I’m not a doctor. That’s why you go and see a doctor.... if that doctors an ER doctor, then job done (sure... expect to wait while patients with worse symptoms are treated first) now.... if the doctor won’t examine the patient, then his opinion is as valid as mine... or yours perhaps (in regards to appropriate treatment) so... a doctor should do the doctor thing.... not the bung hole thing likely the staff told lil miss attitude ridden sophisticated bar girl and mr. terminal earache "if you want to be seen immediately come back with a life threatening problem aka "come back when you are dying" and you will be appropriately be seen immediately. very likely they had the perfectly viable option of waiting until the higher acuity patients were seen and stabilized. all post triage of course. this may very well mean waiting a few hours. triage asks appropriate questions about history and symptoms and checks vital signs. if mr customer's earache was after scuba diving it would mean higher acuity although just an earache having decompression sickness is not high likelihood. they's ask how deep he went. i mentioned an otherwise healthy young person with a "cold" and you say it can definitely be "life threatening" . How can a cold be life threatening in this context? giving a scenario of a bar fight with head trauma is a different guy and not the one in this story as is the scuba diver. you may as well say a guy with a knife stuck 5 inches into his ear. it seems your argument is hoping and praying the guy was someone else with a different history and chief complaint
farcanell Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 44 minutes ago, atyclb said: likely the staff told lil miss attitude ridden sophisticated bar girl and mr. terminal earache "if you want to be seen immediately come back with a life threatening problem aka "come back when you are dying" and you will be appropriately be seen immediately. very likely they had the perfectly viable option of waiting until the higher acuity patients were seen and stabilized. all post triage of course. this may very well mean waiting a few hours. triage asks appropriate questions about history and symptoms and checks vital signs. if mr customer's earache was after scuba diving it would mean higher acuity although just an earache having decompression sickness is not high likelihood. they's ask how deep he went. i mentioned an otherwise healthy young person with a "cold" and you say it can definitely be "life threatening" . How can a cold be life threatening in this context? giving a scenario of a bar fight with head trauma is a different guy and not the one in this story as is the scuba diver. you may as well say a guy with a knife stuck 5 inches into his ear. it seems your argument is hoping and praying the guy was someone else with a different history and chief complaint Wow... no no no my argument is that if someone ( anyone... you... me... Ronald Macdonald) presents with pain, at an ER, then he should be seen by a doctor, vs being humiliated, insulted etc. ta da... that’s it... nothing else any example I gave, are examples of ear issues that could need ER treatment, as some posters don’t seem to be aware that these exist, which is a worry in and of itself (And I’m pretty sure you said “earache or cold”.... you could have added in having a splinter, if you wanted, but hey... the article is about earache and pain, not a cold or splinter.... so deflection defected) conversly, you appear to think that a doctor, employed by a hospital, doesn’t have to give a rats butt about the welfare of patients presenting at that hospital.... normal countries... perhaps even the one you came from... (perhaps not) require any patient presenting, to be treated. Failure to treat can result in legal action ( because failing to treat is WRONG).... one poster said it was a 50k fine in the USA.... and whilst I’m not sure about Oz... I do know that it is not tolerated (uninsured folk cannot be denied, either) Anyway... that’s my position... the doctor was negligent. edit... yep... you said do I think an adult with an earache.... or a young adult with a cold... is life threatening etc etc. dude... don’t be changing the narrative to try and make things fit your perspective.... this is clearly answered.
atyclb Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 "likely the staff told lil miss attitude ridden sophisticated bar girl and mr. terminal earache "if you want to be seen immediately come back with a life threatening problem aka "come back when you are dying" and you will be appropriately be seen immediately. very likely they had the perfectly viable option of waiting until the higher acuity patients were seen and stabilized. all post triage of course. this may very well mean waiting a few hours. " sums up my belief about what likely actually transpired that made the girl feel slighted and make a big deal to the media. i have followed things in the past that seemed like genuine medical negligence / malpractice however in this i agree with the majority of posters in making a mountain out of a mo hill "normal countries... perhaps even the one you came from... (perhaps not) require any patient presenting, to be treated. Failure to treat can result in legal action ( because failing to treat is WRONG).... one poster said it was a 50k fine in the USA.... and whilst I’m not sure about Oz... I do know that it is not tolerated (uninsured folk cannot be denied, either)" time to time self entitled obnoxious belligerent patients at usa er's do the very same thing and they are informed how triage and lever of acuity works and sometime these patients refuse to accept reality continue to be a holes while er staff is more than busy with very ill patients and triaging new ones. generally the sickest ones are brought by ambulance and the others known as "walk ins" are typically (with exceptions) less acute. they may complain and bitch because they saw patients arriving after them that entered to be treated but anyone that walks in c/o chest pain and or difficulty breathing gets seen ASAP.. if after mr earache is triaged a person with possible heart attack or asthmatic is taken in right away for treatment and they cannot accept or understand the rationale why they need to wait their option are #wait or leave. this my friend is the typical scenario and nobody loses their license nor are they fined. in addition at least one large military hospital i know of with a very busy high acuity er announces to walk ins in the waiting room how long the current waiting time to be seen is. typically the waiting room is filled with self entitled defendants with trivial problems that cannot accept waiting. examples; mosquito bite, kids with runny noses, constipation for 10 years that hasn't changed. by any chance are protestant? 1
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