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Big Joke having a big effect on Bangkok transnational crime as thousands of Africans arrested


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"Operations against the illegal activities of foreigners in 1,024 cases have led to 4,000 arrests".  The sensational headline "Thousands of Africans arrested" is music to the ears of the unintelligent racists but is far from being an accurate portrayal of reality. Out of the 4,000 arrests I wouldn't put the figure of Africans at more than 500. 

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16 hours ago, saakura said:

Next please clean out the indian fortune tellers, farang criminals & visa dodgers, chinese triads, japanese yakuza, australian boiler room guys, russian sex trainers, taiwanese call center scammers, Ukranian hookers, Malaysian credit card skimmers, etc etc

Get real, there won't be anybody left, so we will not need a police force

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2 minutes ago, Jingjock said:

Get real, there won't be anybody left, so we will not need a police force

Yes wouldn't it be a shame to have nothing but half decent expats in Thailand? I happily lived in Thailand for 30 years without having to involve myself in illegal bullshit. I worked with a legal Work Permit and the rest of the time my Visa was valid. I guess some people have a tough time being honest.

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16 hours ago, saakura said:

Next please clean out the indian fortune tellers, farang criminals & visa dodgers, chinese triads, japanese yakuza, australian boiler room guys, russian sex trainers, taiwanese call center scammers, Ukranian hookers, Malaysian credit card skimmers, etc etc

sure ! But this is going to take time......lets see....... 2 weeks .Ok Boss.

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17 hours ago, saakura said:

Next please clean out the indian fortune tellers, farang criminals & visa dodgers, chinese triads, japanese yakuza, australian boiler room guys, russian sex trainers, taiwanese call center scammers, Ukranian hookers, Malaysian credit card skimmers, etc etc

And Cockneys, especially ex Black Cab Drivers.     :biggrin:

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3 hours ago, Winky Wilson said:

These Africans have nothing to lose even if their arrested and imprisoned. They have nothing to lose. Many of them are wanted back home or elsewhere in the world.  If Thai immigration adopted Aussie immigration tactics they would rid themselves of these troublemakers.

I hear Ball Tampering works well, until your caught that is.  :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, tingtongtourist said:

I dont get how anyone can screams 'racial profiling' on this.

If a gang of Russian or Italian mafiosa is caught in Thailand you dont see normal Russians and Italians complain.


likewise, if a group of aussie hells angels is caught up here, many will cheer and the normal Aussie will cheer loudest.


Crooks are crooks in any country.


Ridiculous, say a group of gays were busted at something..would they call the police homophobes.


NO, by now it must be common knowledge all over the world, that a big percentage of these so called "skin colours" are up various scams and no good in Thailand.


good work Big Joke, keep the punchlines comin!


Yeah, basically.


But what they have really done is just arrest some illegals working in schools, and then made a tenuous connection to more serious crime- in fact it is not serious.  To embellish this, they arrested someone at his condo who was a serious criminal.


The numbers were also quite small when you consider the scale of the operation.  



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2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

This place was built by illegal immigrants on less than 100thb a day mate.

I assume you jest. If we go back far enough so were most countries.  But that was not my point.  The criminals of the world flock here to run scams and crimes attacking every level of life here.  From Chinese call centres to mob and gang bosses, and pedophiles on the run from every major country.  Drug dealing and standovers, ATM skimming,  the lot.  And human trafficking is not solely a Thai offence here by any definition.  Thousands have got a visa here and come to set up shop in their tropical home away from home.

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These guys earn a lot more selling drugs in Thailand than selling drugs in Nigeria or The Gambia. When they get blacklisted and sent back to their own country they can easily buy a passport with a different name and a blackmarket visa to come back or go to another country. They have nothing to lose. They still make a lot more overseas selling drugs than they can at home. 


When I was working in Africa the discussions amongst locals were about which African place to go to buy a blackmarket passport and visa. Nigeria and The Gambia are probably the two most common places. 


Since these criminals can come straight back the Thai authorities need not just to deport them but to convict them first and fine them heavily. Deportation means hardly anything to them. Also retina/ fingerprint scans need to be introduced at border posts so that blacklisted criminals cannot use illegal passports and visas.

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2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:



It's the usual sub-80 IQ point belief that because the Thai cops don't know how DNA works (or even what it is) no-one else will either, thus will act as a deterrent for these "dark skinned people", who are obviously way more stupid than the clever Thais are.


Typical showboating from people that couldn't tie their shoelaces properly. 

How long will it be before an iris scan forms part of the usual photo I.D.? The technology is there and getting cheaper every day.  Just an improved data link speed on the  Immigration photo would pay dividends right now if they are repeat visitors.  They video I.D. people on the fly while walking down the streets in U.K. now. Biometric details in passports are in use in some countries.   A DNA  scan would help I.D. future offenders who offended here under previous names.  Quite handy I would have thought and just having it done will make some of them think twice about coming back with just with a new name or PP.  Tech has the potential to keep a lot of these from coming back and back.  Good on him as long as he is doing it for Thailand and not for other reasons.

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5 hours ago, whaleboneman said:

What's wrong with the Ukrainian hookers?

Working illegally without a permit from a Thai immigration viewpoint.  I am sure there are guided tours of Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania etc if that rings your bells.  Next question?  (But I am sure you were only Big Joking.)

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7 hours ago, lionsincity said:


Unfortunately 98% of them are an absolute menace........if it was left up to you? half of west africa would be living and scamming in thailand

And the  Christian pastors were possibly working without a permit.  Might have been legally here on a retirement visa which prohibits even voluntary work. Ergo, papers might not have been in order at all. Sorry. Relates to an earlier post that your post answers.

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9 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

How you want to check that if they return? You can't take a DNA sample of every black person that enters Thailand and the result of a DNA test at entry  takes some time to check. As long as DNA codes are not in passports it's impossible this way. Oh and before somebody  makes a comment about that, I don't think they will use travel-documents with the same name etc.

All answered in later posts. Iris scans Biometric passports and video recognition are not far away even in Thailand.

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6 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

It's a good thing the Thai people aren't racist. 


Actual racist Thai sticker from Line:



Go back 50 years and buy golliwog dolls and moneyboxes in every British toy store.  P.C. has a way to go before it is so rampant here.  Thank heavens.  It is way out of control in much of the West; exploited by minority groups with political aspirations and outright nutters of every stripe.

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