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Where To Buy Spray To Reproof My Waterproofs


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I have some good motorbike waterproofs I brought over from the UK a few years ago that now seem to be letting in water. I have been trying to buy some reproofing spray or gel or anything that will make them waterproof again. I tried Homeworks, Big C, Tesco Lotus etc...but could not find it there.


Any thoughts on where I could get this would be much appreciated - especially with all the rain we are getting at the moment!


Thanks for your help

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You are right DrTuner. I thought it would be an easy task - I was wrong!!

I have read on another forum that it can be obtained in some marine shops or a camping shop.


I may try to find one of those next.




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The Thai bookshop in Silom Complex has some cans of water proofing spray, Not sure why but it's with the bags and other paraphanelia. Saw the cans today.


Just realised this is the Pattaya forum. The bookshop is I think the same chain that has an outlet Tukcom groundfloor.

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Maybe these guys: http://www.chemicalguysthailand.com/product/view/253 ? 


Just in case somebody is looking for car chemicals, I've used this shop in BKK before and they had a decent selection: http://www.fast2fly.com They got Motul for leather: http://www.fast2fly.com/product-en-1096745-4384722-Perfect+Leather+250+ml.html

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