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By sheer luck I stumbled on what looks like yet another gem….Code 100….. a new 12 episode swedish crime thriller series in the vein of The Killing, The Bridge etc. Just finished screening on Sky Atlantic.

Stars Michael Nyqvist the bloke from the original dragon tattoo trilogy…..its in english which is a relief as no subtitles have to be hunted down.

Only available on kat.cr


Correction…..subtitles are needed for some parts that are spoken in swedish…luckily these are available on subscene.com and addic7ed.com

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Watched Catastrophe, sort of a rom-com show but rather witty. A one-night encounter ends up in a pregnancy and both involved decide to stay together. Some cultural clashes (US vs. UK), she is constantly taking the piss while he is trying to do the right thing, some weird characters, all in all rather British humor. Liked it a lot. For those who saw "Pulling": Sharon Horgan plays the pregnant woman.


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By sheer luck I stumbled on what looks like yet another gem….Code 100….. a new 12 episode swedish crime thriller series in the vein of The Killing, The Bridge etc. Just finished screening on Sky Atlantic.

Stars Michael Nyqvist the bloke from the original dragon tattoo trilogy…..its in english which is a relief as no subtitles have to be hunted down.

Only available on kat.cr


Correction…..subtitles are needed for some parts that are spoken in swedish…luckily these are available on subscene.com and addic7ed.com

Scuze my ignorance, but how does that work if u stream ?


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By sheer luck I stumbled on what looks like yet another gem….Code 100….. a new 12 episode swedish crime thriller series in the vein of The Killing, The Bridge etc. Just finished screening on Sky Atlantic.

Stars Michael Nyqvist the bloke from the original dragon tattoo trilogy…..its in english which is a relief as no subtitles have to be hunted down.

Only available on kat.cr


Correction…..subtitles are needed for some parts that are spoken in swedish…luckily these are available on subscene.com and addic7ed.com

That one looks good.

Also known as 100 Code/The Hundred Code


Edited by BookMan
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Just watched the movie Spooks - For the Greater Good last night.

If you were into the series, then it is worth a watch. IMO if they were making another movie from the original series, they should look at a better plot. That said, it is topical and has hidden messages...................wink.png

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I found the first episode of Limitless surprisingly entertaining. Certainly not a great show but rather watchable so far. Some well known faces: Jake McDorman and Jennifer Carpenter, although her character is definitely less entertaining than it was in "Dexter". The story is about this mind enhancing drug, you know, the one from the 2011 film with Bradley Cooper who now has a recurring role in the show. Could be fun, I'll give it a shot.

I liked the movie, and I just finished watching the pilot TV episode. I'm hoping for the best. Trouble with network TV shows is that they tend to get written episode to episode without an overarching plot theme.

But, hope springs eternal

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By sheer luck I stumbled on what looks like yet another gem….Code 100….. a new 12 episode swedish crime thriller series in the vein of The Killing, The Bridge etc. Just finished screening on Sky Atlantic.

Stars Michael Nyqvist the bloke from the original dragon tattoo trilogy…..its in english which is a relief as no subtitles have to be hunted down.

Only available on kat.cr


Correction…..subtitles are needed for some parts that are spoken in swedish…luckily these are available on subscene.com and addic7ed.com

Scuze my ignorance, but how does that work if u stream ?


I do not know….does the app you're streaming with (in Kodi i guess) allow you to link with online subtitles…that would be the only hope.

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Imo Good new tv seems extremely thin on the ground atm, thank the heavens i'm absolutely luving Ray donovan and surprisingly 'masters of sex ' is still keeping its end up biggrin.png


Don't worry that boredom is about to end now that the Emmy's are over...

Today sees Big Bang, Scorpion, NCIS Los Angeles & Gotham kick off new seasons along with the 'official' launch of Blinspot and Minority Report..

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Southpaw (2015)

Will we ever get tired of watching movies about boxers who hit the skids, are redeemed through love, go into arduous training with a crusty but kind trainer, re-enter the arena, and emerge victorious ?

Jake Gyllenhall does a fine job with his starring role as Billy Hope, and he must have LIVED in the gym for months to get that buffed. Remember how gaunt and sickly he looked in Nightcrawler?

Forrest Whitaker is outstanding as trainer Tick Wills, following the trail blazed by Burgess Meredith and Morgan Freeman, among many others.
A completely predictable film, not a waste of time, but Raging Bull, it is NOT.


Edited by Frank James
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Everest was baaaad.

Even the imax effect cannot mask how poorly they strung the story together…..one of the greatest screwups on an everest …. a perfect storm of bad decision making and bad luck…..jon krakauer's book into thin air was great …this sucked.

BBC The Epic of Everest (The 1924 Mallory/Irvine/Norton Expedition)

If you want to see an outstanding Everest film, check out this restored 1924 film of the ill-fated Mallory Expedition, It's a silent film, but has a pleasant musical score, and it's a trip into a lost world, especially in the ethnographic footage, shot on location in Nepali and Tibetan villages on the arduous trek to the Big Mountain, Chomolungma. On the way they passed through a village containing a revered Buddhist abbot, who gave them his blessing, but warned them that the spirit of the mountain would not allow them to succeed.

This expedition used 500 porters, plus a crew of the finest Sherpa mountaineers, who did, as they do today, all of the heavy lifting. They had to trek over 100 miles to get to base camp. Their tents were the old heavy canvas type, and their clothes made of wool. When the camera could be taken no higher, the filmmaker used a super long telephoto to spot the climbers a mile or two up.

The glaciers they had to cross have long receded by now. The ice formations shown in this film will never be seen again, or at least not until the next Ice Age.

Mallory and Irvine were last seen alive 800 feet below the summit. Mallory's freeze-dried body was found a few years ago, but claims that Irvine was found (by a Chinese group) are in dispute. Everybody wants to find Irvine's camera, which might prove or disprove whether they made the summit on 8 June 1924. Some mountaineers say that reaching the summit and then getting killed does not signify a successful trip. Therefore, Hillary and Tenzing will always keep the record of being first up and back, in 1953.

TEN R.I.P. Mallory and Irvine

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Tv Series - Glitch

This one's a new 6 part Aussie series from the ABC.

This type of genre is not usually my cup of tea but I enjoyed this one.

IMDB: When Senior Constable James Hayes, a police officer in the small town of Yoorana, is called out to the local cemetery in
the middle of the night, he makes a discovery that turns his world upside down. Six people have inexplicably risen from the dead in perfect health.

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Tv Series - Glitch

This one's a new 6 part Aussie series from the ABC.

This type of genre is not usually my cup of tea but I enjoyed this one.

IMDB: When Senior Constable James Hayes, a police officer in the small town of Yoorana, is called out to the local cemetery in

the middle of the night, he makes a discovery that turns his world upside down. Six people have inexplicably risen from the dead in perfect health.

Saw this some time ago ,really good

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Tv Series - Glitch

This one's a new 6 part Aussie series from the ABC.

This type of genre is not usually my cup of tea but I enjoyed this one.

IMDB: When Senior Constable James Hayes, a police officer in the small town of Yoorana, is called out to the local cemetery in

the middle of the night, he makes a discovery that turns his world upside down. Six people have inexplicably risen from the dead in perfect health.

Saw this some time ago ,really good

The Returned, ("Les Revenants") the French original so to say, will premiere 28.09.2015 on Canal+ and Sunday, 31.10.2015 on Sundance TV (subtitles?).

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Another 20-min-comedy: Life in Pieces. It seems to copy the "Modern Family"-principle: showing the different family lives of two brothers and one sister and their parents (but no gay couples, yet). Could be fun, could be utter crap. The first episode had some good moments but also some silly stuff. I will give it a chance...

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Fresh Off the Boat is back for its second season. One wonders: why marry a nice girl, when you can also marry a good-looking and very dangerous dragon (that's why I married my wife smile.png) . The grandmother has also a few nice one-liners. 20 minutes of good fun. I'm glad that the show is back.

Looks alright

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Dont forget the handsum men of Hawaii return on Saturday!! And the handsome doctors of Grey's Anatomy return tomorrow!! Without Dr McDreamy. Sob.

And my firemen next week, or the week after.

And i heard or read that Luther is coming back....

There are more handsome men in tv series, than passable women!!! (joking, some of the women are gorgeous)

Law and Order SVU started again today with two episodes - I'm off out to buy me lunch and watch that!!

Also a new one, i watched this morning, Rosewood. Sort of in the same genre as Castle. Funny police drama. He is ultra handsum man!!

Mysteries of Laura also back for a second series.

Jeez, they are piling up all these tv series!! I love it.

CSI last in series on Monday.

Edited by Patsycat
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Another 20-min-comedy: Life in Pieces. It seems to copy the "Modern Family"-principle: showing the different family lives of two brothers and one sister and their parents (but no gay couples, yet). Could be fun, could be utter crap. The first episode had some good moments but also some silly stuff. I will give it a chance...

No gay couples oh how un pc don't tell the BBC lol

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Imo Good new tv seems extremely thin on the ground atm, thank the heavens i'm absolutely luving Ray donovan and surprisingly 'masters of sex ' is still keeping its end up biggrin.png


Don't worry that boredom is about to end now that the Emmy's are over...

Today sees Big Bang, Scorpion, NCIS Los Angeles & Gotham kick off new seasons along with the 'official' launch of Blinspot and Minority Report..

Heap of new series out as you say.

New series

Blindspot. Ep. 1. Not sure where this is going, but it was okay. Suffers from impossibly good looking main character syndrome, of course. That will probably annoy me enough to make it difficult to watch.

Minority Report. Episode 1. Not bad. Slips straight into formulation after about 3 minutes. Based on the Short story/movie.

Limitless. Episode 1. The pick of the bunch so far, IMO. Based on the movie, really a continuation of the movie. Shows a lot of promise.

The Bastard Executioner. Ep 1-2. Stupid. Don't bother.

Scream Queens... yet to watch it...

Returning Series

Big Bang Season 9 ep1. Same old laughs..same old gags..same old story line. Sleep inducing and tired format.

Scorpion Season 2 ep 1. Watchable enough. Good for a long haul flight or a forgettable hour.

Z Nation Season 2 Ep 1 & 2. Storyline has become quite a bit silly. A reward offered for the capture and transport of the guy who is immune. A reward of what in a post apocalyptic Zombie world? Shame really. SFX and action zombie scenes are quite decent..script is cr.ap

Castle Series 9. ep 1. One of Handsum Man Grantsmith's faves...some light fun.

Yes z nation has got silly,and the bastard executioner,I gave up when they had a black guy with a Welsh accent in it ,in 14th centuary Wales,stupid stupid stupid,no wonder kids know nothing about history,

As for the big bang ,how dare you sir still fantastic.

Edited by i claudius
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