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I have been watching the leftovers and actually quite enjoy it but please can someone tell me what its about?

I don't know either, but I like it too. biggrin.png

That is so disappointing! I really hoped there would be all these posts flooding in and explaining a show that I do not understand but nevertheless love greatly. smile.png

All I know is: Guilty Remnants suck and Chief Garvey rules!

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Halt and Get Canceled: SPOILER!

OK, AMC gave this show a chance, promoted it well, did everything right, but nobody stuck around to see the launch of the famous Cardiff Giant. It was a big disappointment to see long-suffering Gordon morph into a corporate <deleted> in just two weeks. And where did Boz go, besides to jail? The Texas good ol' boy who owns this place gave it all to Gordo and Joe to divvy up. Joe is suffering from "Is That All There Is?" syndrome, wants the kids to come up with a "killer app" to ship along with the Giant, no doubt accompanied by a fat printed manual (remember those?) and five or ten 5-1/4" floppies. I was thinking they were going to come up with a "Geoworks" type package that Commodore used to make.

Anyway, not enough people seem to remember or care about the dawn of the Mac, dawn of the 286 days. It's dead, man. Whatever it was that this series needed, it didn't bring. RIP!

"If people don't want to see a picture, there's no way you can stop them."----Samuel Goldwyn

The report of my death was an exaggeration

--Mark Twain

'Halt and Catch Fire' Renewed at AMC

However, you might put Extant on deathwatch. TV Ratings: Halle Berry’s “Extant” May Be Extinct Soon with a 27% Drop.

Edited by JSixpack
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Halt and Get Canceled: SPOILER!

OK, AMC gave this show a chance, promoted it well, did everything right, but nobody stuck around to see the launch of the famous Cardiff Giant. It was a big disappointment to see long-suffering Gordon morph into a corporate <deleted> in just two weeks. And where did Boz go, besides to jail? The Texas good ol' boy who owns this place gave it all to Gordo and Joe to divvy up. Joe is suffering from "Is That All There Is?" syndrome, wants the kids to come up with a "killer app" to ship along with the Giant, no doubt accompanied by a fat printed manual (remember those?) and five or ten 5-1/4" floppies. I was thinking they were going to come up with a "Geoworks" type package that Commodore used to make.

Anyway, not enough people seem to remember or care about the dawn of the Mac, dawn of the 286 days. It's dead, man. Whatever it was that this series needed, it didn't bring. RIP!

"If people don't want to see a picture, there's no way you can stop them."----Samuel Goldwyn

The report of my death was an exaggeration

--Mark Twain

'Halt and Catch Fire' Renewed at AMC

However, you might put Extant on deathwatch. TV Ratings: Halle Berry’s “Extant” May Be Extinct Soon with a 27% Drop.

Well, at least for me that is good news. I really liked the show.

In that same article a mentioning of "Better Call Saul", which will premiere in February 2015. Really looking forward to that show.

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... just dowmloaded the latest episode of new tricks ,still going strong and just as good with the new characters.

I guess Dennis Waterman will die in front of a camera one day and it will go down as the best death scene ever.

But after all these years it was probably time to bring in some fresh faces, if one can call old men "fresh faces" smile.png . I was a bit disappointed that they pulled Chief Superintendent Pullman. I rather liked Amanda Redman. But after she publicly criticized the show last year, it does not really come as a surprise that she left (one way or another). The BBC countered her criticism by stating viewer numbers, which seem to have risen over the years. Anyway, the new "Guv" is not bad, either (only Chief Inspector, they obviously downgraded the unit). Sometimes not the best taste in clothing but nice legs. thumbsup.gif

Speaking of old men: a 65-year-old chasing another 65-year-old can be fun as "Justified" once showed with the slowest chase ever (s02e06), but a 65-year-old successfully fighting a sporty young man in his twenties does not seam very convincing. And I hope the touchy feely social-dream-come-true-ending is a one off and will not be repeated.

Otherwise, I agree. It is still rather enjoyable. I mean, one does not expect more than light entertainment, does one? And that they deliver quite well.

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Halt and Get Canceled: SPOILER!

OK, AMC gave this show a chance, promoted it well, did everything right, but nobody stuck around to see the launch of the famous Cardiff Giant. It was a big disappointment to see long-suffering Gordon morph into a corporate <deleted> in just two weeks. And where did Boz go, besides to jail? The Texas good ol' boy who owns this place gave it all to Gordo and Joe to divvy up. Joe is suffering from "Is That All There Is?" syndrome, wants the kids to come up with a "killer app" to ship along with the Giant, no doubt accompanied by a fat printed manual (remember those?) and five or ten 5-1/4" floppies. I was thinking they were going to come up with a "Geoworks" type package that Commodore used to make.

Anyway, not enough people seem to remember or care about the dawn of the Mac, dawn of the 286 days. It's dead, man. Whatever it was that this series needed, it didn't bring. RIP!

"If people don't want to see a picture, there's no way you can stop them."----Samuel Goldwyn

The report of my death was an exaggeration

--Mark Twain

'Halt and Catch Fire' Renewed at AMC

However, you might put Extant on deathwatch. TV Ratings: Halle Berry’s “Extant” May Be Extinct Soon with a 27% Drop.

Well, at least for me that is good news. I really liked the show.

In that same article a mentioning of "Better Call Saul", which will premiere in February 2015. Really looking forward to that show.

Halt and Get Renewed!

I'm shocked, although I do like the show. Interested to see where they will go now. We're talking about the dawn of the Mac/dawn of the 286/first edition of Windows era, when we were all SO EXCITED about being able to buy a 14.4 baud blazing fast modem (!), and go "hot chatting" with strangers on the local BBS? Oh, the thrill of the sound of the "handshake" connection! We're talking pre-WorldWideWeb/pre Netscape/pre Internet Explorer. Anybody remember how MS announced the rollout of the FREE IE at some early 80's Superbowl? Paradigm Shift, Baby! When we had been happily lining up to pay $39.95 for a copy of Netscape? When the earth was saturated with FREE AOL disks? They were everywhere, launching FREE AOL, a service that had originally charged about $10.00 an hour! Remember Compu$serve, and its $12 an hour rate? When we paid hundreds of 1980's dollars for a copy of non-"WYSIWYG" WordPerfect 5.1 that came in a six pound box with a pile of manuals and about 10 floppy diskettes? Oh, those were the days, my children.

Are they still going to plod along with the 8086-based "Cardiff Giant", a (fictional) early laptop that looks obsolete even in the setting of this show? (Fifteen pounds, hot on the underside, sitting on your lap, imagine!) Everything they put on TV is based on ratings, and this show was in the basement. Gutsy move to continue on AMC's part. The Holy Grail of the questionable ratings game is to reach the 18 - 49 "demographic". Can anyone who is now say 18 - 25 relate to the time period and computer history as depicted on this show? Do they hope to hold this audience with the random gratuitous sexual encounters between Joe and the Blonde or Joe and some random guy?

I'll be there.

Hope the extremely funny "Silicon Valley" comes back soon, speaking of computer shows.

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Suits! I said SUITS! Talk about your monster cliffhangers!

You fans know what I'm talking about, if you saw s04, e10. If you didn't...oh man, you're gonna be knocked right over! When can we discuss this? I'm still shaking! I can say no more.

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Suits! I said SUITS! Talk about your monster cliffhangers!

You fans know what I'm talking about, if you saw s04, e10. If you didn't...oh man, you're gonna be knocked right over! When can we discuss this? I'm still shaking! I can say no more.

Agreed. What legal (plot) acrobatics leading up to--well, can't wait to see, but it'll be a while . . . .

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Just watched the latest episode of "Rectify". And I was wondering: if Sundance TV had not renewed the show, how would viewers have responded to that specific ending of the show?

Riots, I'd say, riots in the streets!

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Good things happening right now: The Knick; Outlander; Rectify (last episode of current series on now, alas.)

Great old stuff coming back soon: The Blacklist! Person of Interest! Justified!

Any word on a premiere date for Season 6 of "Jusitfied"?

Season 5 ended in April this year. So, I guess it will take a few more months until we see Raylan Givans for one last time.

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Suits! I said SUITS! Talk about your monster cliffhangers!

You fans know what I'm talking about, if you saw s04, e10. If you didn't...oh man, you're gonna be knocked right over! When can we discuss this? I'm still shaking! I can say no more.

Agreed. What legal (plot) acrobatics leading up to--well, can't wait to see, but it'll be a while . . . .

Waited for this moment, now I will watch back-to-back. Grateful that nobody "spoilered" the show for me. smile.png

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It's so hard, not being able to talk about the last two episodes of Suits! How long should we allow before it's OK to discuss this radical departure from all that has gone before? There must have been blood on the table in those last few writers' conferences.

Writer A: Oh No! We can't do that! People would never buy it! It's completely out of character for what we know of "X".

Writer B: Man, that's exactly why we have to do it! People are getting bored with the thing between M and N. Sam Fuller said you've got to get the viewer's attention by pulling him up out of his easy chair, slap him around a little bit and say Hey! I'm talkin' to YOU!

Writer A: Sam Fuller's dead, and he never graduated from the Iowa Writer's Workshop, like I did. And he wouldn't have gotten hired to write for Suits. I say we should...


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Ray Donovan...

Several times on the show, Ray's brother Bunchy has referred to himself as a "sexual anorexic." I always laughed when I heard him say it, thinking it was some wacky s--t thought up by one of the show's great writers. But I just looked it up, and not only is it a recognized neurosis, the concept has been around for over thirty years!

Check it out, if you care.

And where did they get the wonderful character actor who is now Mickey's across the hall neighbor? He almost steals scene away from Jon Voight, THE scene stealer of this series.

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I sometimes get nostalgic for old TV series... A while back I downloaded a bunch of the Dragnet episodes from the 60's... A couple days ago I had a hankering to watch the old US series named "Northern Exposure"... Found all 6 seasons on a torrent site and have been enjoying them this week...

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Suits! I said SUITS! Talk about your monster cliffhangers!

You fans know what I'm talking about, if you saw s04, e10. If you didn't...oh man, you're gonna be knocked right over! When can we discuss this? I'm still shaking! I can say no more.

Safe to say that you got Litt the &lt;deleted&gt; up as well ;)

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Since I don't get out much anymore I depend on the TV shows and T-V on-line as a method of keeping my mind busy !

Except for The Amazing Race & Survivor , I think most reality shows are a load of CRAP....The SyFy Channel needs to Change its name

with all their Reality Programming , they should call it The Oxymoron Channel ! There are many really great shows and I use


as my WEBSITE to help me keep track , it really has developed into a good way to keep abreast of what ur watching and what Episodes your on !

So for now here is my current Favorites : Best summer replacement category:

The Strain..... which is kind of like The Vampire meets the Ebola Virus

Rush....a Doctor who does House Calls for those who can't afford going to Hospital and pay out their ass , so to speak , for his service !

Continuing series I enjoy:

Covert Affairs.... Good-looking CIA field agent with a kick !

Perception...... mental health problem-ed PHD assists the FBI , solve cases , sometimes of people with mental Health issues !

Masters of Sex......based on MASTERS & JOHNSON's Sex studies in the 50s and later ,which helped Sexual Revolution take place!

Falling Skies...no not Chicken Little , but we had a Alien Invasion and the fight goes on !

The Last Ship....Kind of like Ebola meets the movie ON THE BEACH !

Matador....a football player who is a Federal agent , fighting drug Cartels & virus searchers !

Outlander ...based on some Novels ,so far,so good !

That's enough to get you started , I watch all my shows on-line , you have to figure the right buttons to push but www.delishows.co

is one of my sites with all the links.the Home page gives you the daily load up of programs you can link to , usually 3 sites and external links to a few more....The BooB Tube was never more FUN !

Edited by TheWizardofRnR
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Ray Donovan...

Several times on the show, Ray's brother Bunchy has referred to himself as a "sexual anorexic." I always laughed when I heard him say it, thinking it was some wacky s--t thought up by one of the show's great writers. But I just looked it up, and not only is it a recognized neurosis, the concept has been around for over thirty years!

Check it out, if you care.

And where did they get the wonderful character actor who is now Mickey's across the hall neighbor? He almost steals scene away from Jon Voight, THE scene stealer of this series.

Yes old mate's pretty damn funny playing the hippy-stoner-old-school-bank-robber role, but when Mickey has moments of clarity it makes me feel sorry for his neighbor..

Somewhat predictable, but current episode did provide some much needed direction...

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Good things happening right now: The Knick; Outlander; Rectify (last episode of current series on now, alas.)

Great old stuff coming back soon: The Blacklist! Person of Interest! Justified!

Any word on a premiere date for Season 6 of "Jusitfied"?

Season 5 ended in April this year. So, I guess it will take a few more months until we see Raylan Givans for one last time.

No release date as yet mate.

Will be interesting to see what they have in store for Raylan and Boyd.

My favourite of the new shows.

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Forgot to mention : RAY DONOVAN,,,,he tough Boston guy , being a tough -goodhearted thug with a big family in LA !

EXTANT with Halle Berry....Alien meets Robokid , CBS being stupid Suits and may be cancelled ,just as it gets interesting !

The Fall line-up starts back next Month with what looks like some good new shows and returning of some real good ones:

Blacklist....James Spader as a wise man who turns on his criminal pals !

Fall Previews at:


The September Premieres & Finales :



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Forgot to mention : RAY DONOVAN,,,,he tough Boston guy , being a tough -goodhearted thug with a big family in LA !

EXTANT with Halle Berry....Alien meets Robokid , CBS being stupid Suits and may be cancelled ,just as it gets interesting !

The Fall line-up starts back next Month with what looks like some good new shows and returning of some real good ones:

Blacklist....James Spader as a wise man who turns on his criminal pals !

Fall Previews at:


The September Premieres & Finales :


attachicon.gifdownload (39).jpg

Very helpful links! Thanks a lot!

Usually, I am on tv.com but that is exactly what I was looking for. How did you know??? Has to do with your name, right?

Thanks, highly appreciated.wai.gif

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Morning boys and girls...

Here's a new show that took off today - Legends - looking at the preview it looks like it could be quite good.. A cross between 24 and Jason Bourne...

Thanks for that one, I just watched it, and I like it too. I loved the Bourne series, and I also loved Sean Bean in Ronin (though many years ago), and he plays that rogue mercenary-cum-brain-washed government agent role really well.

The accent is a bit of a sticking point though, he's one of those guys who could never get an American accent, and it's good they don't force the issue with it in the series, making up some back story that he was an American raised in the UK or something.

Looks like it has great potential! thumbsup.gif

I liked it too. He does screw up the accent pretty often, but I can forgive that.

Watched it tonight, quite liking it off the bat... The screwing up of the accent's part of the gig I think...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Chimpy and I caught up with the first episode of Legends tonight. Looks like it could be a good series. Couple of surprises in episode 1.

I also like Ali Larter who plays the Crystal the handler. Just my type of blonde.

Caught the first two episodes of Legends...promising new series. Hope Sean Bean doesn't die half way through like he does in other series/movies...

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I sometimes get nostalgic for old TV series... A while back I downloaded a bunch of the Dragnet episodes from the 60's... A couple days ago I had a hankering to watch the old US series named "Northern Exposure"... Found all 6 seasons on a torrent site and have been enjoying them this week...

I occasionally watch The Twilight Zone, esp when reading in the Thaivisa forums remind me of it.

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Very helpful links! Thanks a lot!

Usually, I am on tv.com but that is exactly what I was looking for. How did you know??? Has to do with your name, right?

Thanks, highly appreciated.wai.gif

Sidereel looks good. I've often thought i should keep track of where I am in certain series

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