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Somewhat informed questions about which type of visa is best

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I've done fair amount of reading on the topic, so I hope I'm not redundant in any way by posing these questions here.   I will be traveling to Cambodia at the end of this month.  I would like to get a long-term visa, and the idea is to set myself up to live and work there.  I plan on getting the E regular visa at the airport, and then finding an agency (any recommendations for who to use are welcome) to submit for the EG visa.  That buys me six months.   However, I am aware that things can sometimes be arranged for an EB if you can find a willing expat or local business owner.  I am also aware of the crackdowns on work permits.   SO, that leaves me with the following questions - looking for input:


How simple might it be, and where might I look, for someone willing to effectively vouch for me as a business associate in the hopes of obtaining and EB visa?  And on that note, would this involve a work permit, typically, or was this a plan that only worked before they started cracking down?  If the work permit is a whole separate matter, how likely am I to find local employment (I will be in Siem Reap, and do have a strong background in hospitality, as well as other fields) that would offer a work permit (I have a U.S. passport)?  


And maybe you can add at the end, based on your input, whether you think I'm best going for the EG visa, and then looking to convert that to the EB once things get moving, or if I should find someone to sponsor my attempt at the EB and go straight for that?  I would suppose there is no harm in doing the EG and converting to EB, so that is my safe bet, but if I can go right for the EB, maybe that's best?  And on that note, am I more likely to gain employment there with one visa over the other, or is that just a totally separate matter?  Would either visa make a difference as to likelihood of obtaining a work permit?  


Thank you for the help! 

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hi, the visa changed lately but you will at least want to

get a business visa on enter, so you can contact a fixer to make a proper extension

once you are inside. the tourist visa can not be extended

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Not at all easy to find a business to vouch for you for the EB visa unless they are actually hiring you. And there is the WP to consider as well.


Come in on regular visa, extend to EG for 6 months during which time look for work.


For agency to do the extension, many people (inc. me) use Lucky Lucky Moto on Monivong.

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