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Junta to mark coup with video on achievements


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1 minute ago, PatOngo said:

I'm really looking forward to the achievements they will claim for education.......definitely little to write about in that field!

While I agree with you, it doesn't mean there won't be anything written. It was only a couple of weeks ago the Supreme Saviour had his 'achievements' mentioned in the latest version of school history books.


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11 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

It will be a very very short video. 


Correct. The have been no successful achievements other than reducing the number of Lamyai twerks. Plenty of Pinocchio promises and plenty of FAILS but never any outcomes. Typical example is the much touted high speed trains....all 7 of them. Apart from a boozy celebratory occasion way back for turning the first sod for the China Nakhon Ratchasima - Nong Khai link nothing has happened; not a thing. It follows the usual pattern of all the PM's grand ideas. Big public announcement and PR roll-out and then.................nothing, absolutely nothing!

It is either that or if something does happen you can bet it will be a total balls-up. e.g. registration of foreign workers.

Edited by Cadbury
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6 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

Now a smart junta would make it into an afternoon soap !

It is already a soap: the 'achievements' of the junta are as unreal, fantastical and imaginary as any Thai soap opera on television (with Prayut playing the role of the evil, ugly ghost that is obligatory in Thai soap operas!).


Edited by Eligius
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12 minutes ago, Khun Paul said:

it will be short, however I will have seen longer ads for Durex, which are far more entertaining I can tell you !!

I can think of one word that is common to both. However, I won't post it as I don't want to get banned.


Edited by bluesofa
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Please dont be too dismissive of their achievements. In 2014 not long after the coup, I noticed the awnings of Phuket business's overhanging the pavement by more than the officially allowed distance were all cut back by order. A few buildings near the beach were demolished also. Now the people are happy and united.

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- Nearly won the lottery war

- Made a park with top of the price range palm trees and statues.

- Got some new microphone at government house for about a week.

- Promoted top brand of watches to improve the trade.

- New buses deal, cancelled, new buses deal again

- Submarine deal buy 2 get 1 free.

- Jailed some teenagers for speaking their mind.

- Banned a book and sandwiches (now the female community is all confused as the wives cannot make sandwiches)

- Mushroom pickers and facebook posters/sharers have been jailed 

- Democracy plaque has been restored as it should always have been.

- the list goes on....


This is going to be an awesome video.. At least 3 hours.. :cheesy::guitar:


Edit, nearly forgot..

- Nailed the case in Ko Tao and got the 2 burmeses.

- Got Andy Hall out..

- 2-3 records songs...


man, there are too many of them, achievements, can't list them all... 


Maybe that movie will need a Part II: Prayayut Supa Achievement, the Return....

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18 minutes ago, Oziex1 said:

Please dont be too dismissive of their achievements. In 2014 not long after the coup, I noticed the awnings of Phuket business's overhanging the pavement by more than the officially allowed distance were all cut back by order. A few buildings near the beach were demolished also. Now the people are happy and united.

Absolutely, Oziex1 ! I had a similar experience: a few weeks after the coup, the motorbikes for sale outside a motorbike shop near where I live were pushed back further into the forecourt than usual, so that they would not obstruct the pavement, as they usually did (I saw a policemen, obviously acting on 'higher' orders, telling the shop owner to do this). Literally one week later, however, all the motorbikes were back on the pavement, obstructing the pedestrians again as normal - and they are still there today.


Thanks, junta. Great, enduring achievement!


Edited by Eligius
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On 10/05/2018 at 8:36 PM, Happyman58 said:

No, it will be a short video because it is about all there achievements they have done so it won't belong. Question How many deputy PMs does Thailand have? Are they on the same money as the big deputy PM with all the watches?

To be fair a short video should do it: I once read a science fiction novel set in a parallel universe about a country where the ruler achieved godlike status, and all that was required was about 15 still photographs that would glide across screens with catchy narration thrown in for good measure. 

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4 hours ago, SABloke said:

To be fair a short video should do it: I once read a science fiction novel set in a parallel universe about a country where the ruler achieved godlike status, and all that was required was about 15 still photographs that would glide across screens with catchy narration thrown in for good measure. 

Yes, SABloke. And this science fiction story (ahem) reminds me of what happens in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, where everywhere people go, they are gazed down upon by huge pictures of their leader, even from the sides and fronts of buildings, which are adorned with the leader's portrait. Imagine that: giant pictures of Big Brother from numerous buildings across town.  But as you say - that could not happen anywhere  - it is only fiction, after all .....

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