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Worries arise over brimming dams even before start of rainy season


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11 minutes ago, Oziex1 said:

So now we understand the value of the submarine purchase.

Yes, rescue purpose seems to be a great idea, but an even better idea (IMHO) would be to use them to ship criminals overseas AS DECK CARGO. :smile:


Tks Oziex1 for your prompting.

Edited by lvr181
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4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

thailand can build dams but cannot manage them; obviously highly capable 'officials'


Sadly, as with all things, it's ostrich management. Bury head in the sand and hope any problem goes away! Risk analysis, preventative maintenance and management, thinking about, planning for and dealing with tomorrow's problems isn't required as everyone only thinks about today!


As long as those at top won't be inconvenienced of affected, and they won't be, then all is well.

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1 hour ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

I've been talking about this with my gf, well not exactly the OP but related. 
What is Thailand going to do about the elephant in the room, that happens to be the fact that Bangkok is sinking. Not only that, but the capital city has sea levels rising to the South. Within 15-20 years it could literally have constant water in areas that it doesn't have now. 

Typical Thai thinking is not to fix something unless it's broken. There is rarely ever planning and foresight into such things, so who is going to step up and tackle this issue, if anyone? If nobody does, well it looks like the capital city is going to be like a chaotic Venice before long. If Bangkok is submerged, so is the economy of the entire nation. It cannot fund itself on rice and tourism alone, Bangkok is a major hub of business and economy 


What is Thailand going to do - absolutely nothing. They aren't thinking about or worried about problems next week. 15-20 years - not even in their horizon!

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3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

As further re-assurance the NCPO announced it had exercised its power to set up the National Water Resource Management Office, which would oversee policy to ensure integrated water management.

See, all fixed!

???... he did indeed... but wasn’t he referring to integrating fishbreeding with rice growing, such that rain or shine, the people would have one crop or tother?

well people... time to start sowing fish, v rice.

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1 hour ago, uffe123 said:

My house near dong muang had fish swimming in my bathroom during the last flood. Get your boat ready as they are not going to let the water reach Bangkok like they did last time. They will sacrifice all the outlying areas of Bangkok, let it flood, only peasants living there.

There may be some truth there uffe123 , but wasn't it the last big wet that all those fancy cars got drowned in BKK basements. It will be no good the PM doing a Canute thing BKK will always get flooded whatever he does.

I am expecting to see Big Joke appearing in a submarine somewhere though.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

“I am sure that under the unified water management plan of the National Water Resources Office, our efficiency to deal with irrigation management and flood prevention will be significantly improved,” he said. 

Sounds familiar !


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

The data also revealed another shocking fact: five medium-sized reservoirs had already exceeded their maximum capacity and these dams were ready to overflow at anytime.

??? I think the revealed shocking fact is in the confirmation that the water authority doesn’t know what they are doing.


which is good.....  or at least better than denial


anyhow... I’m as bad as them.... last year I said I was going to set up a zodiac sales business for seasonal sales and rentals... but I didn’t.

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So having decided 50 Dams/reservoirs are already so close to maximumum...... would it not be sensible to drain some off early? The bottle neck always seems to be how much water can be alowed through Ayuthaya and the Choa Praya. Too much in one go and Bangkok is swimming. Get rid of what you can now. Or is this the annualSpring cleansing mechanism nobody talks about used to shift excrss garbage and clean out the Klongs and canals coz somebody spent that budget on submarines?

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1 hour ago, outlaw11wa said:

So having decided 50 Dams/reservoirs are already so close to maximumum...... would it not be sensible to drain some off early? The bottle neck always seems to be how much water can be alowed through Ayuthaya and the Choa Praya. Too much in one go and Bangkok is swimming. Get rid of what you can now. Or is this the annualSpring cleansing mechanism nobody talks about used to shift excrss garbage and clean out the Klongs and canals coz somebody spent that budget on submarines?

The peasants will get edgy if you let them go knee deep for several months. So, they keep it bottled up and then let it rip head high, they'll be too busy to complain just trying to survive.


Deforestation, too few dams, tropical country .. it's rinse and repeat. Only question is will it be worse than 2011, stock up non perishables anyway, shelves will be empty after a few weeks of sustained flooding.

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16 hours ago, webfact said:

authorities claimed they had already learnt from past mistakes

Hmmm, now let's see; did they learn that a dam as full as the dam in the picture will definitely overflow if the rainy season is wetter than average or have they not learned anything at all?

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13 hours ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

I've been talking about this with my gf, well not exactly the OP but related. 
What is Thailand going to do about the elephant in the room, that happens to be the fact that Bangkok is sinking. Not only that, but the capital city has sea levels rising to the South. Within 15-20 years it could literally have constant water in areas that it doesn't have now. 

Typical Thai thinking is not to fix something unless it's broken. There is rarely ever planning and foresight into such things, so who is going to step up and tackle this issue, if anyone? If nobody does, well it looks like the capital city is going to be like a chaotic Venice before long. If Bangkok is submerged, so is the economy of the entire nation. It cannot fund itself on rice and tourism alone, Bangkok is a major hub of business and economy 

What do you suggest?

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11 hours ago, natway09 said:

Good old Thai Visa commentators obviously have all the answers & can make water go uphill.

It is a very complex issue folks & as so much of the plain is at or below sea level making it impossible to pump away should the full moon coincide with a flood.

As to the water being let out of the dams ,,,,, OK do that,,,,, & then it does nor rain much over the rainy season

no water for your shower, then hear the squeals      Dammed if you do dammed if you don't

I guess for many it is the first time they have lived or visited the tropics. Dry seasons and wet seasons folks...get used to it.

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The famous words of Anna Bligh...then Premier of Queensland, Australia...'Brisbane will never flood again due to the Wivenhoe dam'.....well that didn't go as planned did it!!! 

Similar story...try and hold water to feed the city after a drought...then stuffed up when the rain was forecast and let it basically overflow uncontrolled.

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So when does the educated engineers at the dams let some water out?  When the dam is at

110 percent  or 120 percent full, or do they wait for the breach then just repair the huge

hole? Just curious of how they learned from their past mistakes?


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